• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 4, 2020

    ArcheAge Archeage Settlement Email - Details

    ArcheAge Archeage Settlement Email - Details

    Archeage Settlement Email - Details

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 04:38 PM PST

    A lot of you have been getting emails and showing up to ask if it's real. Yes it is. https://www.archeagesettlement.com/ is the website you should be getting linked to.

    The website has an FAQ answering essentially any question you could have, but here is a thread for you to discuss the settlement, ask questions not addressed in the FAQ, etc. The deadline (March 13th) is passing soon so if you meet the below criteria as posted on the website get on it.

    You are a member of the settlement classes if:

    You are a U.S. player who purchased an ArcheAge Patron status subscription before launch, either individually or as part of a Founder's Pack, and purchased items in the ArcheAge Marketplace before October 22, 2018, while maintaining Patron status (the "Discount Class"); OR

    You are a U.S. player who purchased at least one supply crate in the ArcheAge Marketplace before October 22, 2018 (the "Lottery Class"). If you have questions about whether you are a part of the settlement classes, you may contact the Claims Administrator.

    submitted by /u/Blaylocke
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    This person is shooting knives out of their junk. Prove me wrong.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 11:45 AM PST

    A humble exploration guide- by the Endeavour guild.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 03:36 PM PST

    This shit for real?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 09:17 AM PST

    A big thank you to the community! (Charity Stream results and appreciation post)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:35 PM PST

    I wanted to thank everyone for their support with the Charity stream. It was a wild ride and I hope you found it entertaining. In the end we managed to raise £1050! (roughly 1286 dollars)(https://i.imgur.com/RMcXhJV.png). It is a big achievement and around half of the funds were collected during the ArcheAge section!


    The Papyrus/HopelineUK charity was really thankful for all the support shown. If you missed the stream, but would still like to donate, visit https://papyrus-uk.org/. They are a brilliant charity working towards preventing young suicide and not only do they operate a suicide prevention hotline but also provide training to organisations and communities to detect and support at risk individuals!


    I would like to thank my brilliant mod team for all their help both before and throughout the stream. Special thanks to (in no particular order) to Ruby, Fee, Ed, Belko, Blaze, Mafia, Unpoppable, Komi, Diliskar and Blacklight. You have all been amazing and I could not have done it without you.


    A big shoutout to Julia (https://twitter.com/Julia_CaSsian), who not only supported me throughout the stream and signal boosted it on her social media, but was kind enough to provide many of the brilliant graphics you saw on both the stream page and during the stream.


    Lastly, thank you to all the brilliant donors! Your kindness will surely help many people in desperate need. Much appreciation to the top 5!


    • 1) Zeke with £145! (also thank you for hosting the stream! Find him at https://www.twitch.tv/ezekiel_iii)
    • 2) ZeroTwo with £100
    • 3) Anonymous (as per request) with £99
    • 4) Komi with £72.5
    • 5) Chito with £60.1


    These were the ArcheAge/Mental health art competition finalists: https://imgur.com/a/mDQra4m. Thank you for all the submissions and congratulations to the winners! You were able to draw some really great stuff in only 6 hours!


    Remember to be kind to one another :) This community can do some great things when it comes together. Stay healthy and postive. Farewell!

    submitted by /u/SilentNomad
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    ArcheAge Unchained = 10% of gamigo revenues in 2019 :o

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 01:54 PM PST

    Seems AAU was a good deal according to last report and it's not ready to stop yet ;D

    submitted by /u/mjmdurand
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    Vanilla player, questions about unchained

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 05:04 PM PST


    I was wondering how patron status works now? I can't find any conclusive info about it. Is it like before where you get more labor points/hour and allows you to get land? Or has it completely been removed and it's more 'fair' now?

    submitted by /u/ggwp_0001
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    Actual noob needing help with my Fanatic Build

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 05:55 AM PST

    So, i'm not the quickest to learn. I've decided to role Fanatic on my alt and now find myself at Ancestral level 1. I have a Korean build guide, but the game is totally different there, so i'm looking to you guys to help me!

    Would some experienced fanatics be able to share their builds? (Inc Ancestral Skills), so I can have a look? With my Ebonsong this worked well and I was able to make a build which suited me best.

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/Insee
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    Getting Bored- What do?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 08:03 AM PST

    I had a lot of fun on AAU when my friends played a lot. The PVP in Ynstere, the pirating on the high seas, the drama between guilds, the land rush, etc.

    Nowadays my friends are all burnt out. So all I really do is log in to mine/farm and burn labor while playing Hearthstone.

    I used to do Golden Plains but that got repetitive fast, same with most arenas.

    Is there any exciting stuff I can get involved with? I make all this money from farming/mining, but idk what to do with it other than throwing it at gear and clipper sail upgrades.

    submitted by /u/skilliard7
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    Some free speedboat uccs and I also do custom uccs as well. (Decorative and guild logos)

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 03:30 PM PST

    Sunglow Options - Tanky Healer not sure what to pick

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 09:56 AM PST

    I'm running edgewalker right now, i may try def/aura/vitalism later as well.

    Every healer goes +4% to fervent healing. Is that really the only option? The other two i see that look really good are the defense one (+15% per gem to self heal, seems really strong) or the occultism one (- cast speed to pain harvest). However everyone goes fervent. Is it really that strong? +16% at highest gem level?

    submitted by /u/Hasbotted
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    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 02:23 AM PST

    Seriously, something needs to be done about people from Denistrious Calling people N*****S and vote kicking people from Dungeons like Serpentis and Sea of Drowned Love, not to mention certain guilds on Wynn that all of us are already aware of at this point using blantantly racial slurs for guild names and not being banned. HOW TF IS THIS ACCEPTABLE GAMIGO? It shouldnt even need to be said that this is a really bad look for you as a company, allowing racism like this in your game

    submitted by /u/NoIsE_bOmB
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    This explains a lot about the past

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 01:33 PM PST

    where'd the content go pvp video

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 11:18 AM PST

    Lord Coins

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 06:16 AM PST

    Hey iam currently playing at Jakar EU and returned after 2 years of break. Now iam crafting my erenor gear up and i really don't know if iam able to craft the synthesis material due to the fact that i need Lord Coins and the Nuian Faction doesn't own a castle anymore. The working Scholls seem to be removed as well. Is there any option to get Lord Coins without changing faction, because i have not enough GS atm for a faction change. Ty in advance

    submitted by /u/Dark_BlueH2O
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