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    Saturday, September 21, 2019

    ArcheAge Hope you guys enjoy my archeage diorama project.

    ArcheAge Hope you guys enjoy my archeage diorama project.

    Hope you guys enjoy my archeage diorama project.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 10:43 AM PDT

    Huge open world of Archeage

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 07:25 AM PDT

    Is it worth taking Defense for its self healing and utility rather than shield related things?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 01:28 PM PDT

    I'm contemplating rolling Doomlord or some form of tanky melee with occultism and defense as secondary trees, and to me it seems almost too good to pass up sustain from Defense even if I don't use a shield due to things like toughen and revitalizing cheer and Lasso.

    submitted by /u/Zalsaria
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    Healer PVP <3. Healer guide video coming soon :D

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 03:23 AM PDT

    AA:Unchained Pre-order date moved or not?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 04:38 AM PDT

    With ArcheAge:Unchained release date being pushed back on a later date, that means we're able to purchase the pre-order/Founder's Pack on or before that day right (15th October)? Can someone confirm?

    submitted by /u/KeitaroNSR
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    Reasons why you take these classes for Healer (A somewhat Healer guide)

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 02:52 PM PDT

    Vitalism: Okay, let's start with the obvious one. Vitalism contains 90% of the healing skills in Archeage. The passives tend to be "healer" focused, and as such should be taken on any and every HEALER class.

    Occultism: Occultism is the bread and butter of AOE healing in Archeage. Occultism is an extremely good cc subclass with Vitalism, it also has synergy with some of the vitalism skills such as Pain Harvest giving no cool down on mend with the downside of having a stacking mana multiplier applied with each subsequent Mend. Another very solid combo is using Death's Vengeance alongside revive it causes probably one of the strongest all around AOE heals however it has the downside that it consumes ALL OF YOUR MANA. (This subclass choice may seem bad given the downsides but it's one of the best raid healing subclasses give the extremely high amount of AOE heals you can dish out with it. Mana is in alot of cases a nonissue given your high spirit and ability to pop mana pots.)

    Shadowplay: Extremely good with Vitalism as it's a decent mobility class and has a couple very solid combos with vitalism such as: Drop back (Basic) giving you instant cast antithesis, Drop back (wave) giving instant cast mend. This also pairs extremely well with Free runner giving you no cool down on antithesis with the caveat that you can't cast antithesis on yourself for the duration.

    Auramancy: This is a pretty cut and dry class it's not as needed on healers as it once was. It makes you super tanky and has a fair amount of mobility with the benefit in 6.0 of having cc breaks that counter all witchcraft cc's. Health Lift is a fairly solid support skill. I would only strongly suggest taking this if you feel you need it for survivability or you are trying to play a frontlinish type healer (Hierophant) .

    Songcraft: So as far as it goes Songcraft is a very very solid class choice for healers. It's best used if you want to provide buffs to allies or debuffs to enemies the only disadvantage to this is the buffs don't stack and in a best case situation you will have a set bard playing a class with the soul purpose to provide these buffs and nothing else. If you decide to go it specifically for debuffs, it works very well the issue is your AOE healing will suffer as a result. (Bonus point you get zeal but now that it's only crit heal bonus and you'd have to put 4 points into songcraft to get it I just don't feel it's worth it in most cases.

    Witchcraft: This class has really had its ups and downs with healing. IF you opt to go plate and IF you decide you want to be more frontline and pair this class with auramancy you can definitely make it work. In any other circumstance you're taking it specifically for cc with a few nifty combos with vitalism such as: Mirror Warp granting Resurgence to all allies you pass through and Dahuta's Breath providing Renewal to all allies you splash onto. (All and all it's a really fun PVP class with lots of solid cc and Stillness being one of the strongest abilities in the game giving silence in an aoe radius. I like this class personally on healers you can have a lot of very fun very mobile classes you just lose out on aoe heals in a lot of ways.)

