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    Thursday, October 24, 2019

    ArcheAge As a casual player new to AA

    ArcheAge As a casual player new to AA

    As a casual player new to AA

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 03:18 AM PDT

    I think more blame needs to be put on XL

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 11:14 AM PDT

    I'm sure this will get a ton of downvotes, but please hear me out.

    Aside from the whole unban controversy, the majority of the blame needs to be put on XL.I personally think Gamigo have done a fantastic job with Unchained so far. (like I said, besides the Ban wave/Unban wave.)XL don't provide their publishers with tool kits, Gamigo can't fix these issues themselves without having to wait for patches from XL in Korea. Everything needs to be translated and i'm sure a bunch of other things need to be tested.

    A lot of people don't seem to understand this.

    Screaming at the CMs in the Discord that you want a bug to be fixed, or that you want the Archepass removed or you want the old trade pack system back (which I personally am a big fan of please bring it back). It won't do any good. XL have to approve everything.

    Just my two cents on the whole matter.

    Just to clarify, I'm not saying don't let Gamigo know what you want to be changed, they've said time and time again that they're looking to us for feedback so they can discuss changes with XL. Just be civil about it.

    The CMs and mods are people to, and it's easy to forget that when you're angry and looking at a screen. This is their job and they've gone on record to let us know that they play the game. I'm sure they're as fed up us we are.

    submitted by /u/overlord_king
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    Gamigo, let us move our PAID FOR packages if necessary.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 10:24 AM PDT

    I could not play on Wynn. I lost the ability to play with all of my less than hardcore friends unwilling to wait 10 hours a day in queue. The game was/is near unplayable for anyone with even a smidge of real world responsibilities.

    I have now restarted completely with my whole guild. We are very happy to actually be able to game together, but we have all effectively thrown our purchased packs in the trash.

    I will be continueing to play, but you are not getting another dime from me or most of my guild. Let us obtain the things we PAID FOR on characters we are going to play.

    This sentiment is likely shared by anyone that was forced to reroll, which is thousands. If you like making money you'll rectify the situation. Customers are EXTREMELY unlikely to ever spend money on a company they feel have scammed them.

    For fucks sake those servers are unplayable with queues + crashes combined. Do what is right here.

    Edit: Just to clarify, we have submitted support tickets suggesting support DELETE our original characters completely and let us have even some of our packs. Support tickets DENIED.

    submitted by /u/Nazori
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    Staying competitive means doing 6 hours of daily’s - and it’s not fun at all. Opinion of a player with top 20 gearscore ranking.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 06:11 AM PDT

    Edit: A lot of people seem to not understand the intention of my post. My intention was to shed light behind the facade of the hiram progression system and to give my thoughts on how to change the system (and the archepass) to be more fun for everyone. I understand and agree that this game in its current state may not be the right game for me. I already made the decision to quit, I don't need you to tell me to simply quit. Also, some people seem to not understand that for people like me (and there are a lot of us), beeing „competitive" is what makes games fun. If you like to not be competitive and play casually, that's totally fine. But don't condemn everybody that tries so be competitive. I don't want to play farmville, I was here for the pvp and group content. Lastly, I don't cry about not beeing able to stay competitive or not beeing able to stay top ranked. I totally could while working my full time job (working long shifts with a lot of free time between) but like I wrote in my post, I don't want to do 3 hours of (for my playstyle) mandatory quests every day to be able to play the game it originally was supposed to be played - the way I (or you) want it to be.

    Sorry for the long post, thank you if you keep reading to the end.

    Tdlr: I am / was a top ranked player (4,8k gs - t3 weapon) and don't want to do 6 hours of daily's anymore. Keep reading if you want to know how long it takes to do everything you have to do and if you are interested in my opinion on how to change the system to a fun one.

    So I took some days off work to nolife the game with my buddies I played the original Archeage launch with. I hoped for it to be a game we would play for weeks or months. Today - after playing 18 hours a day since launch - going through the Worldboss bullshit were we didn't do anything for 4 days straight other than camping and farming WB (was no fun at all other than the pvp at sungold CR and Jola) - and doing every daylie possible since we hit lvl 55, we just realized how much time you have to spend every day doing things that are not fun at all, until you can start doing the sandboxy things the game has to offer. All of my buddies and I were in the top 20 gearscore ranking starting from day 3 to yesterday, we all have t3 Hiram weapons (no we didn't „exploit" nobody of us got banned or unbanned, I even tried to reroll the fkn WB quests the first few days but they would just come back and stay) and were / are in the top 10 hero rankings, so I feel entitled to have an opinion on the situation as somebody that min/maxed and did everything possible to stay ahead. Let me tell you what you have to do and how long it takes you everyday so that you have a chance to stay in the top 50 or even 100 gearscore ranking.

