• Breaking News

    Monday, September 23, 2019

    ArcheAge U wanna get Hyped for AAU? Watch this 2 year old trailer. Trust me <3

    ArcheAge U wanna get Hyped for AAU? Watch this 2 year old trailer. Trust me <3

    U wanna get Hyped for AAU? Watch this 2 year old trailer. Trust me <3

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 10:28 AM PDT

    Fantasy MMO 'ArcheAge' to make location-based mobile debut

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 11:30 AM PDT

    4k UI Size Settings

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 03:10 PM PDT

    Hello all, Is there anyway to increase the size of the UI beyond the 120% that the Options provide?

    The UI seems a little small for 4k.

    submitted by /u/cristalarc
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    How good are coinpurses in 6.0

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 04:01 PM PDT

    Back in the days, I used to farm coinpurses at the drake-fly at the mountain peak, I remember them being 10s per labour and easy to aoe farm. How coinpurse farming changed from back then?

    submitted by /u/kentsuki
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    Helpful videos for returning players and new players !

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 07:22 AM PDT


    I made some video guides with some slides going over Hiram daily's, leveling Hiram gear, Tempering gear, Gemming Gear, And an overview of synthesis gear in archeage.

    Hiram Video


    Overview of synthesis gear in archeage


    Tempering video


    Gemming video


    I plan to make more videos, working on a housing video, so let me know if is a topic you would like me to cover!

    submitted by /u/Samurai_Karl
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    Servers pre-status?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 04:17 PM PDT

    How is the pre-server population ? Any tips on how will be the population at Tyrenus and Wymm?

    submitted by /u/sznyaan
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    ArcheAge 6.0 Swiftblade Ancestral Skills Preview!!

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 06:06 AM PDT

    AAU hype - What class to play??? = misleading

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 08:02 AM PDT

    Well, picking a class "is" the most important question. The community here and everywhere is very nice and helpful, providing tooons of informations. Many focus on which class is best to level with. to 50? 55? forget that. U will be pass that in few days or weeks if casual. I dont think "leveling" is so important. WHY? Cuz in the end game, you will level with 1x or 2x raid doing dailies and rifts. you will level via labor - trade runs, farmville, fishing etc.

    SO: IMHO I think you should only "pick" the type of damage (weapon) AND ARMOR TYPE. You will be "switching" through skill sets (later on (less than a month)), and ultimately u will want all skill sets to be 55.

    And with that comes the next "problem".. As confusing and 0 sense this post has so far... as the armors goes rock, paper, scissors. if u are cloth mage, anything but the mage will 1-2 combo you. If you go plate warrior, any mage will melt u in a second. also, before 6.0 the plate was very popular, but its getting some nerfs now.. as it seems, mages will be the meta in AAU so you dont rly wanna pick plate. till now, the archers were still stronK, so u had to have a plate or atleast a shield, but as it seems now, everyone is avoiding archery (altho top tier archers (with erenor legendary bow (6 months of grind+) are still nasty AF)))
    I ended up picking mage with leather, shield + scepter. (noticed more and more ppl to chose that set) - If you have "old" game ready, log into and you can check top pvp, gear, etc ppl full combinations.
    ALSO, for all the dinosaurs, they made easy switch for 2nd weap set - 2H for "main" and switching to 1H + Shield for some occasions (and there is also mdef shield for plate users).
    Oh and another thing.. if they manage to bring back the naval combat, melees will be more or less "useless" there. and for some big bosses, ranged (archery or mage) will still be better option.

    TLDR: just some random brain storming, wanted to delete it all, but will still post if someone finds atleast a hint around here. also, some thoughts are welcome aswell :)

    submitted by /u/ichidebom
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    Let's talk about Hiram

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 07:51 PM PDT

    SO as a precursor some of the info in this guide will be speculation off of the KR server. Don't take this to heart it is however a good baseline to understand the baseline of Hiram. I will also include some links to useful tools to help you get the best AAU experience possible and have all the info you need!

