• Breaking News

    Thursday, September 19, 2019

    ArcheAge My ranty hype video to try and get people interested. (Panda from alpha, dahuta, prophecy, ezi)

    ArcheAge My ranty hype video to try and get people interested. (Panda from alpha, dahuta, prophecy, ezi)

    My ranty hype video to try and get people interested. (Panda from alpha, dahuta, prophecy, ezi)

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 12:09 PM PDT

    Preparing interview with Gamigo about AAU - Director of Operations Jens Knauber and Head of Development Mervin Lee Kwai

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 05:43 AM PDT

    Hello, everybody,

    First of all, I apologize for the level of English. I am the editor-in-chief of the Spanish website MMoinGame.com and Gamigo has given us an interview with Director of Operations Jens Knauber and Head of Development Mervin Lee Kwai, as well as some CM if necessary, from AAU.

    The reason for opening this post on reddit is to be able to collect the best questions I can ask and share them with the entire ArcheAge Unchained community. I sincerely believe that this is the best place to gather the questions that most concern the community and that for now have no answers. I hope to hear many proposals. Thank you all for your attention.

    submitted by /u/Z-even
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    Current state of healers (also including what we know of 6.0+ patches to come)

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 10:56 AM PDT

    Hello guys!

    After doing some research I´m considering mage or healer. Actually I want to play all the classes like BR and archery and and ...but you know... Archeage kind of does not allow you to do that AND be good at the same time :(

    Interested in healer because so far it was the most fun to me in all the games I played over a long time (mainly old flyff and ff14). But in Archeage... heck... there are so many doubts about that class. If you are knowledgeable about the current state of healers and how they are doing in korea, please take some time to answer my questions below :)


    - Is it possible to solo stuff with healer without feeling too masochistic? Arena (need for the stat migration stuff), dungeons, hiram mobs? Heard there is a new holy bolt skill for them at later levels (55+) that´s strong DPS... and the advanced skewer is supposed to be decent AOE... but it´s really hard to find recent information on that so is it maybe overrated? or only a rumor?

    - What is the best overal gear (weapon/armor) if I want to switch around skill trees? Mainly want to be able to do some stuff solo efficiently when no one is available or arena (see above), run in small groups for mob farming or oversea trade, but also do large scale guild stuff. So kind of...everything outside of ganking others solo >_<

    - Is self-defense in 1v1 pvp even an option when getting ganked?

    - Is songcraft really that bad going together with vit nowadays?

    - Will I regret pulling a healer if I like being self sufficient at times?

    - How long might it take on average to gear up with the new system and is it viable to raise two characters? One dps and one healer to switch around if I get fed up.

    I´m sure I forgot one question or two :)

    cheers, asjena

    submitted by /u/asjena
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    Archeage Unchained 101 - Locked Crates and Keys

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 10:05 AM PDT

    Stop Making "Isn't Unchained Still P2W Because Illegal Gold Sellers?!?!?"

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 07:16 PM PDT

    Theres about 4 of these posts every day. If you dont realize that this is a problem in literally every mmo ever, then maybe just stick to single player games and quit bitching.

    submitted by /u/Narzick
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    Can we make one, consolidated "Which class should I pick?" post?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 12:02 PM PDT

    This subreddit is kind of flooded with these types of posts, and many of them are duplicates. Could we have one place to house everyone's questions that could double as a reference post? It could be this post or the mod's could make an official sticky, but I think it'd help streamline the subreddit and help new players.

    submitted by /u/TDDubs
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    Archeage Unchained

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 01:48 PM PDT

    Soooo.. there's quite a few posts with questions popping up constantly, I'll throw in one as well

    _______________irrelevant rant below_______________

    Me and my mate tried Archeage for the first time around 6months ago, we started on the "fresh servers" only to find out after a weekend that it was absolutely dead, there were no players there at all.. So we were left with one option, to hop on the old servers, where the game had made people into absolute Gods due to p2w, we were years behind in progress and did not feel like we could ever catch up (maybe we could, but that was our feeling)

    After we hit level 50 the leveling started to slow down, we tried to find groups for dungeons, that was absolutely impossible, not a single group wanted us, because everyone was geared, maxed out Ascendancy, there were no new players playing, at all.. We were playing an MMORPG by ourselves


    So.. we decided to quit after a while, because the game felt ruined, we couldn't find the MMO aspect, but we reaaally felt the potential the game had, so now we're thinking about hopping on the Unchained train, but.. What makes this version any different? When the "old" free fresh start released, it flopped, everyone kept playing the other version, will this time really be different, especially considering it has a price tag too it

    Also, I've read the FAQ thread here regarding Unchained, but it does not mention any "overhaul" of the skill tree system, weapon changes, armor changes etc. But I've read somewhere that Unchained is supposed to give a decent overhaul to it all, and also introduce a new class, is that correct?

    submitted by /u/waddaba
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    Thinking About Signing Up... Couple Questions

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 02:44 PM PDT

    1. If I download the current client, will I have to redownload it for Unchained? I'm on a fixed data allotment with internet and downloading the same game twice would be silly.

