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    Wednesday, January 29, 2020

    ArcheAge So im a mage and really like boneyard .. any alternative to malediction?

    ArcheAge So im a mage and really like boneyard .. any alternative to malediction?

    So im a mage and really like boneyard .. any alternative to malediction?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 11:44 AM PST

    Currently playing a zealot (sorc/mal/occult) and only really have malediction for serpents glare crashing waves so that I can dps if/when I get someone in boneyard.

    Dont want to go fanatic just because im stupid and always fight the meta even though its meta for a reason.

    Just wondering do all AoE spells that are say ground target do full dmg to someone in boneyard? Is there a decent 2 or 3 skills I could use instead to apply DPS to someone trying to get out?

    Im sure malediction is the best to complement it, but wondering if any pros out there have tried other skills to do dps while others are in the cage? Im just dead in 2 seconds if someone is on me so just looking at options.

    Maybe i can just keep my bonyard and choose a mess of ground AOE skills? Im thinking they probably wont out DPS serpents glare though.


    submitted by /u/Greefer
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    Gilda Star Shopping Catalog? (unchained)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:55 PM PST

    Is there a list/Catalog out there with all of the things that you can buy in Unchained with Gilda Stars?

    submitted by /u/TheRealOsamaru
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    Non exiled pirates getting griefed

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 08:58 AM PST

    So my group of 5 pirates previously 20 on denistrious are getting screwed over from not being able to flip back to east/west because bruno is disabled. We are on KOS from a guild of around 30+ of 10k+ gearscore meaning we are getting kicked out of any content including DGS, kraken, leviathan, halcys, whalesong, aegis etc. Alot of my guys have quit the game because of the toxicity and the burn out of a civil war and the rest of us really just want to leave the faction ASAP. Is there any information on any updates to fix this issue we are struggiling with because sending in support tickets dont work.

    submitted by /u/StrengthAA
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    RD Trip Gems or Melee attack gems, considering upcoming nerfs

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 08:39 AM PST

    RD Trip Gems or Melee attack gems, considering upcoming nerfs

    So, while taking in consideration upcoming Darkrunner nerfs, I was thinking if going for trip gems will be better than Melee attack or maybe impale+stun duration gems. What's your opinion? Thanks.

    Patch notes: https://www.reddit.com/r/archeage/comments/eup2ue/korea_upcoming_nerfs_to_darkrunner_and_other/


    submitted by /u/Black007lp
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    How effective is stacking magic defense against mages?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 11:04 AM PST

    Stacking physical defense (eg full plate armor and shield) is pretty effective against melee and archers. Does the same hold for stacking magic defense against mages?

    A decent portion of the melee DPS population has chosen the phys defense penetration route, but it doesn't seem like many mages have choosen magic defense penetration. Why is that?

    A lot of plate wearers choose the "received magic damage reduction" synthesis effect on their gear. If you combine this with an mdef shield and a bunch of mdef gems, would it be viable to tank mages the way you tank melee, or would it still not be enough mdef?

    submitted by /u/Enla
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    Erenor Synthesis Question. Advice greatly appreciated!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 09:16 AM PST

    Hey friends,

    My investments into lunarite/misagons/copper have popped off in my server recently. I've made a spreadsheet for crafting a T2 Legendary Erenor bow (really don't want to farm 2500 infusions to turn my mythic Hiram into eternal). Everything seems affordable within a month, as long as I grind trade packs and continue to play with the AH. My math has been based on castle Erenor infusions (grant 2k exp each, but are expensive to craft). Here are some questions:

    1a) Is there a cheaper way to synth Erenor?

    1b) I know the Hounds of Kyrios for example drop equipment that can be broken down, but doesn't that only apply for heroic and below Erenor gear?

    2) Does anyone know if https://archeagecodex.com/us/recipe/9952/ recipe is still accurate? My spreadsheet has been made based on this recipe.

    3) Are there faster ways to obtain sunpoints than silver crates?

    4) This question is less important, but what is the price of onyx in your server? Denistrious is sitting at 5g/onyx and it really doesn't feel right.

    I would really appreciate any help for these questions.

    submitted by /u/InochGodking
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    Are there european server with balanced faction?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 09:03 AM PST

    as title say, what's the situation?

    submitted by /u/Failba_it
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    Swapping from dps to bruiser

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 06:50 AM PST

    So i've been playing Deathwish and Shadowblade for a while now (8k gs) and yesterday some of my guildies started the transition to a shield. So i decided to tag along, drop my off-hand weapon and got my shield to t3 divine.

