• Breaking News

    Sunday, September 1, 2019

    ArcheAge It's fine to wait for release, it's also fine to pre-order

    ArcheAge It's fine to wait for release, it's also fine to pre-order

    It's fine to wait for release, it's also fine to pre-order

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 06:28 AM PDT

    Doubting things is fine - great even when it comes to shady MMORPG promises (Black Desert Online, Archeage under Trion, Bless Online, Star Citizen, Ashes of Creation).

    Just always keep in mind, the company is a __company__ . It's not your friend or someone who will do things because they like you or to necessarily appease you. Their number one priority is your money. And that's fine, that's how companies work, that's more or less the only reason they exist for. So If you see all those arguments claiming "Give Gamigo a chance" or "Gamigo has a lot of P2W games under their belt so they are lying" , they are both naturally flawed.

    Facts are :

    1. Refunds exist. Especially through Steam you can get a full refund, in many occasions, even after 2 hours of gameplay.
    2. Pre-Ordering won't give anyone a head start, and only contains cosmetics. So for someone who doesn't care about the particular cosmetics that are offered, they will get the same thing if they buy the game after release, or pre-release.
    3. There will be queue times, 100% guaranteed. You don't need to be able to see the future to know this. Especially if the promises Gamigo has made are upheld. So waiting a few days isn't a bad idea IF you want to avoid queue times.

    That's it. If you worry about pre-ordering, I hope this helps out.

    In the end you should simply do whatever you want, it's just a game. Really, you shouldn't worry about it that much.

    submitted by /u/AmIJustAnotherPerson
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    FAQ - ArcheAge: Unchained [Updated 9/01/2019]

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 10:52 AM PDT

    Patch 6.0.2 Changes

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 03:32 AM PDT

    Yeah I know we haven't even received 6.0 but it's right around the corner, but here's some news and badly translated about 6.0.2. I didn't see this one here anywhere so figured I'd put this up.

    1. New factions!

    So apparently you'll be able to switch to a possible two other factions. Anyone and everyone will be able to join these two factions. The first faction is the Hermits of the Moon which will be an alliance with Nui. The second faction will be Pioneers of the Sun and it will be allied with the Harnian side. These factions will have access to their allies quests, npcs, ect,. From what I understand this faction can form raids but not guilds. It essential is the guild.

    These are the symbols of the factions: https://i.imgur.com/xR6QTgM.jpg

    These new factions have limited space, the limit is based on which current nation Haranya or Nui is stronger or weaker. The weaker the faction the more space is open in the faction. This allows anyone to join for instance Haranya citizens can fight against Haranya to help Nui and balance the PVP in the world. Determination has already been laid out in the 6.0 patch notes on how strength and weakness are determined.



    A restriction is in place to prevent constant switching, you can only switch factions every 2 months. There is a reprieve from this if one nation suddenly becomes too weak a Council (and I'm not sure what defines who's on the council) can send a request to previous members of the faction to return to the faction. If they do so, they are rewarded with a helmet (gem?) giving 240 resilience to pvp attacks.

    Item: https://i.imgur.com/abk2p6Q.jpg

    Anyone can join these new factions: Pirates, Nui, Haranya. Pirates can do a quest to exit the pirates regardless of how much criminal infamy they've accumulated and join up. Slots to the factions update weekly.

    2. "The Afterlife"

    So apparently "The Afterlife" is a story based instance a solo one at that. You must be level 55 and have at least an 8000 gear score. You are given an NPC combatant to assist and you can choose it's role: tank, damage, or heal.





    NECKLACE: https://i.imgur.com/hJAq1Rd.jpg


    Synthesized characteristics of the epic-grade version of the necklace:

    • Strength 22
    • Strength of spells 13

    Synthesized versions of the necklace in the rank of the era of legends:

    • Effectiveness of healing 33
    • Add. spell skills damage 2.6%
    • Stamina 70
    • Tactical training (?) 1095.

    3. New chain quest and new ring.

    The quest chain adds a new ring to the game it can not be worn with Akhium or Inister ring. The quest is in the Hidden Vally.



    The ring in the rank of relic with fixed characteristics has:Endurance 40;Reduced damage taken by 2.5% (yes it's a reduction!);Critical Resistance 600;Resistance to attacks in pvp 420.

    Ring in the rank of the era of legends (maximum rank) with synthesized characteristics has:

    • Ignor. resistance 1200
    • Stamina 40
    • Add. damage of skills in ranged combat 3.5%
    • Add. melee skill damage 3.5%.

    4. Awakened Efene

    So I'm not 100% sure of these translations apparently this is a jewel that can be awakened. This new tier 2(?) Bizha will have 2 secondary characteristics and also higher stats.