    2. I'm settled on Occultism and Vitalism. Not a clue what to take for a third tree. In fact, I'd only have a point or two to spend anyway. As I understand it, healing power is separate from magic power. But what if I dual-weild a club and scepter? If that is possible, I'd probably take Battlerage for the third tree and try to get the parry proc passive.

    submitted by /u/Knight-Lurker
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    Graphic glitch

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 12:59 PM PDT

    Hey everyone o/

    Ahead of AAU I wanted to try out Legacy server mostly to check the performance of my computer and get a bit the feel of the game but I'm encountering this issue, It happens in a wide range of areas it'd be Forest or Snow. I tried messing with the settings without any success (DX 9 and 11 / Multi-thread rendering and so on)...

    My current rig: Ryzen 1600, MSI GTX 1050ti 4GB, 16GB Ram 3200mhz, Samsung evo 850 SSD

    Link of clip; https://streamable.com/ssaas

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Zoilins
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    How viable are spears?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 12:56 PM PDT

    Played a couple months at launch, forgot everything about builds, coming back with AAU. I love spears but not sure how viable they are ingame and which class I could run that makes good use of them - both short and long ones? I would lean towards a tanky class for PvP, but prefer the longspears aesthetically.

    submitted by /u/TheTool90
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    Defiler in unchained.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 02:02 PM PDT

    With the launch of unchained im hoping to go back to my glory days as a defiler. Im just wondering how viable it will be on launch.

    submitted by /u/chuuuglyfe
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    What is the NA Migration compensation pack?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 01:39 PM PDT

    Don't go onto my glyph account that much, decided to pop on there and, just so happens this pack was there...

    submitted by /u/Fuzzysox25
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    Archeage Unchained: Healer's discussion and questions

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 07:07 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, i'm a former archeage player returning with the release of archeage unchained. I used to play healer, (mostly templar back then) and despite my love for healing, i remember feeling useless and defenseless when it came to solo farming and solo activities in general. I know a lot have changed since then, healers are supposed to be better at soloing and with the rework of the skilltree, new combination opened up, and while i did a lot of research, i still have a lot of questions.

    The first one is: As a "true healer" like doombringer, assassin, soothsayer and such, how well can healer farm in post 55 content?

    I'm willing to cope with the 1-55 leveling as a healer if i will be able to progress without much help later. Now my understanding is that the offense power of the vitalism branch comes from the ancestral modified skills (antithesis, the flame skewer and such), but last time i played those weren't available.

    So how effective will i be with those skills, how hard will it be to grind them on an unchained server, and how viable it is to farm with them at low/medium GS? (with unchained server being freshstart, i'm not sure i'm willing to grind my teeth waiting for 8k or 10k GS before being able to progress in solo).

    Now to more general discussions and debate about healer meta, gear and such. I'm gonna present you with the plan i had to build my healer (feel free to criticize, my knowledge is both lacking and theoretical at this point), and would like to discuss about what might be the meta on an unchained server.

    My plan was to play something along the line of a doombringer or assassin, using cloth armor, dualwielding Hiram one handed mace and dagger and a shield to swap (if i can manage to farm that, otherwise it will be mace and shield).

    Now the choice of cloth armor is actualy one i'm not sure about. I've tried to read about what could be best and i found a large veriety of answers.

    Plate seems to be logical in a meta with so much melee and the archers who apparently relevant now (no offense intended, back then they were mostly bad unless they had an absurd GS score), but i'm actualy wondering about the meta. There is so many things to factor in: The self healing nerf, the loss of magic def on spirit, the 6.0 nerf of plate (i have no idea how impactful will be the 10% shift in def and the mana cost nerf), and considering it might be the first balance pass, and new nerf might comes. On top of that, i was looking at an internal pole on what class will be played, and 80% will be mages, it's a very small sample, and my guild isn't full of PGM so i wouldn't base my opinion on that but it did makes me think. What if people overestimate the presence of physical classes in 6.0?

    What are your thoughts on cloth versus plate on healer? (or even in general)

    As for weapons, in pvp, how viable is the greatclub when you aren't playing like plate+ auramancy?

