• Breaking News

    Monday, January 27, 2020

    ArcheAge To all those still holding onto a broken speedboat design like me, gamigo response.

    ArcheAge To all those still holding onto a broken speedboat design like me, gamigo response.

    To all those still holding onto a broken speedboat design like me, gamigo response.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 01:47 PM PST

    I managed to get ahold of Tinen on discord. It would appear they are using some sort of script to swap out the bunk designs. If any of you have them in your bank or in a storage chest in your house like I did, hold onto it in your inventory for now.


    submitted by /u/redkledredemption
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    Korea upcoming nerfs to Darkrunner and other skills. Feb 6th 2020.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:06 AM PST

    Puncture will now only give 3k defense penetration to 2h users. DW and shield users only get 1k.

    Triple slash / BEL no longer put shaken on target, just a slow.

    Stealth -> Shadowsmite: Additional Stealth Damage 98% → 35%

    Slow removed from thwart, so no more thwart + whirlwind for ez trip.

    Also looks like crashing wave has its "Auto target search range 20m → 10m "

    Here are the notes if you would like to translate.


    submitted by /u/Hattrickz
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    Seven reasons why I'm still having fun.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 03:27 PM PST

    Here are some tips and positivity to balance the negativity and quitting posts.

    1. I don't focus on Gear Score as my primary fun outlet /objective. I would be fine if Gear Score was hidden or somehow obfuscated in the future. It's an endless treadmill that I throw extra gold at, and, after hitting my final GS goals, have tended to absentmindedly. I can kill stuff relatively fast, so I'm happy. I don't need to know the exact strength number of my gear, it's mostly arbitrary and divisive.

    2. I set one goal to work toward initially, which opened up some stepping stone goals that gave me other fun reasons to play. My first goal was to get the Rudolph Freighter, which brought me these checkpoint goals: be able to produce my own pack ingredients in bulk (bundles) and get a miner's farmhouse. This has spiralled into other goals as I've progressed.

    3. Find an activity you like that makes you gold. Running packs is fun for me, so I used this to fund the hauler, then freighter, the farmhouse, and most recently a manor. I also sold stuff on the AH for a bit. Some people fish, some pirate, some process mats; just look for something you find fun because, whatever you're wanting to do, it most likely requires gold.

    4. The following point is a little controversial, but buy a second account. You can definitely have the full experience and a ton of fun with one account, but a second one is such a huge benefit. You can have three accounts according to the terms of service, but I feel that is a bit overkill for most players. The game is priced so that two accounts ($52 USD) is still cheaper than a new release game ($60 USD).

    5. Convince a friend to play, or if you're rather social, make some friends in-game. My fun has been multiplied by having people to play and chat with. Some may be fine playing solo, and if that's you, more power to you. One of the downsides of playing a lot with the same people is when someone quits for whatever reason, the fun decreases a bit.

    6. Understand that RNG is everywhere. Be okay with breaking equipment or crystallizing gear. Just assume it's going to happen, and don't get upset when it does.

    7. Ignore the nation/guild drama. What even is that? Use the chat block function liberally. Eventually you'll no longer see the trolls, racists, or otherwise obnoxious folks in your chat, and it's great!

    submitted by /u/ndcheezit
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    Underwater Cave

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 02:22 PM PST

    So I've been doing some exploration, and I've hit a dead end. I absolutely cannot find the "underwater cave" for Ocean Exploration. I've spent literal hours sailing back and forth to islands and in between spots, read countless guides, scoured all online forums and I have found nothing that will help. Does anyone know where I should be looking? I know this bbn is considered "dead content", but if I dont find this it might make me go crazy.

    submitted by /u/Scopu
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    "You think you do, but you don't" - My archeage Unchained Experienced summarized

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 06:53 AM PST

    Oh archeage, one of my favorite mmo's ever during the closed beta's and partially during launch, i thought u were ruined by p2w, i was wrong, after so many years youve changed so much, from a crafting based game about doing what u enjoy in a semi-sandbox world with a amazing naval system to a daily based grindfest , youve truly changed.

    Thank you gamigo and trion for making me realize that removing p2w doesnt bring back the mmo i loved due to it having changed over the years. I thought i did but i didnt.

    Goodbye belstrom western nation, it was fun, the chat and community are the best part of this game and ill genuinely miss the banter and shittalking. Buy a clipper, fuck the cargo ship, adios.

    submitted by /u/KelloPudgerro
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    New Archepass glitch Bois. Pass Reset again after completed 11 missions after Sunday. Fully unintentional.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 05:29 PM PST

    Simple tricks to help speed through the archepass

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 01:00 AM PST

    So if you're a veteran you've already figured this stuff out, I'm hoping to help someone with these quick tricks~

    Save Honor potions from Hiram City to instant complete the "earn honor" missions! This can be done with the vocation badge missions too, but the potions are less lucrative and not worth it over the honor potion. You can also leave the honor from halcy in your mailbox and claim it later for the same effect!

    Buy an armor set box from an armor merchant. Then from the general merchant buy story awakening scroll (rank 1)x5, 20x rank 1 story infusions, and a few adventurers evenstones. This will let you complete the "infuse X times" mission for minimal costs, very helpful if you're on an alt or without hiram infusions.

