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    Wednesday, November 6, 2019

    ArcheAge Open letter to the community - We can have a healthy game

    ArcheAge Open letter to the community - We can have a healthy game

    Open letter to the community - We can have a healthy game

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 12:05 PM PST

    I expect a lot of downvotes but the messasge is worth spreading.

    Hello AAU players, I have been playing since launch with my friends and I'm having much fun. I'm not a super hardcore player so I just do what I want and enjoy my own progress path. If you care about the game's future please consider reading this.

    Since release I have been reading reddit and forum posts about overall discontentment with the publisher/dev actions. I feel you, players who wanted a sandbox game were confronted with a daily checklist. Veteran players felt that the game was nowhere near what they expected.

    I'm not here to defend old trade system vs new, pirate faction or archepass... Like you reading this I want to play Archeage for as long as I enjoy it, and for that we need to have servers up and running.

    As a software dev I know how things can get messy, how bugs suddently come up at the last second, put some pressure and deadlines into the mix and you are guaranteed for issues. Some issues are alright and actually expected, AAU had every issue possible to the point of the community (myself included) thinking that the devs are incompetent. And this is where they should take the blame.

    However this does not justify our community's behaviour , writing inumerous rude/agressive posts calling it a "cash grab" and crying over every mechanic possible. The fearmongering caused to all players new or veteran is ridiculous.

    That kind of attitude is not healthy for anyone, Gamigo listened to the community and now we're acting like spoiled children because our toy is not perfect?

    I understand the anger, I understand the frustration and the feeling that you got robbed... I am no saint either, had my share of angry comments.

    What I want us to do is help Gamigo build an healthy game, by giving constructive feedback like: Gamigo, "x" feature is not healthy because "this, this and that. And in my opinion a solution would be...". Not by creating worthless posts and killing the game from the inside.

    Do you want to be the reason the game is dead!? Of course not, you want to play and have fun fighting in pvp with your guild, or fishing alone in the open sea, or carrying trade packs with your friends through red territory fearing any sudden attack.

    The game is not even a month old, if you do care about it be positive and constructive. Gamigo proved that they listen, changes take time and patience.

    Thank you for reading this far, can I count on you to help?

    submitted by /u/Master_of_Triggers
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    [Meme] So my server has been offline for 2 days..

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 06:50 AM PST

    wE wAnT iT bAcC !!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 10:11 AM PST

    Belstrom hasnt had an exploit in 2 days :)

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:59 PM PST

    When your party gets ganked by reds while farming mobs, but you're out of mana.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 10:12 AM PST

    Life as a Trader based in Ahnimar

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 11:53 AM PST

    How to Library

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:19 AM PST

    Most of my faction doesnt know how to do library so heres a quick guide.

    You may have seen in the past week or so people xing up for "library". Well friends, let me give you a refresher.

    Every 4 hours (this is static, spawn time and kill times do not change this). 12 / 4 / 8 EST for reference.

    Theres a big library in the middle of diamond shores, you may have seen it. It has 3 floors, each with 2 instances called "dimensions". Every 4 hours, a boss will spawn on each dimension and floor.

    There are 2 bosses per floor. One on each dimension. One boss can spawn on both dimensions, or both dimensions might spawn a different boss.

    Completing a quest will give you set amount of mana prints, each worth 1g 50s each.

    Floor 1 - Stena and Kaylin. 5 Mana Prints each (7.5g)

    Floor 2 - Runert and Ecktom. 7 Mana Prints each ( 10.5g)

    Floor 3 - Tinnereph and Jergant. 9 Mana Prints each (13.5g)

    Bosses are INVINCIBLE for 5 minutes after they spawn. Giving you enough time to go to each dimension and floor to grab each quest.

    When a boss spawns and you are in their dimension on their floor, you will automatically receive a quest to "kill" them once you are in range, usually as soon as you are on the floor. To actually complete the quest, you must interact with an item that drops on the ground after the boss dies. The item stays on the ground for a long time after the boss dies and quest completion is raid-wide.

    You do not need to talk to an npc to grab the quest. You do not need to tag the boss to get the quest. You do not need to tag the boss to complete the quest.

    Each quest is a daily, but there is a chance you may want to do library more than just once, in the good chance that not all 6 individual bosses will spawn at once.

    Dimensions are capped to a certain amount of people, but do not worry. As bosses spawn, people will be leaving full dimensions to go to other floors and dimensions to grab quests. Again, the 5 minute immunity that bosses have WILL give you enough time to swamp dimensions and floors in order to grab every quest.

