• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 31, 2019

    ArcheAge I'm not the brightest

    ArcheAge I'm not the brightest

    I'm not the brightest

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:30 AM PDT

    Class and Gear Distribution Survey

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 01:49 PM PDT

    Hi all. Some of you might not know me, but I'm the owner of Omnom.gg, a site dedicated to high quality articles for the game. We're conducting a survey regarding class and gear distribution, and will be posting the results sometime next week. Please help us out by filling this brief form out:


    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Diet_Fanta
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    Price of Expansion Scrolls to be reduced from 50 to 30 Diligence Coins - Reimbursement incoming

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    Hey you there, new player. Yeah, you! You want some tips ?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 05:08 AM PDT

    1/ After Reading this post, i highly suggest you forget about this sub. This Reddit are full of salty veteran that just want their old 2014 archeage back. People will always complain in here because of that thought that we will never get thoses fonds memories back (myself included)

    2/ this game is not designed like any other mmo, most of its infos Comes from online guide updated by players that have played for years. This game was meant to be discovered in the old fashion way where you had to experiment even if it meant totally screwing you over. But dont worry, type any infos you want to know about online and you'll mostly find it. (Pay attentions to the date). Never Come here (Reddit) to Ask questions as most people will just find a way to complain.

    3/if you are casuals , stay like you are ! I Always seen people telling others "if you cant play a lifetime and sell your soul on ebay, you'll get behind". Of course you will but dont interpret this as "you will be useless". In legacy for 3'5 years i played a healer, Always under the average Gear that competitive players had, and never had any problem surviving fight, hell i never had any accessoiries for almost 2years (look up archeage teddycrew on youtube or look here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7UICVJeDKI&t=5s you'll see for yourself). Yes i had a cheesy class that made me tanky as fuck, but once you trully know how to play a class you Can overcome a good GS.

    4/ DONT PAY ATTENTION to the ranking system This was a shit system to be added. Before that happened people rarely complained about being behind people because aside from some high Gear people, we never KNEW what was the gear average because Gear werent rated... so that someone could have been in an arcane buff with a mythic weapon and you couldnt tell if he was undergeard or not (if gear check disabled)... And this rarely impacted early phase of the game.. we just didnt Care too much. Also a high GS does mean something in 1v1 but doesnt mean shit in 10v10 if your mates are retards. Being high GS doesnt give you immune to control and heavy debuff like Armor penetration. (Just sleep the guy and go for his mates).

    5/Hiram is a very good catch up. Yeah you'll never get to someone that has a T3. But Hiram is less unforgivable than crafted Gear was as anyone Can level it up ..but also the tier gap arent that huge. ( Compared to what it used to be with crafted Gear) You really get a decent Gear at T1 that make you relevant for any mass PvP. Also there is a softcap meaning that someone ahead will face a wall and will not be progressing much. While you will tier up faster until you reach his point.

    6/ dying is not the end of the World. This is not some Wow where fight last long.. it never did in this game meaning that if you make a small mistake on using your skill or caught unaware, you're probably going to die. But dont overthink it, you will also get your share of oneshoting people.

    7/ enjoy the damn game. Archeage is still full of things to do. Do yourself a favor by playing the way you want and not stress over a myth that you'll be able to go top gear. There a few spots up there and you probably arent fit for that. If you really want to matter on archeage, make yourself known, become a faction hero (as nowadays they have a lot of unique features) and that's just one example.

    8/in this game knowledge is power but also companions are. This game was designed to be played as groups and not like a solo type game such as gW2. Find a community with whom you Can fit and you'll see that the game just opens way more than you being by yourself.

    9/dont rush things as you'll just burn out. It already happened for some people and we are only 2 weeks in. The game will even out by itself (and this Come from someone that got through heavy p2w and apex dupes). Yes there will be people far far away in the leaderboard but who Cares ? One bubble or any other CC and this Guy is as useless as anyone else

    10/ you are not the only one playing casualy ! This Reddit makes it feel like everyone is going hardcore on it, truth is most people are on your Gear level and progressions. 1k GS of difference isnt gonna make someone unbeatable.. now 3k will be the right number.

    All in all, play this game for yourself. I am myself a huge fan of competitive PvP , but here i am enjoying my little housing area that i will spend Time decorating for 0 benefit except the fact that i love doing this ... Let the hardcore be hardcore, let the casuals be casuals, this game is forgiving , way more than it used to be.


    submitted by /u/lunilii
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    AA Down?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 02:44 PM PDT

    My glyph says NA is down, any1 else having this problem?

    submitted by /u/YoloSwagImaBabe
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    Pfft... not like I needed that gold anyway.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:38 AM PDT

    Gamigo, please provide information on your launcher.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 08:17 AM PDT

    I'm getting tired of having to dig through social media everywhere and all the misinformation to find out what's going on. You have a launcher that funnels everyone through the same point, so why aren't you using it like every other company does to communicate to its player base? Please just stop posting tweets and discord messages and just update your launcher with what is going on, whether it be planned down time, maintenance delays, compensation rewards, feedback, etc.

    You want to communicate better with your player base? Doing this is such low hanging fruit and would do wonders for the average player. I say this because I live with two average players. They had no clue why the ArchePass disappeared and what they did that caused that. They also had no clue of the several hours of delays for downtime yesterday or of the upcoming compensation for the ArchePass.

    tl;dr: Please communicate better with your own tools.

    submitted by /u/Wylthor
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    Haunted House

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 12:12 PM PDT

    "Exploit" Enable ArchePass

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:01 PM PDT

    "Exploit" Enable ArchePass

    Everything you see from the following post are bullshit :



    I just compared the files concerning the scripts of the archepass dating from two weeks ago and those of the update yesterday.