    Thank you for taking the time to read this post!

    submitted by /u/Chronic77100
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    Archeage Classes - Questions

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 03:16 PM PDT

    So this isn't exactly a "tell me what to play" post, but more of me needing some insight on the game / classes with some general questions so I can figure out what I wanna play when Unchained releases

    I played the game ~a year ago for a little while, but gave up due to how the game currently was, but now me and some mates are ready to dive into Unchained

    -All questions are with smallscale PvP in mind, 1v1/2v2/3v3 etc

    1. So, melee.. From what I seem to understand, you basically cannot play a melee(dps) character without using Battlerage, unless you wanna be crippled, is that true?
    2. Questions regarding hybrids seems to be quite old / not to clear when I search for it, could anyone experienced tell me exactly how bad a hybrid build would be? Meaning a Archer/Melee hybrid, a caster Dps/Healer hybrid.. Because its completely different stats right? In a lot of games Casters/Healer share the same (spell Power) stat, that's not how it is in Archeage?
    3. This question might be hard to answer, but I've read that Swiftblade does not have Ancestral skills in KR, if that's true we won't have that at release either I assume? If there's any word on that
    4. Archers, how are they in the game? Are they good, can they burst? Or is it all small pewpew numbers? I've watched some Archer videos but it seems like they tickle you to death with insanely small damage number, but fast as hell
    5. I absolutely love the playstyle of being a fast / hybrid kind of character, being able to heal myself / negate incoming damage is quite a important playstyle for me.. Does that kind of build exist? Any tips / recommendations?

    Thanks a lot in advance, hopefully these questions aren't that common, I tried searching before I made the post, but most of what I found wasn't relevant to my questions / too old

    submitted by /u/Merqury
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    Preorder question

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 12:44 PM PDT

    Hey one question till when can I pre order Archeage packs?

    submitted by /u/amyfrostxoxo
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    It is a bit hard to believe, it does sound to good to be true

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 05:34 AM PDT

    I played Korean MMO's all my life, starting with Lineage 2. At the beginning, they were so good, shit, even Aion was so good, up until they started to heavily cash shop/monetize it. From my experience I think that it started with mobile gaming, they saw how much money they're making and thus it affected the PC MMO market as well.

    The only reason I find it hard to believe is that these companies, especially Korean ones, only care about profit. I remember when Gameforge took over Aion it wasn't that bad, but gradually things got more p2w. It seems impossible for these companies to resist temptation.

    I am playing Path of Exile now, I don't wanna make the mistake of stopping this amazing f2p, fair game, to play a game that will be ruined eventually. But then again, Archeage has everything I like in MMO's.

    If they do manage to keep it 100% fair I can see this game doing very well.

    It's hard giving up Path of Exile for any game, but maybe I'll bite and try Archeage

    submitted by /u/fuck-love
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    Archeage 5.0 Inoch Skullknight PvP #IQ140

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 05:11 PM PDT

    [ArcheAge] Legacy & Unchained | Things to Consider as a Mage

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 04:27 PM PDT

    Current PVP meta for 2v2 or Duals?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 10:27 AM PDT

    I might return to AA, was curious what you guys and gals thought were good duo meta comps?

    submitted by /u/sonofbaal_tbc
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    Class Question

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 10:22 AM PDT

    Pretty excited to give AAU a shot, it's been quite a long time... Quick question, what class gives the best overall dmg/survivability for melee dps? Not really a huge fan of shields, so ideally something that dual wields, or 2h. If a shield is the only real way to go, I would consider it however. I have done a bit of research, and so far Executioner seems to fit.. I just can't find much for 6.0.

    Appreciate the help.

    submitted by /u/-TheRope-
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    My first thought after hearing there would be no APEX

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 06:38 PM PDT

    Is there a video/wiki showing us what each class does?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 04:09 PM PDT

    Would be awesome to find a little recap of the class like

    "Melee / Tanky / CC / Slow-Medium gameplay / Average mobility"

    Anything like this? Can't find shit on the net...

    submitted by /u/Discosamba
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    Ready to clap people again

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 04:02 PM PDT

    Weapon type strengths and weaknesses (if any)

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 07:39 AM PDT

    A friend of mine wants to go crusader for pvp. Sorc, battlerage and defence and take the freeze skills for cc. Are scepter viable in melee?

    submitted by /u/Colblood12
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    What will be the meta classes for unchained?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 03:03 PM PDT

    Looking to return after leaving the game a couple of years ago. At the time I played primevil and it was quite good in pvp and just in general, although i haven't found any good info on whether or not that is still the case.. With unchained coming out im trying to figure out what i'll main and was wondering if anyone had some good info on whats meta or just simply viable.

    submitted by /u/TheAngryDuckling
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