    • Hiram gear is a wonderful tool that honestly 90% of the AAU community will be choosing to gear themselves with! As of 6.0, the gear you get from green story quests will be able to slowly upgraded throughout your leveling experience to eventually be turned into Arcane T1 Hiram. I would strongly suggest that anyone looking for information about Hiram gear from the green quest look at this video from Zzavage! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsXVBRv_4uYI would also like to add another video by Zzavage on how to reroll the questing gear PRE taking to Hiram t1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUGQoFmPqPc
    • Now lets get in the meat and potatoes of Hiram gear! Hiram gear is synthesis-able gear the uses "Hiram infusions" to slowly upgrade it on an XP based system! This system was used to bypass the "Regrade RNG" the a large majority of the community loved to hate. It was also meant as a QUICK catch-up mechanic for people coming back to Archeage who wanted to be somewhat competitive with people who had played for year before them. Hiram gear has what I will refer to as "Synthesisable stats" these stats are ass followed 1 Main stat (IE intelligence, Spirit, Strength, ect..) and 2 off stats the will be showed here. The most common stats taken on armor pieces would be Resilience, Max health, and Reduced receive damage. (Pick 2) On weapons most commonly it's either Critical strike chance, Critical strike damage, or some sort of defense/magic defense penetration (Pick 2) (source https://omnom.gg/hiram-tool/#Tier_1 )
    • Let's talk about how to upgrade Hiram! What you will need to synthesis Hiram is Hiram infusions which are farmed in Auroria! The first tier of Hiram infusions is referred to as "Lesser Hiram infusion" infusions can be found by killing the Abyssal Legion in Reedwind, Sungold Fields, and Exeloch. They are the least xp giving infusions and honestly not really worth farming outside the EARLY Hiram levels. I would suggest getting away from this farming method as soon as possible as it's just no efficient at all! Next is the "Mysterious Hiram Infusions" Which can be received from the mobs/quests inside of Western Hiram mountain, these infusions are really the better option in most cases. The quests can be done in a group and they give moderate xp! However now is where I kill all your hopes and dreams of just doing the quests in this and other areas and just taking infusions NEVER TAKE INFUSIONS FROM QUESTS! I will get back to this point in the next section. FINALLY the "Brilliant Hiram Infusion" These are pretty damn hard to get and are received from Eastern Hiram mountain, these infusions are by farm the mostly labor efficient (giving the most xp per infusion) however the mobs you must kill to get them are VERY difficult with anything under 9k gearscore. I would strongly suggest killing them in groups.
    • Upon Getting your gear to Cele T1 you will notice that you can't actually go to a further grade, this is due to a cap on each piece of Hiram gear. Each gear can go up as follows T1= Celestial at max , T2 = Divine at max , T3 = Epic at max, T4 = Eternal at max (pretty hard to get). Now some important notes: Hiram gear carries over all gems and tempers, Hiram gear will carry over your gems even if the grade it's upgrading to (IE Divine to Unique) Wouldn't have that amount of gem slots available!
    • Now the reason why I stated you should "NEVER TAKE INFUSIONS FROM QUESTS!" The other options from said quests are the "Hiram awakening scrolls" These scrolls are very important as they raise the Tier of your Hiram gear. Hiram is based upon a Tier system commonly know as tier's 1-4. These Tier's are only able to be upgraded upon reaching a certain grade and have a specific chance of upgrade or FAILING. Upon upgrading AWESOME you're up to the next Tier and you can continue synthing and having better gear upon failing there is a 50/50 chance that the item will become "Crystallized" needing a scroll called the "Decrystallization Scroll" which cost 10k honor! This scroll can be purchased from the honor store! Use said scroll by right clicking it and with a little labor and feeling sad you can try again to upgrade your gear! BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME! BUT WAIT! Your luck is actually better as with each failure you now have an extra 5% chance to succeed stacking up to 100%!