    First of all, you have to absolutely do all Hiram daylies. If you stay up until reset - which is at 2 am for me - and join the Hiram daylie reset Raid of the top 100 ppl of your server, it still takes you approximately 45 mins to 1 hour to complete the daylies only. If you only have a small group to do it it takes you double that time and you can't Solo the most important quests or if you can - that takes you indefinitely long. After that comes CR and GR. If you want a spot on the top Raid for those - you have to join early. So each of them takes a minimum of 30 minutes to do. Most of the time you have to do them a second time because you missed some mobs. Then comes the Golden Plains battle. 1000 free labour a day is just too much to miss out on. The battleground is only up for a total of 3 hours a day and takes 30 mins to do, if you even get the chance to do it. Those are the things you absolutely HAVE to do if you don't want to fall behind. That's a minimum of 2,5 to 3 hours a day. And you have to be online at specific or ungodly times. Then comes the things you SHOULD do if you don't want to start to fall behind a little bit later in the game. That's every entry ticket in every arena and battleground that exists. For example: you get an extra 3 x 5 radiant infusions from the 10vs10 arena (if you win all that is - still 5 if you lose all or 10 if you go 50:50). Takes you approximately 20 min to do each wich is another 1,5 hours. Add all the other arenas and battlegrounds and you have to spend another 3-4 hours on stuff you SHOULD do. Then there are family and guild daylies... And now comes to most frustrating part. After doing all the chores that are not particularly fun for 4-5 hours, you have to complete your 100 weekly archepass quests. You absolutely HAVE to do those because you get like 10 labour hammers ever second to third day or so. Don't even think about upgrading your gear without them. Let's say it takes you 10 mins per quest. That's 1000 mins or 16,7 hours per week. That's another 2,2 hours a day in the best case. (You will do some archepass quests while doing the rest of the daylie activities but others will take you 20-30 mins to complete.) So if you only do the absolute MUST quests and the archepass that's still 4-5 hours daily. Now you have to make some gold somehow. I want to be honest, I have / had an alt account for my farms and for processing. I only have one computer so I have to login and out between them. If I had 3 computers or if there was no queue, I probably would've had 3 accounts total. After having done all the chores on my main, I now still have to cop my logs and whatever other secret stuff you and I might've planted, process and sell it, which takes another 1-2 hours with the login times and queues. Im looking at a minimum of 6 hours of stuff I have to do but don't want to do before I can start playing the game the way I want. Then there is another 2 hours of content I SHOULD do but don't want to. And after that, my Guild now finally has Galleons and we should be able to to Luscas and stuff which means I don't even have the time to do my mandatory daily stuff if I want to attend. But my days off from work are over now and I don't have 6 hours every day I can spend on archeage to do things I don't want to. But if I wanted to still be somewhat competitive, I would have to spend atleast 3-4 hours a day not playing the game in a fun way.

    Now for my ideas how to change it to a fun game: Hiram gear was intended to be a catch-up mechanic and should not exist in our version of the game in the way it does. There shouldn't be Hiram DAYLIES. For our version of the game, those should be changed into weeklies. And I mean: do the same quest Rotation you do now ONCE a WEEK, but get 7 times the rewards for it. You won't have the gold and labor to use all of the infusions and scrolls all the time anyway. The closer we get to 10k gearscore, the slower people will progress because of the absurdly high gold costs anyways. Then, change archepass from stupid quests to 5 specific tasks: 1. gain EXP 2. gain honor / get PvP kills 3. gain / spend Vocation 4. use Labour 5. complete Quests / Dungeons / Worldbosses /events. Those should be up at any time simultaneously so that you can progress them all at once. The cut the gold reward for every mission - reward the exp task with additional exp, the pvp task with additional honor, the vocation task with additional vocation - the labour task maybe with small numbers of Server labour and only reward the last one with maybe 10 gold per mission. This makes it very sandboxy: You want to grind Ancestal levels? Make archepass progress on the way. You do a lot of pvp? Make archepass progress on the way. You play FarmVille / open a lot of coinpurses / upgrade your gear or do whatever else uses labour? Make archepass progress on the way. You get what I mean. This way, I would actually have time to do some dungeons / gilda daylies attend Guild activities and I could play the game the way I want.

