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    Tuesday, September 24, 2019

    ArcheAge Starting in Unchained like

    ArcheAge Starting in Unchained like

    Starting in Unchained like

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 02:21 PM PDT

    Archeage Unchained 101 - Making Gold Part I

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 09:56 AM PDT

    Expect to see these antics on launch day

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 10:18 AM PDT

    Wiki Update - Finished taking pictures of every zone and now in the process of filling in details about each area.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 11:16 PM PDT

    Hello Archeage fans,

    Recently I have been trying to update the subreddit wiki, hopefully in time for the 6.0 PTR release. Thanks to your feedback, over the past week I have finished the Race and Class sections of the wiki.



    Thankfully within the last thread a user pointed out that the wiki was unable to be seen within the new stylesheet under the new Reddit design. Which required more attention and effort to fix than originally thought.


    Currently in the process of updating the zone section, which is linked above. Right now I'm trying to gather as much information as possible about each zone and their dailies. A quick question for new, returning, and veteran players. What information do you really want to prioritize within the daily section?

    Thanks as always for your input. Please let everyone know that (parts of) our subreddit wiki has been updated for 6.0.

    submitted by /u/Xtorting
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    Will we have to go through the character creation process to reserve a name (FOUNDERS)?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 08:20 AM PDT

    So, name reservation and character creation will be available for pre-purchased games on 1st October. But, will we have to go through the character creation process to reserve a name? If that is so, what would you recommend me? I wouldn't like to finish my character and then realize the name is already taken T_T

    submitted by /u/Rubenplayp
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    When you're a low level bard and you aggro two mobs

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 09:18 PM PDT

    Seeing the community's initial reactions

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 08:33 AM PDT

    I started playing Archeage just a few days ago and it was a really great experience. I was going to go ahead and get a pre-order down on Unchained but I am still hesitant about it, I think I would rather see the community's reaction and evaluation first before buying a game that I just started playing recently.

    edit: wow, seems like Archeage Unchained at launch is going to be really really fun! Guess I'll have to give it a shot! Please give me some advice, tips and tricks!

    submitted by /u/brianzhao50
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    Tips for a group? How to start?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 06:00 AM PDT


    my friends and me are pretty hyped about AAU, we never played AA but are huge MMORPG fans. We played WoW, GW2, ESO, Albion and so on. We really like the sandbox aspect of AAU and are hoping to do some nice PvP in the open world. Our focus is open world PvP and naval battles, we are about 5 people so not too big.

    So there are a few question we have:

    1. Should we create an family asap, are there any advantages or disadvantages?
    2. Is it smart to farm money to buy a piece of land as quick if possible, if so what the best way to earn money quick?
    3. What are things we should be looking at when searching for a plot of land? Should it be a bit outside of town so we have a safespace while leveling and farming, should it be in a low level or high level area?
    4. Whats the advantage of building on the southern continent, since you can loose your building spot when an enemy takes control over the area?
    5. Does it matter what kind of house we build? Are there differences in storage size or other boni?
    6. Should we even bother with a house or build a ship first?
    7. We were planning of leveling Construction, Masonry, Logging, Tailoring and Mining, especially to build a house and a ship. Is this ok or should we change?

    We have many more questions but we think these are the most importand to not have a complete fail start. We are a little worried because we heard that buidling spots are gone very fast, so we dont want to miss out.

    Thanks, for answering i know that thats a ton of questions.

    submitted by /u/DreiSpitzen
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    New Player question about Archeage: Unchained 'cashshop'

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 10:50 AM PDT

    Previously never considered trying Archeage despite the good things I've heard about it because every single Korean MMO uses cash shops and it ruins the experience. So when I heard that Archeage Unchained was a seperate game/server with a promise not to introduce any cashshop features I figured it might be worth a go, but the FAQ says the model is "buy to play one time purchase model with limited cash shop items."

    I assume this means that the game will still have a cash shop? Or is that a mistake and it actually doesn't have a cash shop.

    submitted by /u/iiiiiiiiiiip
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    PTS capacity?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 12:57 PM PDT

    How many players will the PTS hold?

    submitted by /u/TotalTC
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    Quick Look for NA Guilds from the AAU Discord Recruiting tab.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 04:41 PM PDT

    ArcheAge Unchained: Fishing

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 04:11 PM PDT

    I am one of the many looking to return to ArcheAge after having not played since launch - what is the current state of sport fishing?

    I am aware that over the years fishing got nerfed hard and was supposed to be reworked, but has that happened yet? Is fishing worth the risk and investment to get a boat? What has changed over the years?

    submitted by /u/huntrshado
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    Templar PvP Patch 5.5 (NA)

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 04:06 PM PDT

    gamigo plz?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 07:13 AM PDT

    is it too late to request a major game change right before unchained drops? no? fantastic... plz revert TS tree's. make it so the only way you can get them is by growing tree's and getting lucky. you can even make it so you have a better chance at getting a TS if you grow them illegally. add them to progression and endgame gear/item/content recipe's to make them relevant, and keep them valuable. i want nothing more then to spend my day fighting people over illegal tree farms.

    submitted by /u/imwinmylane
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    Are yall rolling east or west [Poll]?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 03:38 PM PDT

    Wondering what faction all of you are rolling!


    submitted by /u/IcedColdMine
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    Is it still required to land rush?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 09:20 AM PDT

    Played for a year at launch, quit for obvious P2W reasons.

