• Breaking News

    Monday, September 2, 2019

    ArcheAge We need some advertisement to call people back, to build up some hype!

    ArcheAge We need some advertisement to call people back, to build up some hype!

    We need some advertisement to call people back, to build up some hype!

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 04:53 AM PDT

    This is Archeage (PvP nostalgia)

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 01:28 PM PDT

    Me today after discovering that Archeage is releasing a NON-PTW version.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 07:06 PM PDT

    AA:U release date its beyond genius!

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 01:27 PM PDT

    I dont know about if this was indeed, but everyone knows that mostly players you drop off Wow classic after one month, and that will be exatly at AA:U release and if Wow do good at streaming too, streamers will search for other MMORPG's to play and here we are again.

    Pros to Gamigo, at first we could say they know about marketing

    submitted by /u/jimmyslol
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    All swiftblade skills explained with footage

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 07:55 AM PDT

    Fix Fishing In Unchained

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 03:08 PM PDT

    I'm not coming back unless they make fishing spots timer based again. Limited fish per spot killed social fishing.

    submitted by /u/BikestMan
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    Black Desert Online player who wants to try out AA:U

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 07:30 AM PDT

    Can someone with experience in both BDO and ArcheAge tell me the biggest differences?

    Ill start with 4 questions, you could add more.

    1. Is there min and max prices in the Auction House in ArcheAge like in BDO?
    2. In BDO you have manual looting or pets that auto loots for you, How does the looting work in ArcheAge?
    3. In BDO player to player trading is very limited, how is it in ArcheAge can you for example trade wood for gold?
    4. I love to fish, how is it in Archeage?

    As mentioned above please add more useful tips if you want.

    submitted by /u/At0m11c
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    Are Blockades Still Allowed?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 10:54 AM PDT

    Hello people of r/ArcheAge

    I haven't played ArcheAge since about the time of the Morpheus fresh start server. Back then I remember that there was a bit of a debacle regarding the concept of road and bridge blockades for trade routes. As I recall, the community managers/game masters decided to implement a rule that made blockading an offense worthy of a ban. Personally, this decision never fully sat right with me. The reason why I wasn't a fan of this decision was primarily because it limited the sandbox element of the game. Blockading was something that was entirely possible to do given the mechanics of the game, so to prevent people from doing so through community guidelines seemed to go against the sandbox spirit of ArcheAge. I would love to know the stance on this practice prior to diving into Unchained when it goes live.

    I understand that the trading system has had a massive rework and that these blockades are probably no longer effective, but I have also seen the livestream that talks about discussions with XL about reworking the trade system to something more akin to the older system.

    My question is simply is blockading something that is permitted again, or is it still an offense worthy of a ban?

    submitted by /u/Alithnul
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    State of social aspect of Archeage

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 04:04 AM PDT

    I've been playing Archeage two times - Alpha + some later relaese of 2.0 or so. I must say that b2p version is all that I ever wanted to come back to the game and I'm glad it finally is there. I started to research Archeage and there's a lot of stuff that has changed since then. It would be cool if some veteran could share few cents in matters that were the most important for me in archeage and maybe for some peeps as well.

    1) Open world pvp - I've read that XLGames made so many changes that it is nearly to non existent right now and there's no reason to do it.

    2) Trade packs - is this still a thing? Going around with packs was a reason gankers and world pvp existed.

    3) World bosses - still a thing? Are they still in open world so the enemy guild can gank?

    4) Dailies - anyone who played WoW knows that dailies is actually a best thing you could do to turn it into chore simulator. With new ArchePass being driven by dailies I'm kinda afraid it will suck. Were there dailies at some point in Archeage? Are they handled properly?

    5) Arenas - I remember having a blast on 5v5 arena however there was no ranking and it was purely done for fun. Did it change?

    6) Gear - Is there just a BiS gear that you are suppossed to get and stick with or does the game offer several different viable builds for every class?


    submitted by /u/Hoshee
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    New player questions any similar classes to magic dk in teso?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 04:10 PM PDT

    Any recommended class combinations for something like a tanky sword and shield with magic?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/gagoko0087
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    Glyph and Steam players can play together or segregated?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 03:24 PM PDT


    Maybe im not using the right words to search online but I am not finding the results id like.

    Does anyone know if Glyph and Steam players play together or is it segregated?

    submitted by /u/Maelas84
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    Alpha player returning for unchained

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 11:37 AM PDT

    As an alpha player, I've had my fair share of classes, a fair share of updates, events, mess-ups and laughs. But most of all, I've tried and tried so many classes but I never found another one like blighter and abolisher, they were the thing I liked. Powerful, a bit tanky and as mobile as you can be.

    With unchained being launched quite soon, my hands have begun to itch again and I'm ready to dive in once again. I'm just really unsure about what I should play this time, since I don't feel like jumping in on the same class, the same experience and just bail on the game since it's just the same as all these years ago. I'm wondering what you guys are up to and what your recommendations are. I love the fast-paced combat, love the looks of a big ass sword or a fancy shield on my back. most likely going for a shit ton of PvE and some PvP along the way but most of it will be PvE.