    The most efficient way to grab as many quests as possible:

    1. Start at Floor 3 or floor 3's lobby.
    2. Exit through the middle portal back into the lobby and enter the other dimension if a different boss spawned
    3. Exit through the middle again and make your way down to floor 2 down the stairs through the lobby
    4. Rinse and repeat until all possible boss quests are given to you
    5. Start running back up to floor 3, or stay on current floor and wait until bosses are killed to finish the quests


    submitted by /u/Breugo
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    shoutout to the boys with 0 labor and no compensation pack

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:08 PM PST


    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 10:07 AM PST

    Went for Eternal on Fishing Propellant

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:34 AM PST

    Game is in a really critical situation

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 03:36 AM PST

    Hello, I'm an old legacy player that came back with AAU release, right now I'm playing on Alexander EU and I'm going to talk about the game economy, not about the exploit or gold buy problem those are already cited a lot of.

    Since old legacy a lot of changes where made to the game these changes where made thinking in an continius decreasing population, the problem is that these changes are destroying the economy and gameplay of the populated servers that we have at AAU, I will go point by point.

    Commerce; A lot of debate have come from here, everybody prefer the old one, because this new one force you to make certains routes and cut your freedom, but as we understand this is a change difficult to do is okay to have it for now.

    However, a big problem have appear, the % reset new system where you need to deliver x quantity of each pack for reset is a good system for non populated servers but for AAU where the flow og normal packs is way bigger than the aged packs people can do is horrible. The way to SOLVE it is simple PUT AGAIN PASIVE % REGAIN. Just on aau servers its not that difficult.

    Fishing; This havent change a lot, however the only big change that was made is horrible. Limited spot by quantity of fish catch is good in a non populated server as you cant abuse too much. However in AAU we find two scenarios, you cant make fishing raids (for actual fishing not to get the achivement) as you would deplete the spot fast so you are easy killed by a raid that just overnumber you. And second situation is that if you open the spot an spot and people arrive it it get depleted. To SOLVE it just REMOVE THE CAP OF FISH CATCH AS IT WAS BEFORE. The cooperative spirit that was at fishing have desappear at all.

    Crafting; with hiram gear, infusion system and other catch up mechanics the crafting have being going down in profitable as there is not a real demand of big crafted things. All legacy players can remember how they make gold in NA/EU server to buy apex, crafting was alive and a way to make money for people that knew the market and like it. Sadly solve this is not easy as it would be needed to change core mechanics of the game.

    Proficiencies; the incrase of proficiency needed for some craftings have make some of them not profitable on early game and are generating a lucl of resources in whole server. (No animal pens per example).

    Im sure there are more problems as everymarket is getting exausted atm, but I thing that with this bible everybody can understand what is my point.

    So pls, we need this minor changes to save the economy and the game, Im not asking to put it on every server just on the AAU ones. We want the live economy with big diversity of the game we loved in the past not just daily simulator plus some grinding.

    So let's make this msg go up and make presure on gamigo.

    Ty for read all this text.

    submitted by /u/batsaxsa
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    the correct order for most cost efficient gear upgrading?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:37 PM PST

    so i've heard multiple theories on this and i'm not sure which to follow:

    -finish upgrade hiram levels/tiers first (Divine or Epic / T3)

    -finish tempering first (~10 to ~14)

    -finish socketing gems first (all sockets used)

    some of this makes other things more expensive the farther you go, so I hear. is there any consensus on the order so you dont burn more money than needed?

    submitted by /u/vucar
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    Belstrom update. Still no ETA.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 03:48 PM PST

    Update about Belstrom

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 03:24 AM PST

    Hiram Upgrade Strategy?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 12:18 PM PST

    So just got my hiram, whats the best/most efficient way to upgrading?

    I heard stuff like don't use lower tier infusions and throw a bunch of infusions even after T1 is celestial since XP carries over to T2 and its cheaper to feed T1.

    What else?

    submitted by /u/Ecchii
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    Please Revert the nerf In sunken chests

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 08:33 AM PST

    Vaultstones giving trash items , i know they nerfed it because of bots , but now we hack a Anti cheat, i rly think they can bring back this fun content

    submitted by /u/bielxbiel
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    Auction House Dupe Exploit

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:39 AM PST

    So if you have been reading discord, the method is true. I tested it on my main and alt. You literally dupe the item. This is MASSIVE since it's not only Belstrom auction house that can do this

    submitted by /u/rmbermine
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    OFFICIAL BELSTROM DOWNTIME - Withdrawal symptoms kicking in. HELP!@#

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:57 PM PST

    Balance changes. @Gamigo.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:54 PM PST

    I wanted to make a list of balance changes that should be made that would greatly improve gameplay.