    There is no difference. XLGames have disable the Archepass directly from the source code, you cannot re-activate it.


    submitted by /u/kotori95
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    An observation of the trends here

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 02:43 AM PDT

    Glyph launcher play button

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:15 PM PDT

    My Glyph launcher NA play button is grayed out. No idea why and can't seem to change it. The EU one is fine though. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Talltoddie
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    when you're turning in 5 gilda specialties and accept a raid invite to say howdy to your fellow greens

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 11:51 AM PDT

    Anyone else genuinely enjoying the game?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 04:58 PM PDT

    Just hit 4300 gear score and actually enjoying the game despite all the spiraling anyone else feeling the same?

    submitted by /u/kegster34
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    Make Premade Arena Teams queue against other teams, not solo queue teams.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 02:04 AM PDT

    What happened to trade packs?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 11:40 AM PDT

    I preferred the trade pack system where you could craft packs in any zone and turn them in in any zone, with more reward given for traveling farther distances. I came back to do the casual farming + trade pack gameplay that I remembered, but it's totally different this time, and I'm just not enjoying it like I used to.

    Am I wrong in thinking there was nothing wrong with the old trade pack system? Do you guys prefer the new version?

    submitted by /u/ryanv09
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    PSA: You get a full set of cloaked hiram gear after completing a certain amount of hiram dailies

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:54 AM PDT

    I noticed that a lot of people don't know or are confused by this, but you can find out more about it if you go to your achievements window(V by default) -> General tab -> Adventure - > Quests/Completed -> Scroll down a bit to look for "Masterful Voluntary Hiram Guardian"


    Hiram dailies:

    • 1 at diamond shores
    • 1 at sungold fields
    • 1 at exeloch
    • 1 at reedwind
    • 3 at western hiram mountains
    • 4 at eastern hiram mountains (not 100% sure if this counts, but it would be weird if it didn't)
    submitted by /u/minosura27
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    When you realise how many people bought accounts the last few days to cash in on that juicy 300 diligence

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 09:38 PM PDT

    log in servers down

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:32 PM PDT

    log in servers down

    Log in servers down for AAU 3:20 PST on Oct 31st 2019..... submitting a ticket is a pain, and can't register to forums...

    After yesterdays debacle, what is going on?


    submitted by /u/Famulus57
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    Tip on solo grinding for farmers

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 02:50 PM PDT

    If you use your labor and gold for farming or anything else and didnt upgrade after the hiram gear, use a leveled pet with a 20g set from the stablehand. My sabrecat can solo most non starred units while providing tons of help for starred ones. Makes getting purses or infusions or whatever youre farming much easier if youre solo

    submitted by /u/Adri3899
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    Thunder Dash

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 02:30 PM PDT

    thunder dash was my favorite mount in the old AA but it seems you cant get in AAU is this correct because you could get it from honor shop but it not there not even the base mount

    submitted by /u/DeadlyAsh2310
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    I fucking love this emote

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 04:47 AM PDT

    So when are they going to answer people's support tickets... its been weeks

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:04 PM PDT

    Meanwhile it only took few hours for them to unban people.

    And no one on their official discord are able to do anything about it. It's just sad, just how many support staffs do they have? Less than five?

    Sorry for ranting here. I just don't know what to do anymore.

    submitted by /u/SapFromPoharan
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    Am I crazy for rushing my construction to 230k prof to sell tax certificates?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 11:05 AM PDT

    I did the math and it would take like 4 months using 75% of my labor but I'm thinking I'll sell them for a bunch once I'm able to craft them. I'm a new player so is this something I can legitimately do or is there some catch or people don't buy them?

    submitted by /u/bakedchickenisbae
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    Playing with Friends and Queue times

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 02:46 PM PDT

    I'm trying to gauge people's opinions on this because I'm becoming a bit lost as to where I should go from here.

    I bought this game initially because I wanted to play with a group of friends (about 30ish people). They were all able to create characters on the Wynn server and get in day 1 to play. I had work and various other things that prevented me from doing so. Character creation was locked before I could join. 5 days later character creation opened up, but queue times sat at nearly 2 hours. It's still at about 2 hours queue time, and this means that if I get home by 7, wait to hours and start playing at 9, I have about an hour of playing a day. That's if I want to spend my time waiting in queue instead of doing something else (waiting 2 hours every day to play a game is just not worth it to me).

    This isn't me trying to complain. I mean.. I am complaining, but this is a problem I totally understand, and it's one that I don't think there's a good or immediate solution to. Very populated servers often times have a queue time in MMO's, and this one is no exception (though 2 hours seems a bit longer than most). Mostly I just want to know what you all think. If you were in this situation would you try to join your friends, or would you join a different server? Do we expect queue times to stay relatively high for the next several months? I knew very little going into this game, and pretty much only got the game because I expected to play with this group. Now I'm weighing my options, and trying to figure out how to enjoy playing this game in a different way than initially intended (I really, REALLY enjoyed the few hours I did play with my buds).

    submitted by /u/ChoopAdoop
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    HELP Can anyone post how is this dance? Dance: Wiggle

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 09:33 AM PDT

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