    Idk if there's more coming in 6.0, but atm these ordered from best rewards to worst:

    Eastern hiram mountains: 4 quests (two boss kill, two mob kill)

    Western hiram mountains: 3 quests (mob kill)

    Sungold, exeloch, reedwind, diamond shores: 1 mob kill quest each
    (credit to Nyym1 for doing the legwork on this one!)

    • Lastly I'd like to quickly mention "Runescribe Quill's" these can be purchased from the Prestige Shop in your guild menu! These however are extremely expensive being 300 prestige! In most cases you're better off brute forcing through an item just know these will double your fail stack chance and protect your item from crystallizing!

    As you can see Hiram gear is pretty straight forward once you get the hang of it, I'd strongly suggest anyone who isn't crazy consider it as your gear choice! Thank you for reading through to the end if there is anything I've missed PLEASE lemme know!

    IMPORTANT LINKS TO HELP YOU WITH HIRAM:https://omnom.gg/hiram-tool/ (Great for ANYTHING you'd want to know about Hiram gear or potential stats)

    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dXYEyseMMXEsLdUVoaO5BvTZa8Vs6KGIrDQGU3jWNkA/edit#gid=216765719 (in depth guide on how much labor/gold/time you'll need to get specific pieces of gear up! Great for planning ahead!)

    https://www.twitch.tv/zzavage (For giving me a good amount of the info! You the MVP)

    submitted by /u/SuccessfulWater3
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    Did/will mount speed normalization get changed?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 03:15 PM PDT

    As someone who hasn't played Archeage for about 4 years and is looking forward to try Unchained again, I am wondering if any changes to the mount speed normalization has been done or will be done for 6.0/Unchained. It was always quite the pet peeve of mine that mounts which you had to put quite some effort into attaining were effectively equal/worse compared to the starting mounts. Worst offender here was obviously the stormdarter -> thunderdash.

    submitted by /u/dosteh
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    Mage 2h vs Dual Wield - Pros & Cons?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 02:50 PM PDT

    Staff vs Scepter/dagger.

    What's the major reasons why you would go one versus the other?


    submitted by /u/theemattv3
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    Are only elfs getting a reskin?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 07:57 AM PDT

    So i'm interested in trying out Archage with Unchained coming and as I do like world pvp it could be the dreamgame. So I've tried the current version and graphically I'm not too impressed though, however, the graphics are getting a big update!

    Now some questions:

    1. Are all regions getting the update?
    2. Do I understand it correctly that only the elfs will be getting a reskin? They look awesome in the trailer, however if only the elfs are getting the update, won't that mean that everyone will roll an elf and won't that unbalance the servers?

    Pardon my ignorance!

    submitted by /u/DeltaDarkwood
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    Gear carried Hierophant gameplay

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 06:48 AM PDT

    Stuck for a money making profession

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 10:35 AM PDT

    Last time I played I did a bit of everything partially due to ending up going out fishing with guild mates and various bits and bats but for AAU I want to streamline preferably into one thing until I can near max it and save the labour but my plan of doing fishing again seems unsure as I got told fishing is now no longer worth it (though this might make it slightly safer due to time spent while trying to catch fishermen to steal fish not being worth it).

    Either that or printing due to the scrolls that people either make from the blanks or when levelled making higher level scrolls etc.

    Anyone got experience in either of those? Looking to see what's still profitable, I did do a lot of alchemy and farming before but let's be honest, planting hundreds of plants every day until you can get the big patches is a real pain.

    submitted by /u/HitPlayGamingYT
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    Concerns about Archeage: Unchained from a newcomer

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 01:07 PM PDT

    I tried Archeage back when released, but dropped it because of the poor performance on my previous computer. The game looks heavy dated as today, but I tried Archeage again after all the fuss about Unchained. I really do like the combat, but I heard microtransactions killed the game.

    People are also fearing that Unchained would be pay 2 win at a later date, but wouldn't Gamigo then lose all trust? I mean, having to re-buy the game, for making it getting changed to current pay 2 win servers doesn't make sense.