    Im not going to mention obvious bugs here. This is just suggestions on how to make AA the game it should be.

    Building certificates: They are either 20 dilligence or 5k labor and 150 gold. The in game price is far too high. And dilligence are far too limited. We need these things to trade property and to build certain buildings. Some of which take 6 certs! Thats either 120 dilligence or 900g and 30k labor! This could use adjustment.

    Royal seeds: 800 vocation or a drop from bundles based on proficiency. These make larders too expensive to make, which makes them worth not running. This creates a chain reaction to ruin the entire commerce profession. Larders do not get turned in which keeps overseas cargo expensive to buy. Making all other over land packs too oversaturated waiting for larders. Even on legacy, with max prof farmers getting the seeds, larders required a balance change (patch 6.3). Unchained commerce is screwed unless this is fixed. Commerce is a MAJOR reason a lot of players even play this game.

    Dilligence Store bound tax certificates: 1 tax cert for 10 dilligence. (This one is comical..) 10 dilligence = 2000 labor = 20 tax certs.... Or you know buy them for 10 dilligence a piece.

    High powered engine, fish boat recipe, dawnsdrop gear: IT is FAAR easier to create a new character and earn a fishing boat (500 GUILDA STAR) recipe than it is to earn it on an experienced high level character. The free high powered engines ruin Thunderstruck tree value. And why even include dawnsdrop in the vocation shop when we get it free. This is just bad design.

    These things are tradable and players are netting them on alts for sale. Making alts is NOT fun and engaging gameplay and these handouts should be removed entirely. It affects the economy greatly by taking expensive items you normally progress for and then cheapening them. It also cheapens the entire experience when your end game ambitions are just handed to you for little to 0 effort. Players will lose interest over this, it's psychological.

    Hiram gear: This could not work for this launch but I want to include it in case of AA:U 2. Do not give players hiram gear off the bat. Every single player I've spoken to seems to agree with this sentiment. 90% of our initial endgame content has been skipped due to this hand out. We should be crafting gear and hunting dungeons for pieces we want while grabbing a few pieces of base green hiram. Instead everything else is a downgrade unless you can afford to craft Ayanad gear straight up.

    Along side the prior sugggestion, make Hiram quests weekly. This would slow the growth of Hiram gear greatly, which is needed. And would cause a greater need for dungeon and crafted gear. Crafted gear need would also drive demand for Onyx Archeum essense and drive up oversea trade.

    Better rewards for pack turn-ins at freedich: Guilda was great, and players talk about it often. But it's not really the guilda which is the problem here. It is that there isn't a huge incentive for making guild runs there anymore. Just increase the reward. Players want to make big guild runs. They create some of the most iconic gameplay players remember from this game. Dragon essence stabalizers are not worth enough and if you put too much effort into running them you easily oversaturate the market. Deterring players from wanting to do it.

    While we are at it: Fish turn in spot at freedich should be moved to the shore. No one uses this turn in, its simply horrible. Walking for one whole minute on land with each fish is NOT viable. It honestly should ALSO be given a 10% bonus to turn in value. Freedich is most players fondest memories of PvP, give us incentives for going there and taking the risk. Fishers and pirates would both love this change.

    Prevent guards from auto sending you to jail: why was this added? While we at it, prevent users from going to trial when they are already serving time. This is rampant, and annoying. It cheapens the trial system and makes crime a literal joke. (You repeat until you get inno making no amount of crime points an actual issue) I would also mention lowering crime points but those changes are coming already.

    Along with crime... unrestrict the pirate faction: Why is it limited to 100 pirates? Why are we limited to 10 transitioning a week? The western audience thrives on conflict. Stop preventing players from becoming the villains. We want enemies to hate.

    Remove the safe travel boat: It's buggy and serves very little purpose. It cheapens the excitement of travel across the sea.

    Remove being able to vote kick players from FFA arena: Why is this a thing?

    Bring back the obsidian spear: OR make the hiram spear what the obsidian spear was. (Dps weapon with some healing power on it) Removing this item completely destroyed all melee dps healers. They were never OP or even A tier meta in any way. But plenty of players loved these classes. (Argent, paladin, ect) The game advertises a robust and diverse open class system and this removal really chunked a whole subset of classes.