    5. Miscellaneous

    They have added the ability to view equipment in game. We can now look at all the sexy underwear options.



    So basically you can use mannequins of various races to view the equipment on. Currently, only Nuyans are available but more options should appear in the future.

    Other things

    • Closing the Ernard Library
    • In Arenas and possibly other locations of PVP, sleep, horror, and sphere duration has been reduced by 40%. Healing duration has been increased by 30%.
    • The fines for PCs have been increased.
    • Fixes to castle content.


    • Triple strike with earth attribute: The attack range has been reduced to 4 meters with one-handed and duel weapons.
    • Spell Theft: The amount of buffs you steal has been increased.
    • Instinct of survival(?): Under the Trance, the duration has been extended by 30 seconds.
    • Spirit of Vengeance water attribute new combo with seeds of corruption. The seeds now apply to anyone under the effects of spirit of vengeance.

    Take this all with a bit of salt cause I'm not sure how well translated this is.

    submitted by /u/Volomon
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    Looking for Oceanic players in Archeage Unchained

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 08:35 AM PDT

    I'm looking for Oceanic players/groups to progress with and hope to start on the same server.

    If you're out there, let's play together~

    Edit: I'm planning to play as a healer

    submitted by /u/CrazyHappyYou
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    Magic Attack Offhand/Obsidian Weapon v2

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 09:45 AM PDT

    Its been quite a while since i play Archeage i stopped a bit before Hasla weapons were released and planning to come back for unchained.

    My main question is for a dual wielding mage are there any offhand weapons that offer magic attack other than obsidian dagger?

    I keep reading conflicting information about being able to craft obsidian weapons, if obsidian gear is no longer craftable are there any alternatives (Hiram, Library, Crafted) offhands that offer magic attack?

    submitted by /u/mynyan
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    How good is archery

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 11:19 AM PDT

    you see the title. Which classes you recommened with archery and how is it right know with hiram gears.

    submitted by /u/Kyuraht
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    Updated in game map of land plots?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 06:16 AM PDT

    Does anyone have a resource for a printable map with marked land plots?

    submitted by /u/Kclepp
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    How serious is the three account limit in AAU?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 07:15 AM PDT

    Hello, I was a player during the beta and early release of AA and I am coming back for AAU. It seems like everyone is happy with everything except the new trade system and the fact that you can have up to three accounts. Some people are calling this p2w and saying that "altage" is still here. I don't remember feeling like I was hampered by not having alts when I played. How are you handicapped by using just one main? I saw on the AA forums people saying that you use up your labor in 2 hours farming hiram gear and can't do anything else. If I don't have three alts am I really going to feel like I'm screwed if I play semi-hardcore?

    submitted by /u/Manletlivesmatter
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    Thoughts on weather?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 10:40 AM PDT

    Lets forget about the lag and recent problems for a moment...if there was weather, would it add to the game or take away from it? Ex 1: if you are out on the ocean, and a storm comes rolling through, huge, choppy waves, tossing around your ship... Ex 2: if there was storms inland too, you wouldn't know when they'd happen or where, but they can water your plants and help animals like ducks or fish(ing) be more productive. Personally, I'd imagine the lag would be horrible, but in a perfect world (minus the lag) what are your opinions on this kind of thing?

    submitted by /u/Fuzzysox25
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    Weapon questions

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 08:58 AM PDT

    1) Do weapon passives still exist? For example the nodachi crit, greatsword parry, axe leech/heal? I hear a lot of people say different things.

    2) if they do exist, how much does the 2h spear reduce/penetrate def and how frequently it procs? It just seems like best option if it works.

    3) is there any point in tempering your bow if you play a mage or melee?

    4) should you start tempering your main hiram weapon as soon as you get it? I heard it costs less but don't know for sure

    5) do skills that disable "left hand weapon" mean if a player has shield on, its almost as they're not wearing it for the duration of the skill? Does their block drop to 0? They still receive the def bonus?

    Thanks for the answers.

    submitted by /u/TwistItBopIt
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    Revenant frontliner build advice

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 12:39 PM PDT

    Hi there!
    Will make a revenant on Unchained, which stats should i aim to for everything?
    Consider i will also grind alone sometime so would be nice to deal also some damage but not sacrifice too much survivability for big raids PvP

    Thanks everyone who will help!

    submitted by /u/Kemicaloid
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    Looking for group at AAU launch EU side

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 12:25 PM PDT

    Hello everybody! I am planning on starting over on AAU on the EU side when it launches, i have a bit of experience in AA legacy way back from alpha, played it a ton then quit some time after release, and i recently came back to AA legacy.