    Defense: Honestly not a very good class on healers, I would only suggest taking defense as a healer if you A: Really hate occultism or B: Really need it as you're cloth and want to be tankier against melee. It has some solid synergy on bards and frontline classes but there is just better classes for healer.

    Malediction: Okay this is basically a huge meme but it could probably be used to some effect. It has some decent cc and some decent crowd control. However the skills you can use from this subclass as a healer really have a high skill-cap of being useful. I would only suggest this in your off time to play around with. There isn't any synergy, there isn't any real reason to take Malediction.

    Battlerage, Sorcery, Archery: Just why? Hybrid classes really don't work in group settings. You can make it work but you'll be a less good healer and a less good damage dealer over all by trying. Just please no..

    submitted by /u/SuccessfulWater3
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    Drift Ice Gilda Star Achievement

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 01:41 PM PDT

    Pointers for healers in 6.0

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 09:52 AM PDT

    This will be my first time playing healer from start and haven't played much since around 3.0/4.0

    Any leveling spec recommendations (I hear it's easier to level in a heal spec now), main spec recommendations (was thinking like cleric, caretaker, edgewalker) off-spec recommendations (was thinking going either spellsinger or paladin.. maybe templar), I think I go complete hiram gear? Probably still go scepter+shield.

    submitted by /u/Zack9764
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    QoL of support classes?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 10:52 AM PDT

    Im a newer player so i don't have a full understanding of the game, but it seems like the "real" endgame is mass GvG or or open world PvP where playstyles like tank or healer really shine, I see people especially wanting tanks for their guild.

    However I know that class really doesn't mean much, it's gear but if im gearing to be a good skullknight for group pvp or if im gearing to be a good healer, how much of an effect is that going to have on my ability to grind solo, or do anything outside of groups which im guessing constitutes a good portion of the game?

    submitted by /u/Yikers233
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    [October 2014] Castle Siege FoE vs. Addiction

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 10:23 AM PDT

    Archeage 5.5, Aria East NotBias Melee, Darkrunner Pvp2

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 08:45 AM PDT

    Discord or Guilds for returning players?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 04:03 PM PDT

    I played a lot with my friends at launch and I quit because they quit. I've logged in to relearn and Im looking for a little help and fun. Na Kudum server

    submitted by /u/taylorwgamer
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    Sorc/Shadowplay/X for 1v1 questions

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 03:49 PM PDT

    -This post will contain quite a lot of questions from an absolute noob, I've only gathered info on googling, not actually played the game yet.. Sorry if the questions are spread out, and / or stupid"

    So I'm torn between Auramancy/Witchcraft/Occultism as my third tree, but I do have some issues and weaknesses that I would like to fill if possible.

    I'm aiming this build towards solo PvP, 1v1 / Open world

    • -Sorcery takes care of the damage
    • -Shadowplay for the Mark / Spellsteal / Dropback and Stealth (which is the main factor why I absolutely want this tree)


    • Auramancy is defensive, but will the defensive gains from Auramancy matter? I haven't PvPd in this game, and I don't really know how CC chains works and all of that, do you really notice all the defense you get from Auramancy or is there better options for what I want? - Sorc/Shadowplay/Auramancy basically have zero CC as well if I'm correct?
    • Occultism/Witchcraft would give me a bit more damage, more CC, but basically zero defensive tools (outside of crowdcontrol) would that be a better choice for this? Even tho it feels like not going for a defensive skill line is "supposed" to be bad for solo PvP

    I also have no idea what Armor I'm gonna wear, I'm thinking of maybe going Plate if I'm running with Auramancy, to simply take care of both Magical (with Auramancy) and Physical damage with the Plate gear

    -Is it true that going plate will increase my mana cost on all abilities by 30%? And does that matter? Or are you not really using big amounts of mana in for example a 1v1 Arena match?

    And I will 100% go for a Staff, so is Plate "useless" if you're not also going shield, or how is in on that front?

    If I'm going for example Sorc/Shadow/Witchcraft, I'm basically a slippery CC glass-cannon right? In that case simply going Cloth would be the best option because if I get caught, I die.. No matter the gear?