    Switch the trade turn in system back to 3 turn ins: (If not a complete 1.0 revert) this change did nothing but hinder our overseas trade drastically. I can see its meant to funnel players into one turn in, but guess wha? It is 100% bypassed by just traveling the opposite direction... Just start on the enemy continent at a less popular buy point and haul back towards your safe zone. It is 100% a safer run and completely ruins the 1 turn in per continent idea anyway. Players discover this quickly... The system sucks and we would rather have choices. Hell most players preferred when we staged packs on property as guild and then shoved off from our shoreline property. It made shoreline property valuable and land was more exciting when this mechanic existed. It is this type of gameplay and coordination that players remember and love from this game, bring it back.

    Balance the owl mount or gate the main quest on a fresh start: The mount is by far faster than all other mounts making them irrelevant. Almost everyone is using it becuase its just not even a choice, all other mounts suck compared. Players used to grind for weeks to get thunderdash. Now? Why bother. This thing is overtuned and given to us for free.

    Lower sport fishing damage: It hurts me to say this as someone who mains this as their profession on every server, but we are 2 shotting fish at 10k prof. What am I looking forward to? We are stronger at 5k prof with the free boots you give us than we used to be at 80k. I'm enjoying the ease, but it is definitely overtuned if I'm being honest.

    While we are at it reduce the labor turn in ratio for fishing: Its 60 catch 50 turn in. This completely sucks for fishing pirates. Again an activity that people love and keeps our gameplay intense and interesting. It is such a high ratio that, as a fisher, I have a dedicated fishing turn in alt. She just sits at port and turns in my fish to curb my mains labor cost. It's completely dumb that I feel the need to do this. 90/20 or 80/30.

    Also balance the commerce ratio: The turn in of packs is a MASSIVE chunk of the labor cost. Pirating and the dangers of it are really what drive this sandbox. We shouldn't be nerfing it into unviable territory. Stealing packs is almost a burden at this point... I should not need to manage my labor when considering highjacking a red merchant ship or fishing boat.

    This really turned into a book and I'm unsure how many people will actually read this, but I just kept thinking of changes needed... I may add more as I think about it.

    This game fills a massive demand for MMO players in the west and it is not currently being given the justice it deserves.

    I'm sure the attention around this launch and the shear volume of players on it proves that. Even with all the negative news and issues we have 10 extremely active servers. (Well 9 if were counting Belstrom right now...) It's wasted potential and revenue to not give this game proper treatment to increase replayability and longevity.

    submitted by /u/Nazori
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    Let's Share Keybinds!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:17 AM PST

    Hey all! I am on a quest to find the optimal keybinding setup without needing a Naga.

    Here is what I have currently as a Spellsinger. I would love to see how others are binding optimally.

    ~ - 5 - Utility Skills (double time, freezing earth, dissonance, etc)

    Shift Q/E - Other Utility (Magic Circle and Insulating Lens)

    Q, E, R, F - Main damage skills (Arc Lightning, Flamebolt, Chain Lightning, etc)

    Z, X - Cast Time Skills - Meteor and Frigid Tracks

    MB4/MB5 - Mobility Skills (Freerunner and Drop Back)

    Shift + MB4/MB5 - Songs (Quickstep and Bloody Chantey)

    V - Anything (Currently using it for Deadly Refrain)

    I still need to find good binds for mounts, glider usage, potions, etc.

    submitted by /u/hatchtp
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    Can you store trade packs on a unbuilt house plot?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:23 PM PST

    My explorer gear is stuck at 99%. Cant awaken to next level.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:56 PM PST

    Welp, another AAU sob story...

    All but one of my explorer gear is ready for the upgrade to hiram. The Bow is stuck at 99% experience and I have no infusions left. I have no idea how this happened ( I read somewhere that autofill could have deleted one infusion???)

    Does the support help in such situations and give me another infusion? Or maybe there is another way? to get the 1% exp?

    Please guys I need your help on this QQ

    submitted by /u/kartoffelkoenig
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    Clan specialty workbench

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:53 PM PST

    I have been looking for this workbench for quite a while. Does anyone know where they are? Its not the community specialty workbench

    submitted by /u/punchyj
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    (OPINION) Hiram upgrading should require mats

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 03:00 PM PST

    There's a glaring issue with the AAU economy in that basic crafting materials are worth very little. If you check the auctions, even the processed materials are worth very little mark up and only hold value for their respective daily quest turn ins and tradepacks.

    Hiram infusions (or all gear upgrades in general) should have required crafting materials to apply to your weapon/armor/etc depending on the item you're using. leather for leather armor, lumber for staves bows, etc.

    It's a really simple solution that AA could add to the future assuming they want to re re re release a less fucked up game. Would at least add another sink of mats to the economy besides dailies and tradepacks.

    submitted by /u/Alabugin
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