    SO! I've been looking at Outrider, sounds fun but didn't get me too excited. Had a Primeval at lv. 45 once kinda got bored of kiting and stuff. What would you guys suggest and what plans do you have?

    submitted by /u/Tosfera
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    NA Server Location For Unchained?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 03:19 PM PDT


    Curious if anyone knows. Just recently got stationed in Hawaii and I'm trying to get a good feel on what I can expect my ping to be. (I'm running about 550Mbps down to my place, granted, I know that ping is significantly more affected by distance and hops).

    submitted by /u/kynriv101
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    Archeage Unchained gearing

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 02:46 PM PDT

    I played a little bit of Archeage a couple of years ago and wanted to know what you think would be the best way to get geared in Unchained, I remember I was really into tradepacks and leveled basically from 30 - 50 from jist that and then I was way too far behind in gs and quit not long after that. I really don't want to make this mistake again and want to know how I should get gear and what is the easiest, like would it be a good idea to level gear crafting along the way or would it be best to use dropped or quest gear?

    submitted by /u/Jorlyg
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    Steam preorder

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 04:53 AM PDT

    Do we have any info about steam realese. I wanna preorder from steam . Do you guys think it will come to steam something like 20 september so we can preorder or there wont be any preorder from steam ?

    submitted by /u/Kyuraht
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    LFG for Unchained (not hc player)

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 09:39 AM PDT

    Title, EU

    Returning player, trying to get a bunch of friends to come back with me

    Might play on launch, but will focus more on weekends overall, won't be hardcore grinding like the classic players are right now, but know enough to level at a decent pace

    have discord, can make room in a server as well if we feel like it

    hit me up _^

    submitted by /u/Solus_94
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    Melee tank

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 12:48 PM PDT

    What are the more common melee tanks nowadays? I haven't played in a long long time. Last I played was a Blighter and Abolisher. Are those any good still? What about doomlord and skullknight?

    submitted by /u/TJ505
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    end game ? unchained version

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 08:44 AM PDT

    so i wanna try the new archeage unchained version when it comes out but i want to know what is new ? i played when the game first came out and then again 2 years ago when they opened a new server but it was massively P2W so i stopped playing early and left the game.

    I want to know how many new classes there are now in the game ?

    what is end game like ?

    are there any new races in the game ? (last one i saw was some dragonkin type of race)

    what is end game like ? how many dungeons are there and is there any raids at max level ?

    what is max level now ?

    how is the trade runs, last time i played they was heavy nerfed ?

    is there anything new to do in the game other than trade runs ? (kind of an open ended question i know)

    submitted by /u/nemeinn
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    Any news about removing continent locked races?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 11:59 AM PDT

    All my friends want to be Warborn, but I don't want to be any of the races on their side. Any idea if the races are going to be no longer bound by the continent you're on?

    submitted by /u/disllexiareuls
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    Anyone else having trouble pre-ordering Unchained?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 05:31 AM PDT

    Title. I've tried numerous times over the last few days, same thing happens to a few friends of mine. Just curious how many other people are having trouble trying to pre-order, and if anyone's found a workaround!

    submitted by /u/HyperionOrange
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    [AA: U] Question about endgame PvP gear

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 11:28 AM PDT

    No one knows for sure... but I'd like to ask the veterans what they think the endgame PvP gear scene will be like? For instance, right now, the economy is so borked that everything is overpriced... therefore it's very difficult to get the gold to actually buy endgame gear and can easily take many months! However, I imagine that in AA: U, things will be a little different, no? I guess, I just looking for someone to do their best to paint a picture of how things may unfold come the 30th of September and beyond.

    submitted by /u/RedditPlebbian
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    PvE Gear

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 11:15 AM PDT

    Hiram armor seems to be more geared towards PvP, is there any merit in having a PvE set for regular PvE activities? or will Hiram gear suffice?

    submitted by /u/mynyan
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    DISASTERCODE returns home. Sneakpeak of whats to come for ARIA OuO

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 02:48 PM PDT

    What expect from AA unchained?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2019 10:43 AM PDT

    Hi there.


    I see no advertisments. Found news about b2p without labour pots/rice/etc literally accidentally. No one of my friends know too.

    So what about population, we will have another ded server after 2-3 month?

    Another q about equip. When i play last time, it' all just about upgrade wep to at least celestial in first month and take dungeon set (i played as bard/healer), and after complete this my gear have no changed for next 2 month except costumes. So all this grind quests and non-top dungeon drop still useless?

    About farms. Did they create pattern for planting, or i must again use macro for boring farming?

    About trade, carry them in peace zone still profitably? Or we can have another way to increase wealth?

    submitted by /u/FGjhhgk
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    AA:U for a more casual player?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 10:17 PM PDT

    Hey all!
    I'm really excited for AA:U. I played during the beta and launch in 2014. How playable is this game if I only buy one account? I'm also able to play like 15-20 hours per week probably, so I'm wondering if that is enough.

    Also since I haven't played in 5 years I have no idea what's going on in current Archeage. I'm not sure what class I played but it was very popular and was able to stealth, maybe Primeval? Anyway is there some kind of resource for returning players? A detailed update log of all versions?

    Thanks alot!

    submitted by /u/iAmTho
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