    I'm asking for a viable defence class to play with leather. I went for the phys shield and started gemming it with max health.

    I was thinking on going Hexblade for the cc or Dawncaller for the defense penetration combined with my def pen gemmed shortspear What should i do, would it be viable to start changing my strenght stats from my leather sets to stamina and keep rolling leather. Keep in mind that my main objective is to stay relevant in pvp.

    Should i balance a bit and get like 1k strenght and 500 stam?

    Also should i go for block chance gems on my shield or health?

    How will i compare to all the other pvp tanks, am i completelly fucked and should i let of the dream and keep playing squishy dps classes because im running leather?

    submitted by /u/HerraVanrikki
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    So... Someone explain the Speedboats to me....

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:16 PM PST

    So I get that the recipe itself is busted atm, but someone explain how it actually works.

    All of the information I can find on it, is 2-3 years out of date.

    1. Is the Seaskimmer REALLY slower than a Mystic Sail Clipper?
    2. Does holding Trade packs slow it down?
    3. What kind of damage can you take?
    4. is its parts upgrade like other ships?
    5. If 1 and 2 are true, what's the point/Benefit of it vrs just a Faster ship?
    submitted by /u/TheRealOsamaru
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    Has AA:Unchained been updated to 6.0 yet?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 05:55 AM PST

    As title says, I'm kinda holding back on playing AA:Unchained until the next patch. I was hoping to see it not too long after release but I stopped paying attention after a couple months. Has it been updated (I can't find the version) or is there any news on this?

    EDIT: I meant 6.2! Sorry

    submitted by /u/NalebaenWork
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    How do Dawnsdrop Boots and individual proficiency points affect fishing?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 05:20 PM PST

    TL;DR - do individual proficiency points have any effect on fishing aside from allowing you to equip new rods? Does the speed boost effect of dawnsdrop speed up fishing in some way?

    I've noticed that dawnsdrop boots are supposed to give a boost to the speed of specific proficiencies. It's been noticeable with larceny for instance, and I've read it's noticeable with other things as well. I'm not sure if the dawnsdrop boots boost has an effect on fishing though. Does it? Speed up the ticks from skill usage, speed up catches, something?

    Also, do individual proficiency points do anything? i.e. say I have maxed fishing. Will the 8k title +2k faction boost have any effect on my fishing at all?

    Not asking just to know - I want to unequip the title and boots in favor of swim speed boosts as another way to improve my overall fishing time efficiency (since I'm at 177k proficiency now), but I'm not sure if I'd be giving up something else in the process or not.

    submitted by /u/Silver_Shadow_X
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    Trolling with a Wheeled Mortar... Is it Viable?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 07:09 PM PST

    I don't know how these kinds of things work, but I was looking for something to buy with my Gilda, and I saw THIS.


    I don't know about you, but the thought of hiding up on a Hill and Raining Mortar on a Red Raid as they fight a Boss makes me Smile.

    Is something like this Viable with the Mortar? or is it still something thats Gear dependent?

    submitted by /u/TheRealOsamaru
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    Unchained scarecrow farms

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 11:44 PM PST

    So you need a farmers workbench to make a scarecrow garden plan thing, but to make the plan you need a farmers workbench. And to make the farmers workbench you need the scarecrow garden thingy. To make the scare crow garden thingy you need a farmers workbench. Wtf is this??

    submitted by /u/Jucytoot56
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    Serious question about hacks.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:54 PM PST

    I keep hearing rumors and he said she said style conversations about people hacking.

    I've personally seen evidence of Clear Water hacks and treasure chest finding hacks but people are now saying there are hacks to see stealthed players and to teleport around with packs on to allow instant relic turn ins.

    So my main concern is, Do these teleporting and stealth hacks exist and if so does anyone have any pictures or videos to share regarding this issue in Unchained.

    This is a hard line for me and my friends and sadly if these types of hacks exist in the game I'm going to have to walk away until something gets done(if ever).

    submitted by /u/Kaoll397
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    Are Speedboats STILL Bugged?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:06 PM PST

    Anyone know?

    submitted by /u/TheRealOsamaru
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