• Breaking News

    Saturday, September 28, 2019

    ArcheAge New Prison stuff: Killed 1 person, 97 mins (no jury), CANT CHAT (only /s), Labor for Prison + Infamy reduction..

    ArcheAge New Prison stuff: Killed 1 person, 97 mins (no jury), CANT CHAT (only /s), Labor for Prison + Infamy reduction..

    New Prison stuff: Killed 1 person, 97 mins (no jury), CANT CHAT (only /s), Labor for Prison + Infamy reduction..

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 12:11 PM PDT

    Unviable PK system.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 02:16 PM PDT

    Unviable PK system.





    I'm testing the media server, and I have bad grades for PvP fans, or PVP PK is absurdly punishing.

    Me and dozens of my Guild players are really discouraged by the change, today on Media Test Server I tested the PK system.

    There is a big problem, PK is unfeasible, there is no reward for stealing a pack, or competing for a PVE Spot.

    I will report something that happened to me on the Media test:

    I did a PK test, and got 50 Criminal Points.

    After that the Crime Debuff, the guards instantly arrested me as they passed next to them, with no Purple or Bloodlust on.

    I was arrested without reacting.

    1 kill = 36 minutes

    I thought the way they had said to reduce jail time would be fair and that would shorten my jail time, but to my surprise I came across a system of decreasing time by spending high amounts of Labor.

    Like for example:

    Killing mice: Reduces the time trapped for 3 minutes, but the cost is 50 work per mouse.

    Digging Earth: Reduces downtime by 60 minutes, but costs 500 jobs.

    In other words, those who did PK, liked to Pirate or killed a troll fairly, are unable to progress in the game. Lose hours in jail or spend all your work progression.

    submitted by /u/RTSDuel
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    What Can We Do As A Community About Request Completion Tickets In Unchained?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 10:45 AM PDT

    Hello people of r/ArcheAge

    Request Completion Tickets Are Currently in Unchained

    As many of you may have seen through posts here on the subreddit, the diligence shop items and prices were revealed through the media PTS currently going on. Overall, I am happy to see many items migrated over to the diligence shop and that the cash shop is free of pay to win items. However, one item in particular made my heart sink a bit upon seeing it in the diligence shop, for 5 diligence at that. This item is the request completion ticket. For those of you unaware, a request completion ticket is an item that allows an individual to craft items without needing the required proficiency. As you might be able to imagine, this has tremendous ramifications on the heavily player driven economy that made ArcheAge such a unique MMO experience.

    Here's What Request Completion Tickets Do

    For those of you who would like proof as to this item actually circumventing the need for proficiency, I recently logged into legacy and tried these tickets out for myself. Here is a screenshot showing I lack the required proficiency to make unbound tax certs. Here is my listing at the community request board where I go to use my request completion tickets. Finally, here is me getting the tax certs without having enough proficiency. As you can see, a request completion ticket allows you to bypass the proficiency requirement for any crafted item, even those that would ordinarily take famed proficiency.

    Community Response to the Item

    As a returning player, when I first saw this item, I was genuinely shocked as to how such an item could make it into the game. ArcheAge has always had a strong community component into the core of its design, as you needed to rely on others in order to achieve end game goals. The proficiency system was a large component of this. Each player had a certain number of proficiencies that they could max out, and if you wanted an item that required a proficiency that you lacked, you had to rely on other players in order to obtain such an item. This built a strong community presence to the game, and supported the player community driven design of ArcheAge.

    After hearing about this item initially, I made a post here on this subreddit asking about what the community opinion was as to this item. I posted a survey at the end of my post asking if people wanted to see this item in Unchained, and the result was an overwhelming (91%) no.

    What Can We Do?

    This brings me to my primary question of this post. What can we do as a community to bring about change to a game that so many of us love? Gamigo has said that they are listening and that they want to make the changes people want to see to ArcheAge: Unchained, so how do we get them to hear us out? I don't know what the proper method is for getting their attention. I've tried reaching out on discord and that has fallen primarily on deaf ears. I don't have a sizable audience as other content creators do, so I can't pursue that avenue. Additionally, I realize that the sample size for my survey is less than ideal, but I believe that it shows there is a strong negative opinion regarding request completion tickets in Unchained. I genuinely believe that the economy and overall state of the game would be greatly improved by removing this one item, and I've been shown that many other seem to agree. My question is what can we do to possibly bring about this change that the majority of people seem to want?