    TLDR: At least from what I understand, I have to completely choose between a Survival tree (Auramancy), or a CC tree (Witchcraft/Occultism) - But is the survival noticable, or is the other options better?

    submitted by /u/waddaba
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    Hiram grinding in Unchained?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 11:53 AM PDT

    I've just heard about Unchained, i left the game when the end game was about doing Hasla i did that shit and it was the worst thing in the game. So i was interested in the Unchained version of the game and logged in to see what was new.

    And it was to my complete surprise that there's something which to me appears to be worst than Hasla. Hiram grinding, i looked at some guides and tried for myself for about 2 weeks with about 2 hours of grind on weekdays and 4 hours on the weekends in DS and war time with loot drop buffs to get my T1 pieces. In those 2 weeks i got one piece of gear with the stats i wanted, one fucking piece. I'm only at T1 ffs.

    And before you ask yes i know about the disgraceful "restat points" you get as you upgrade, and yes i did try to respec my items but it was all for nothing. Following the guides recommendation to try to respec till you hit Celestial gave me one fucking piece of equipment with good stats in 2 weeks worth of grind.

    Sorry about the rage but what i would like to ask is: Is this shit going to be on Unchained as is? Or it's going to be revamped or become something else?

    submitted by /u/StunningScholar
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    Healer or Tank? Help me decide?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 09:19 AM PDT

    Hey all!

    Very torn between maining a Healer (Doombringer?) or Tank (Skullknight?) for Archeage Unchained.

    I've always enjoyed two main things in MMOs... PVPing and Support playstyles. The "support" aspects I like have always been:

    - Debuff/CC

    - "Tanking"

    - Healing

    That being said, in most other MMOs, there generally havnt been dedicated Debuff/CC focused classes, nor much use for a pvp "Tank". Thus, I almost always end up rolling a healer.

    However in Archeage, the Skullknight seems like a very fun class. I imagine it being the initial frontline engager, soaking up damage, throwing out debuffs/CCs on high value targets, and just being a massive pain in the ass and disrupting the enemy's plan. Is this the case?

    I would love input from anybody who's played a tank in pvp focused content. Is this role optimal for world/naval PVP? Or would I better off as a healer (which is still fun for me)?

    submitted by /u/Unity00
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    Another "what class should I play?" post

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 02:59 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I have touched on ArcheAge every so often when I had nothing else to play but I never really gotten to max level because the thought of never being able to catch up really put me down. I also barely saw any other players around my level which makes sense but it does make the game a little bit more boring and less alive.

    I always liked the sword and shield bruiser like classes. Something that is durable but also has good CC and damage.
    After some research, Blighter and Abolisher seem like the go to choices but some people say that they're absolute trash and not worth it. I'm by no means a tier-whore but I don't really want to play something that isn't viable enough and having my class to blame for dying over and over.

    Are there any classes i'm potentially overlooking or should I go with Blighter or Abolisher?

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/HallmetW
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    Is it possible to make UI/Keybind in ArcheAge and Copy it over to AAU?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 06:26 AM PDT

    Question about PTS.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 09:37 AM PDT

    On PTS you get some boosts in some way? For example: getting max level super quick and having access to end game gear to try?

    submitted by /u/Desmondi
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    Archeage Unchained naval combat

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 01:47 AM PDT

    As a returning player that played a long time ago when there were 5 types of ships with no upgrades or anything like that, I have a question about naval combat. Are all the ships viable and if yes for what purposes (in my time I remember using clippers for harpooning and slowing bigger ships for example)

    submitted by /u/Kroxitrock
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    Anyone know if this is an actual housing area in game? Screenshot from Enhanced Graphics trailer.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 01:31 AM PDT

    if I liked Aion 2.7 - 4.* , would I like Archeage?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 07:02 AM PDT

    Purchase again

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 10:16 AM PDT

    So I was a founder for the original Archeage. Do I have to reregister and rebuy AA Unchained?

    submitted by /u/Smurphizzzle
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