    I won't and can't spend 6 hours a day in this game without even having fun or really having played the game.

    submitted by /u/Nerf_Riven_pls
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    Gamigo is reviewing the ArchePass system with XLGames and will provide additional updates after this review

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 03:04 PM PDT

    Just delete the archepass

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 08:43 AM PDT

    Just delete the f***ing pass and the game will be 10x times better

    submitted by /u/spatulerino
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    A letter to Gamigo: It's okay to be wrong, but it's not okay to be ignorant.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 11:42 AM PDT

    As a foreward, I want to thank gamigo and co. for reviving thousands of people's interest and hope in Archeage, a beautiful game that has held a special place in our hearts ever since 2013. Despite multiple 'fresh start' failures by Trion Worlds, we decided to give you (Gamigo) a chance with the hopes that you would publish and maintain the game differently than your predecessor.

    The ArchePass is necessary for your revenue, I understand that as a consumer and as a fellow AAA game developer. By structuring Unchained as a Buy2Play game, there needs to be some sort of continuous revenue stream or else your shareholders will give this project the axe. This point is what a lot of people don't realize when they are calling for the removal of ArchePass. However, they are not completely in the wrong. Maintaining a healthy player base means maintaining a happy player base which also leads to a paying player base. I have literally never met or seen anyone across any medium (official forums, reddit, in-game, twitter, streams, etc) that actually ENJOY the ArchePass. Please understand that.

    The fundamental difference between your version of a battlepass and other successful games' is that while others' passes reward the player for playing the game, your archepass makes playing the game the reward. Which essentially becomes another job. And for a game advertised as a sandbox with a deep and intricate player-to-player interactive system, your ArchePass completely clashes with the ideals of what this game was designed and advertised to be.

    Listen to your community and change the ArchePass system. It is inherently flawed to the way this game was meant to be enjoyed by players. Communicate with us, your paying players, better so that all three parties (you the publishers, the consumers, and lastly the shareholders) can come to an understanding of what kind of cosmetics or non-p2w elements/QoL improvements we would gladly pay for to keep the servers running and your bosses happy.

    submitted by /u/blatike
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    I miss how busy the ocean was back when Archeage originally launched.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 12:56 PM PDT

    It was awesome during launch week seeing all the docks on the shores of boats being built. It pushed me to want to build one myself as soon as possible. And then getting that clipper ship felt amazing and heading out to run trade packs was risky and exhilarating every time you saw another ship, or even heading out to try to steal other's trade packs in big groups and diving to the bottom of the sea to get them after killing the people.

    The sea and all that happened on it between the west and east was so damn fun, and I truly miss that.

    submitted by /u/Krypt0night
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    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 05:21 AM PDT

    PSA: For the newbies like myself: You can purchase Hereafter Stones on the AH for less then general vendor!

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 04:57 AM PDT

    Learning this saved me so much money lmao.

    submitted by /u/Cerianah
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    When your friend gets sent to trial

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 06:02 AM PDT

    2nd Exploit Will Kill Server

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 10:11 AM PDT

    The second exploit is killing the server. 500 gold, 6 labor pots, 90 diligence and or Honor per reset. People are doing this on multiple accounts and have 2 characters per account. This will kill the economy. There are videos explaining it already and streamers are going hard core on this. Think of it this way. buy 3 accounts and rotate 6 characters each day a week. It is depressing and is going to have people drop this game.


    submitted by /u/gdevilman
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    ArcheAge livestream starts at 10AM PDT on Friday, Oct. 25!

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 04:01 PM PDT

    Mobi Today at 1:00 AM
    Tune in tomorrow! The ArcheAge livestream starts at 10AM PDT on Friday, Oct. 25!

    Come by as we discuss launch last week along with feedback from in-game, ArchePasses, and more as we address community topics together.


    submitted by /u/numberlockbs
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    When you think all the exploits are gone now, but you start to see raids of alters level 30

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 08:39 AM PDT

    The only way this game has a chance to succeed is with good developer communication

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 04:35 AM PDT

    But because its XL, were fucked. Just look at how well Warframe, Path of Exile, etc are doing. Great community interaction.