    submitted by /u/Alithnul
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    Unchained: what server are you going too? POLL

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 03:12 PM PDT

    Hello, posting this straw poll to see if we can get some numbers on the servers.


    submitted by /u/Ziggypopx
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    ArcheAge 6.0 - Elf Female Character Creation

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 01:05 PM PDT

    Diligence Shop & Marketplace on Unchained Media PTS (missing few pages)

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 03:12 AM PDT

    If anyone else was confused about the archepass

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 02:43 PM PDT

    On the media PTS right now there's 4 paths for the archepass, I'm not sure if the 4th is a one time thing as a like tutorial or something, or if it'll be permanent but here's the breakdown

    Basic Archepass + Premium upgrade
    -this one is free, and the premium upgrade give gilda stars THIS UPGRADE COSTS IN GAME GOLD, NO CREDITS.

    the other 3 passes all have a basic reward track that gives diligence, labour, regrades etc AND a paid version that's cosmetic only. All the paths have different exp bars as of right now.

    submitted by /u/SuperHighVoltagez
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    PTS Credit Shop

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 03:38 AM PDT

    Archeage Unchained 101 - Media Server Quick Fact Checking

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 08:33 AM PDT

    Archepass Vocation, Combat, Equipment (and Basic) rewards with some extra info

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 07:48 AM PDT

    Can't buy aa: unchained

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 01:51 PM PDT

    So I've tried to buy the silver chainbeaker pack because I'm really excited about the game but I can't.

    Your PayPal account is registered with a different country than the account you are currently using. You must either change your account country, or choose a PayPal account with a matching country.

    Any ideas? How can I change my account country? Never happened before.

    submitted by /u/OdalynMoon
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    Class picking

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 03:02 PM PDT

    so I am new to the game and just now started, I have decided to go with warborn (they look badass) What is the best class to go for this race? battle rage or sorcery? I like to do both damage and or tank or would I go with something else? Or does the race just straight up suX? help me decide :(

    submitted by /u/Ryuhanzoo
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    Is there any healer build that's actually viable in 1v1s?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 04:31 PM PDT

    Greetings adventurers,

    I'm a returning player who used to play argent/paladin during the good old cursed obsidian spear times, and I liked being able to swap from being a pure healer in group oriented stuff to being a self-sustaining tank for 1v1s. It wasn't the best pick for a class but it was fun and I could do 1v1 arena when I was bored or run around the world without having to worry that I'll run into someone who wants to pick a fight with me. That's no longer possible so let me ask this: is there currently (and perhaps in 6.0) any healer build that can win a 1v1 at least somewhat reliably if played correctly? Or will I be better off going for a darkrunner/ebonsong/spellsinger and leave healing to others? Thanks for any insights you're willing to offer.

    submitted by /u/Silfay
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    Error in joining PTS?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 11:26 AM PDT

    So to put it simply, I was given the code and instructions of the Unchained PTS today in an email. I followed all the instructions perfectly, put in the code, installed the game, and everything was going great. Until....

    I launched it.

    For some odd reason, I was met with Error code #1020. It could not find 'launch_game.exe' I believe was what it said.

    I reinstalled the game and this time that file was present. Great! Everything should work now, right?


    Now I am receiving a windows error, stating 'This App can't run on your PC,' which is confusing since I've played quite a lot of the live game on this PC. That windows error is then followed simply by; 'Error code #1020' with no other explanation.

    I searched online and could not find any solutions. Is there any solution? Any help is greatly appreciated, and before anyone says anything, I've also already sent an email regarding this issue to the Archeagecreators email but I assume it'll be awhile before hearing from them. Thank you again! I would greatly appreciate any kind of help in the matter, for I yearn desperately to play the PTS.

    submitted by /u/quack_e
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    Upgrade account tier

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 04:02 PM PDT

    So I bought the silver unchained pack. Is there a way for me to upgrade the pack to gold/archeum tier? Adding the pack to cart charges full price and there is no submit a ticket request for Gamigo.


    submitted by /u/CustomFile
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    Two handers vs Dual wielding

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 10:55 AM PDT

    Hello guys!

    I would like to start a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of dual wielding and two hander weapons.

    I have gathered what I could, please let me know if I got anything wrong, add any more info you have, and let us know what you prefer and why.