    1. If I like the current Archage, should I like the Unchained version?
    2. Will the Unchained PTS be available for everyone? Or only people who pre order?
    submitted by /u/MikeJezZ
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    Best healers in 6.0?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 12:08 PM PDT

    Basically, title, im not really sure whats good now, im thinking to go doombringer for pvp, cleric pve, any other class i should check?

    submitted by /u/ScarletWitchBby
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    Question about Fanatic Gearing

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 11:15 AM PDT

    If I'm going to be looking to play Fanatic for 6.0, what would be the stats to focus on getting for Hiram gear? Also should I go Staff (Used to play Enig and am used to the big dicc damage of 2h) Or is Scepter/Shield + Dagger Offhand just that much better? My last question is what Gems should I be getting? I appreciate any help, just want to make sure I have my stat priorities known and my ducks in a row before the game launches :>

    submitted by /u/RunFromDaCopsHarambe
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    Archeage Guides | EP 3: Weapon Analysis

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 10:24 AM PDT

    Newbie question: Battlerage,Swiftblade,Shadowplay weapons and armor of choice

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 01:29 AM PDT

    Just as mentioned in the title what weapons should I consider as I take Battlerage, Swiftblade, Shadowplay? Also, what stats are the most useful while upgrading for this build specifically?

    I know there are many videos on youtube talking about it, but most of those feel really going on and on in circles without getting to the point for 20 to 30 minutes.

    submitted by /u/Divine__Comedy
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    Tank leveling?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 12:16 AM PDT

    Really interested in playing a Nightcloak(Occulism, Witchcraft, Auramancy) in AA:U, but I know leveling without malediction, sorcery, battlerage, or archery will be dreadful. I really liked Fanatic's levelling speed, but swapping all 3 skills to Nightcloak Respec seems like a huge waste of time. Would it be better to level as a Demonologist (Sorc, Witch, Occultism) so that I would only have to swap one skill later on or am I overestimating the time it takes to level a skill to 55 at high levels?

    submitted by /u/RealTonto
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    Spellsinger help

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 10:59 PM PDT

    I'm currently playing archeage to learn the ropes for when unchained drops, I am trying out the spellsinger class does anyone have a guide that I can follow on what skills are best to get and what skills should be used when.

    submitted by /u/Boonina
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    64 bit client question

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 08:29 AM PDT

    How does the 64 bit client compare to the 32 bit one performance wise?

    submitted by /u/RanRanFan
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    Oran'Thul Official Announcement

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 03:55 PM PDT

    Good Evening,

    As of Monday, September 23 2019 Oran'Thul is proud to announce opening its doors for the upcoming Archeage release: Unchained.

    The following link is to the application webpage: https://www.oranthul.com/login/do/register

    We look forward to participating in this new expansion in the history of this MMO. For the broad domain, our plan is to compete in WPvP, competing for castles and focused on aggressive gear progression. We are truly as happy as you are for this moment, as we cement ourselves in the Archeage guild hierarchy.

    For those of you inquiring about our guild presence in Classic WoW, as of this day we are making the permanent switch to Archeage. It was a hard decision, but, having copious amounts of meetings we have determined this is the best course of action. Thank for understanding and respecting this hard decision.

    We look forward to seeing you in the not so distant future.

    Oran'Thul Vice Commander in Arms,


    submitted by /u/Pankayx
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    Stamina vs Spirit for solo Templar? Self healing nerf?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 01:49 AM PDT

    I've been told that I should stack Spirit if I intend to play a Templar, but I don't see much benefits when comparing to Stamina?



    I'm losing like 25k hp and 27% block rate for 330 healing power and 33.6% parry pate? Am I missing something completely obvious, like the benefits of extra HP/Mana regen?

    Also I've heard that there is a 33% self healing penalty in place. Is there any truth to that?

    Last thing. What's up with the Noryette earring that is supposedly the best in slot for healers? I don't see any benefits for using it?

    If someone could take some time to tinker with my build, I'd appreciate it. I intend to play a solo tank and I don't care about PVE clears or PVP kills. All I want is survivability to steer my merchant ship.

    submitted by /u/Adephx
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