    However, I'm thinking on giving it a shot again as this game is promissed to get rid of Trino curse.

    For old players, do we still have to rush between alts to get multiple plots for profit? Did housing get fixed/changed?

    submitted by /u/malinhares
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    Archeage Unchained and Mounts

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 09:07 PM PDT

    Archeage Unchained and Mounts

    After seeing this post by Khrolan on twitter( https://imgur.com/a/BBLOw7m )



    It is highly concerning that diligence coins will not have mounts in the shop, if the only way to obtain mounts is via manastorm crystals everyone will be having a bad time obtaining mounts. After opening around 100 crates, I only had about 20 manastorm crystals. Either the drop rate needs to be upped HIGHLY or all of the mounts have to be added into the diligence shop.

    Another concern is if the mounts are added via the diligence shop it will also take forever to get the mounts unless we figure out how many coins we get per day. If we have to choose between a labor pot to increase gear, a glider to help in pvp, or a mount to help in pvp it's really going to be a terrible time gate (gates really did not go well on the Nui FS). The diligence shop is a great idea, but please do not make it this entire gate where we have to choose between those 3 things, or please confirm that all of the items are tradable from that specific shop (besides labor pots ofc). The gated content / items did not go well on Nui and forced people to quit rather quickly and this essentially looks like it is becoming the same thing.


    - This comment from McFarbles is what we are looking for

    submitted by /u/shawnzylol
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    Harim Dailies and gearing up

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 09:13 AM PDT

    Hey y'all. I'm working on swapping out all my obsidian stuff for harim plate and Im struggling to find solid information.

    What dailies should I be doing to get the highest amount of drops possible?

    Also as a side node; I'm going from blighter to ebonshield or mindslayer. Is mage plate stupid?

    submitted by /u/nbriles2000
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    Made a friend today

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 11:08 PM PDT

    Launch time zones

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 10:52 AM PDT

    The game right now is set to launch on the 15th. Will I be able to play 9pm (west coast time) on the 14th then?

    Does anyone think the launch will be pushed back again?

    submitted by /u/Me_poon_floss
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    Apothecary House

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 10:44 AM PDT

    I wanna build a Apothecary House in aau. I checked but couldn't find it on forums . How hard is it to build ? Do i need thousands of gold for it ? What is the cheapest house that i can upgrade to Apothecary House ( How much gilda ? ). Can ı upgrade a thatched farmhouse to apothecary for fast potion crafting ?

    submitted by /u/Kyuraht
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    Game crashes to desktop everytime launch cutscene is over

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 10:37 AM PDT


    Trying to play on the test server with one minor issue. I can't get past the initial cutscene. Google searches suggest this issue is more common than one might think. I was hoping someone could share quick insight on how they managed to tackle it? Things I have tried (to no avail) thus far:

    • Re-downloadig game on a different hard drive (not SSD).
    • Quickly clicking Alt + Enter and mashing the Esc button repeatedly.
    • Allowing firewall exception for Archeage.
    • Restarting PC.
    • Giving it exception on bitdefender to make changes on PC.
    • Deleting that one folder in my documents.

    I'm out of ideas.

    I have 64g ram, 1080gtx Nvidia graphics card, Asus motherboard (can't remember which one). The PC should be able to run this game. It runs games on high graphic settings. So it shouldn't be a hardware issue.

    submitted by /u/V24
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    Archage on Apple macbook?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 07:26 AM PDT

    I have quite a good 2019 macbook pro with dedicated graphics card - is there someone playing Archage under macOS?

    My preference would be to play directly in macOS using wine/wrapper .... if not possible then Parallels.... bootcamp is really latest option as I do not like to restart comp just to play game :)

    So is there someone who plays like this? And even better someone who plays 6.0 as 64bit client will be different?

    submitted by /u/brutus0077
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    NA Haranya Unchained Guild New Players Welcome

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 01:03 AM PDT

    In association with the Bordweall gaming group I'm starting a guild for Archeage Unchained. We're looking for players with any focus and experience level. We're mostly a group of new and returning players. The atmosphere will be pretty laid back so don't expect to be treated like an idiot just cause you don't know something. The only restriction is you must be 16+ as this is a mature group.

    We will be doing pvp, pve, and gathering. Our main focus at launch with be getting people leveled and geared for endgame content. There will also be a focus on learning and teaching both old and new game systems to our members.

    If this sounds like something you'd be interested in join our discord server as we prepare for launch. https://discord.gg/euEyxdx

    submitted by /u/Razqua
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    Another leather vs plate discussion (for melee players)

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 06:53 AM PDT

    For raw physical + magical defense it would seem that leather is better. Is this really the case? If you want to be a bruiser type, leather offers much more protection against mixed damage. Obviously if you fight more melee players, then plate is better, but leather not only offers better mixed defensive stats but also better damage.

    Is there ever any reason to go plate unless you really want to be super tanky against melee and melt against mage? Even if you grab plate and fill chest with magic dmg reduction gems, roll it on every hiram piece and stack it to almost 40%, you still are worse against mixed type than leather that can instead stack resilience and more dmg.

    I see no reason to ever go plate unless you can back it up with either auramancy or magic def shield.

    submitted by /u/hsrguzxvwxlxpnzhgvi
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