    My main concern is Songcraft, which can disable your left hand weapon for a long duration, and it seems to be a fairly popular skill right now.

    Since I have not played since the launch in 2014, my knowledge is fairly limited, so please take the info below with a grain of salt.

    Two hand pros:

    • Costs less (Hiram XP is ~125%, but everything else is halved comp. to DW)
    • Two hand buff: 1 meter extra range for melee, 2 for spells, 5% damage, -7% cast time, +50% shield penetration rate
    • More damage but slower attacks (more cooldown and mana efficient?, better for burst)
    • No left hand disable

    Two hand cons:

    • Less gem (and lunafrost) power when fully gemmed (1.25X or 1.5X when/if buffed)
    • Slower to pull off combos
    • Doesn't work well with Swiftblade
    • Less stats

    Dual wield pros:

    • More gem power when fully gemmed (2X)
    • Dual wield buff: +177 more attack speed (less global cooldown, faster to pull off combos, better sustained damage)
    • Works better with Swiftblade
    • More stats

    Dual wield cons:

    • Costs more (can skimp on tempering if not using Swiftblade)
    • More mana hungry?
    • Left-hand can be disabled by Songcraft Dissonance (Ebonsong and Bladedancer are popular right now, you also lose parry against Ebonsong)
    submitted by /u/cpt_davee
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    Shadehunter vs stone arrow

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 09:15 AM PDT

    I am pretty torn between these two and dont really have a way to test them in the free version, I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on the pros and cons of the two, in the past I've mainly been involved in small scale pvp but since hiram is a thing now I need to be able to farm as well, I think both classes would be a viable choice and good in 1v1 situations but any input would be greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/8675309wastaken
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    Goals and advice for Unchained

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 01:27 PM PDT

    I am an off and on casual player, thinking of making pots and gems while doing exploration and fishing with family. I was ebonsong, but am considering going healer or tank for the new game.

    My questions are:

    what gear should I focus on, and which stats (I am assuming the healer/tank hybrid is not viable anymore)?

    I am guessing the strategy of sticking to quests is still the best way to level and get the parts needed for land?

    If I have other players in my household, should we all focus on getting land in the same area, or does that matter?

    What are opinions on 2-3 toon teams for dungeon farming? I had healer/ebon/tank before, but want to get away from ebon/archer

    Thank you for all input

    submitted by /u/jrogers0922
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    Comprehensive Healer Guide

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 06:26 PM PDT

    I drafted a (giant) healer guide for healers in upcoming AAU. Most of this is focused on heal-heavy builds for PvP.

    It's still a rough draft, and I will be editing it based on 6.0 PTS testing. For the most part, I do not have information about 6.0 changes included yet.

    I do not have certain items listed in the gear build section since I do not yet know if they will be on AAU. I will confirm on PTS and adapt the guide as necessary.

    (Example items: Cruel Glory Sash, Shadow Warrior Shadows)

    Comment or message if you have questions!


    EDIT: I have started a list of things to add to the healer guide. If you have something you would like to see in it, let me know!

    Things to add to the guide:

    -Suggested Farming Builds


    submitted by /u/Grootster
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    ArcheAge Unchained Refund

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 04:18 PM PDT

    I preordered the game but I just saw that you can buy it on Steam when it releases.

    Is it possible to get a refund in this situation?

    Do someone have a link to there support that deals with this stuff?

    submitted by /u/V4rg3n
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    Pre order issue?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 10:07 AM PDT

    I just pre ordered my copy of AA:U. I recieved an email afterwards that was to download Glypy.

    However after I click the link, it just leads me to the trion website news section saying "not found".

    Am I supposed to download glyph for Unchained or is it a separate client all together?

    submitted by /u/potatoparadise
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    Is October 1st's PST on for those that pre-ordered or is it for everyone?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 12:14 PM PDT

    Pretty much the title. Want to know if I need to pre-order to be able to play on the 1st.

    submitted by /u/Jake1122
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    Are you able to change the appearance of individual gear items or are cosmetics limited to full body costumes?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 08:05 AM PDT

    ArcheAge - Haunted House Challenge

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 06:37 AM PDT

    Questions about tanking

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 07:37 AM PDT

    Is a dedicated tank required for late game pve ? How does tanking differ in pvp vs pve? Can you use the same gear sets?

    submitted by /u/Dangslippy
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