    I doubt most of the major issues will be fixed, I doubt things will change drastically.

    They way the game is now, is not even close to what it was 5 years ago.

    I guess most people, me included, expected some sort of ArcheAge Classic, I didnt even know about all the changes after the original launch, rip traderuns.

    submitted by /u/Kinami_
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    Albion Online Battlepass

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:19 AM PDT

    Say what you will about the game itself but their "Battlepass" is one of the best I've seen and would translate perfectly to Archeage.

    For those of you who aren't aware, Albion Online is a sandbox MMORPG. They offer a premium service that grants you access to their "Battlepass" or "Monthly Challenge".

    The Battlepass consists of one giant bar you need to fill up for a big monthly reward (unique mount). Along the way, you unlock 4 smaller chests that award you with a small boost of gold, xp, resources and even unique furniture for that month. What you get from each chest is rng within non game breaking parameters.

    While you're able to unlock the big monthly reward as fast as you want, the 4 weekly chests are time gated by week until the month is over.

    Each day, players are offered a "daily bonus" which gives them a set amount of double points towards their monthly and weekly goals. Perfect for the casual player.

    The beautiful thing about this system is that EVERYTHING you do in game which grants Fame (XP) counts as progress towards your Battlepass. Crafting, killing mobs, gathering, farming everything counts towards it. The Battlepass in Albion Online is rewarding enough to pay for while still allowing players to play the game how they choose.

    Oh, I almost forgot to mention. Simply logging in and completing the daily challenge is all you need to complete the pass. For example, my farming alt was able to complete the pass every month by simply logging in and tending the farms as normal.

    I feel that this system is what the Archepass needs to be. Anything that Grant's XP or uses labor would count towards your weekly and monthly rewards. With the right rewards each week/month and a fair price, players would be more than happy to pay a monthly sub.

    With this system, we can go back to playing Archeage as the gripping sandbox game it was originally designed to be.

    Thanks all, have a great day!!!


    Monthly Battlepass that can be completed by doing anything in game that awards XP or uses Labor.

    One big reward at the end with 4 smaller weekly rewards along the way.

    Daily boosts that make it possible for the casual player complete the pass by simply logging in and playing the bare minimum each day.

    Makes the Archepass something to be excited about paying for rather than dreading it. Allows players to play the game as they choose with a little extra something to look forward to. This should be a reward and not a punishment. Only sick individuals pay for punisment...

    submitted by /u/Mcgrevins
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    Regarding the Latest Exploit

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 02:33 PM PDT

    As I write this, I've received word that Gamigo is very aware of the situation and that XL is involved and is working on a fix. Gamigo and XL know exactly how the exploit works (And not just the shitty version of it that Jason put out).

    I'd suggest for everyone to steer clear of abusing this exploit. If you're planning on making a level 30 and abusing the system, I'd suggest for you to not do so.

    submitted by /u/Diet_Fanta
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    A solution to the gearing dilemma: Let us craft unbound explorers and hiram gear, infusions and awakening scrolls!

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:59 AM PDT

    Think about it. This would promote enormous amounts of trade, build a strong economy and make crafting gear meaningful again. Bandaid fixes for the current wonky gearing system would no longer be required. If you mess up your quest reward gear or want to play another spec, you can just buy replacements from dedicated crafters. Put this in the hands of the players instead of firing blind with flawed system after flawed system.

    submitted by /u/Noxdus
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    Open your eyes

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 10:48 AM PDT

    Guys, open your eyes, realize that you wont be top tier anyway cause you have obligations in the real world, leave reddit and have some fun.

    Seriously, stop focusing about the 1% top players who are now richer cause you weren't going to be one of them anyway, instead have fun in the game, dick around with the harpoon clipper, get a house from where you can see great views and get to know your neighbors or just socialize. We were never going to be the chads of our servers, yet we are still in time to have fun and get to know people to share stories with them.

    submitted by /u/Vaporlaq
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    If the Archepass was changed to give more non-gold rewards instead of current gold rewards and a new server was started after that I would reroll in a heartbeat.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 01:33 PM PDT

    I see a lot of post about how archeage is no longer a sandbox...