    levelled 2 brand new characters up to 55 (west and east) and worked on some hiram gear got me to a decent GS lvl, but when AAU was announced this felt like a better choice for me to play on, sooooo im looking for a group to start out together, East or west i dont mind, just to create a group for the lvling process, maybe a guild down the line.

    doing quests together is more fun anyways! and we can probly do it faster etc.

    let me know here or send me a msg on discord if you wanna group up: Wacko#2917

    submitted by /u/wackojacko1222
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    How is the loot progression in this game?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 08:24 AM PDT

    Is it like Elder Scrolls Online where you never really get better gear except better sets and combination of items or is it more like WoW where you can farm higher itemlevel gear with every larger patch and expansion?

    submitted by /u/V4ldaran
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    What's the current melee gear meta?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 12:04 PM PDT

    Stating the obvious, slashing weapons (e.g. katana) target leather armor, which appears to be quite popular on mages, and the go-to option on archers. Nevertheless, high gear score players seem to prefer crushing (axe) or piercing (shortspear/sword) weapons, targeting plate armor.

    As someone returning to the game, I'm wondering what the meta on the current patch looks like. Is plate armor widely popular with both tank and dps melees, resulting in melee players choosing crushing/piercing weapons? Wouldn't a slashing weapon be the better all-round choice, considering the higher total number of players using leather armor? Or are plate users just too hard to kill without crushing/piercing weapons?

    submitted by /u/Rangedor1984
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    Community Discord - Unchained

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 12:22 AM PDT

    There is a community discord going around for unchained. Full of cool people willing to help catch people up on 5.5 to 6.0 archeage strategies.


    Come join us!

    submitted by /u/ReThrowaway13
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    Copying PTS

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    Does this still work and im just doing something wrong? It still wants to download 15g even tho i did copy the files prior. If anyone has a tip id gladly take it.


    submitted by /u/Annareth
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    Archeage XL Games Office Drama

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 03:45 AM PDT

    So thought this was interesting. Reported on 7-11-2019. XL Games 'Akiage' was fired for excessive punishment in Archeage. On the 5th of that month, XL Games announced on it's official website that they had enforced strong disciplinary action(s) against employees and anyone related to the drama within the game. It also promised to be more diligent with enforcing the management system and strengthen the security training for employees to prevent this from ever happening again. Sounds very similar to what Trion was accused of doing years ago. Though they never did anything about it.

    The incident began with user reports. The players themselves suspected employees of XL Games, which led to concerns about conflict of interested and unnecessary intervention and even the leaking of updates in the works to individuals. XL Games indeed identified an employees personal account.

    This is very interesting to me and I thought I'd share. The idea of people in charge of the game taking advantage of the management system to harm players isn't actually anything new. Trion has helped whales, for instance, keep high-level equipment, houses, and everything else in the past. However, I don't believe those people are still employed.

    However, seeing that this happened two months ago it doesn't bode well for the possibility of it happening again.


    submitted by /u/Volomon
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    what ever happened to Oranthul ?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 10:50 AM PDT

    Opinion to Blightcaster in 1v1 or small pvp

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 06:59 AM PDT

    What is ur opinion that this class? Ty

    submitted by /u/Furies993
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    Im torn on wether to get preorder or wait a month or two after release.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 02:36 AM PDT

    Im still skeptical about AAU. I want to buy the preorder but the inner voice is telling me to just buy it a month later and see how it goes. Its gon kill me not to play a fresh new AA with promise of no p2w abuse. How do you guys tell your self that this time might be the right one?

    submitted by /u/pasteldaddy
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    Does it have a height slider

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 06:10 AM PDT

    Does it tho?

    submitted by /u/LyssabeDamned
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    Leveling in unchained

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 09:52 AM PDT

    I'm looking for some good end game pvp builds for a caster style gameplay. I saw a good video on banesong from 5.5, is that still good? Also looking for a good leveling build. Ty!

    submitted by /u/TheoneRagecakes
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    Can a TANK do a good Damage??

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 05:26 AM PDT

    Can a tank do nice dps? i search a tank for 1v1, arenas and small pvp, cand recomended me class? i think a Bligther can do a good job :/


    submitted by /u/Furies993
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    Played i think 2 years ago, classes

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 12:36 AM PDT

    I used to play Primeval and really liked it, what i liked the most about the class was the fast atacks of the endless arrow skill, i think that's the name. I remember getting rekt in pvp by darkrunners all the time, not sure how is the class right now but i rly liked endless arrows

    I also liked Paladin a bit but never got much into it, just the idea of being a healer and a tank while doing good dmg was awesome

    From what i read people suggest a melee class nowadays right?

    is there like a youtube channels that goes in depth on each class?

    submitted by /u/OvidiuHiei
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