    Kill X monsters are easily completed with a hiram raid. This one is super obvious but worth mentioning especially for alts or healers.

    Don't enter halcy or other que-able instances with any missions that you could complete in said instance! This is bugged and will use one of your weekly quests but give you no rewards!

    Make sure not to complete 2 or more missions simultaniously for the same reason as above.

    If you have any little tricks to share please do!

    submitted by /u/Rokuta
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    Rerolling Ranger(vitalism) to Stone Arrow(defense)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:28 AM PST

    So I'm currently playing ranger(archery/shadowplay/vitalism) with club/shield. Full agility + crit rate/dmg build. The purpose of vitalism was mainly around mana barrier. The idea was if I resurgance+ mana barrier, it's a 20k shield that lasts 8 seconds, so I can basically tank an entire combo. Anything extra was just utility like arenzeb's boon/revive. The healing abilities like mend didn't really do much because I didn't have healing crit stats or spirit.

    In KR they just removed the ability to self cast mana barrier which means I will be a lot worse in 1v1 as my vitalism tree will be basically worthless.

    Given that I have a shield, I'm considering reroll to stone arrow(Vitalism to defense), but how screwed will I be? My understanding is defense has no abilities that scale with healing power, so my club's stats will go to waste. Is this a big deal? I've already got the club to T2 divine and fully gemmed it+tempered , so I don't want to start over on that. Is it worth rerolling without switching weps?

    submitted by /u/skilliard4
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    pve content

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:17 AM PST

    is this a strictly pvp game or are there world events, raids etc?

    submitted by /u/variancegears
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    Merchant Schooner and upgrades

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 06:54 AM PST

    So i'm currently sitting on about 8k gold and plan to invest some of it into a merchant schooner.

    How does the upgrading works, how much gold will it cost ca., what is worth upgrading, where do i get new pieces, what are the best pieces.

    I can't find any website with good information about anything in archeage

    submitted by /u/dasnerft
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    EU - Looking for a duo to share the account with.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:56 AM PST

    Hi. I am completely burn out. My duo, my friends and my guild all left the game. I have the desire to login from time to time and play, I also enjoy making gold in this game, but I don't have the mental energy to grind through the daily quests anymore. If you are interested, give me a PM. You get the enjoy the game at a high gearscore and I get to login from time to time, without completely falling behind. I'm looking for someone friendly with some gaming background. You would have priority over the account, I would pm you beforehand if I wanted to login.

    My current gear: https://archeagecalculator.com/?a=g3915027&b=1 - 100k Exploration - 50k Alchemy - 140k Larceny

    Additional items: - Merchant Schooner with Epic Sails and Epic Harpoon - Fish-Find Longliner with Epic Propelant and 20k Fishing Rod - Chrome Steamfish Submarine with Sonar and Air Cannon - Red Freighter Chroma (8+2 packs) - Lullaby Pajama Set - Eternal World Diving Helmet (90+30s of Breathing Time) - Eternal Defiance Diving Fins (40+12% Swimming speed) - Max Inventory/Warehouse space

    If needed, I will support you with a 180k exploration alt.

    I know that this is a long-shot, but hey, I met friends like this before.

    submitted by /u/Adephx
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    Rerolling stats on costume?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 01:25 AM PST

    I'm playing as archer and am in process of upgrading my ranged costume. Currently it is at rare grade with + bonus to physical defense and 1 reroll chance attempt. Should I immediately try and reroll my first stat into a better one or would it be better to save my reroll chances until costume is at higher grade?

    submitted by /u/Kyubei_
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    Come help three newbs out

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 01:02 AM PST

    Ok, so me and my three friends are looking for a new mmo to play, and after a week or so of looking around, decided to play Archeage unchained. I have a few questions if people could answer them for me.

    -Starting the game, how does picking the different races start us off? We'll most likely not be all picking the same race so idk if we start by yourselves and have to later meet up or what.

    -What are the biggest and most popular servers for US?

    -Are there any PVE or Roleplay servers, or is it all the game with pvp zones in certain spots?

    -How hard is it to find big guilds that actively do events?

    -What's the one advice you wish you had known when you first started the game?

    I did post this on the unchained reddit as while, but it has fewer people and I'd like all the opinions I can get. Thank you 😊

    submitted by /u/IPNinja
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    Archeum Daeier Necklace

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 11:04 PM PST

    Is there anyone who has/had in the past this necklace? I wanna hear opinions, is it worth crafting? also I wanna learn how the immune to all damage ability works, can you cast it on yourself?

    submitted by /u/rpg-maniac
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    auction house problem

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 11:12 PM PST

    I just tried to buy fabric and lumber from the auction house, made the purchase, money subtracted, and it didn't show up in my bag or warehouse. I've done 4 purchases in total (two for each item) and nothing is showing up in my bag. is something wrong?

    (edit, it is showing up in my mail but still not anywhere in my inventory)

    submitted by /u/horrorflicks
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    lil saturday pvp video

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 04:59 PM PST

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