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 03:17 AM PDT

    Well there you have it, the game that the desperate whinners wanted. Most of the things that got dumb down was because a part of the community was asking for it. The sheer of jealousy someone could have because he coudnt do things that someone else could was as high as salt levels during a ranked game of League of legends. So they asked for fairness despite that what people trully loved about this game was this unfairness.. its a Sandbox After all and that means that if you want to be on top you would need a good chunck of knowledge.

    Let me tell you some example :

    1/people complained about halcyona being unfair as this was never controled and one side could dominate the other >>> event got instanced erasing every interesting aspects that the original zones had.. emptying the map for an instanced type of gameplay. Also you cant even spot which dominant guilds could be on your server.

    2) people complained about freedich being camped by pirates and thus couldnt progress as they need Gildas to buy stuff >>>> merchant got removed and gildas Were moved to a series of daily quests, ultimately destroying the true value of the ressource.

    3)people complained about being pked and losing their packs >>>> removed a good Crime system and enforce punishment resulting in killing most of Guild rivalry and killing any kind of geopolitical mess WE all liked, which made whole Servers alive and where one's reputation was as important as one's gear.

    4)people complained about the heavy Rng based system of Gear for a fair and equalized one >>>> original crafting was dumbed down, killing the disparity in gear.. they introduced obsidian Gear which was less Rng but where you require some world bosses mats to upgrade. People complained about thoses mats being only accessible by dominating guilds>>> obsidian was removed for the Hiram Gear WE have today.

    5) people complained about regrading that also kept the disparity in gear (in an unfair way) >>>>regrade was made easier over the years and nearly disapear as of today

    6) people complained about being killed during traderuns (even tho safe routes existed) >>>> trading was rework to make safe routes as profitable as risky ones , intercontinental trades were dumbed Down in order to be easier to do, introduced ships upgrades that halved the duration of trips (killing the potential ambushs as you go) and making merchant faster than clippers.

    7)people complained about zones never going to peace >>> introduced an automated cycling system on some zones like halcy, and removed the player kills to be the only condition for zones to progress into Wars resulting the disparition of people killing each other to make a zone go to peace for trading reasons

    8)people complained about sieges being hold by dominant guilds >>>>> removed the old system where anyone could claim a castle or attack one.. it seems WE are getting a faction based siege where Heroes of faction Can make a raid to attack a castle and the castle (if taken) will fall under the faction rule instead of the guild ( as far as i know, could lack some details).

    9)people complained about not being able to join arenas due to fact that people were hardly doing them as the game was built for a more open World PvP >>>> introduced cross server arenas (that also kill rivalry between people as you dont know who you are fighting against if the guy is from an other server) , introduced more and more arenas to fit everyone taste...killing the open world and making people leave it in order to go for instanced zones.

    10) people complained about player nations and pirates to be dominant and only attract best geared people>>>>> removed the whole concept of player nations and made joining pirates not a choice but a race to get the few expensive slots it has now, making people not being able to solely play with their Guild being a guild vs the world kind of feeling .. forcing people into carrying their faction whether they like it or not .

    I could go on and on but the thing is that people Ask for equality and safety and this is what the game is today. AA was unique because it was harsh and unforgivable. And this is why we have fonds memories of it because our own decision so be it killing that poor Green Guy with a pack, regrading your weapon or going for a sea trade during War Times could result in >>> that poor Guy was part of a guild and so he called them out resulting in a fierce battle and rilvary between your guilds, breaking/upgrading your weapons making you months behind/ahead, being spotted by someone on sea and followed by 2 clippers so you had to decide what to do (call help from Guild/rush into peace/give up on boat).

    Anyways enough of me ranting, people just bring this onto themselves

    submitted by /u/lunilii
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    1v1 Arena

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 01:49 PM PDT

    Why is nobody talking about this?

    1v1 Arena doesnt work since release. Its the most important feature of ArcheAge to me. Please fix!

    (Also fix the dam candle quest thanks)

    submitted by /u/Gononas
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    Take down all the servers immediately and hotfix this exploit

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:22 AM PDT

    Gamigo you are destroying this game. Your decision making is failing. Fix this new exploit right now. This is beyond ridiculous. Literally every single person in my guild is abusing this right now as we speak and saying "Gamigo has already proven they won't punish you".

    submitted by /u/jwark
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