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    Tuesday, November 5, 2019

    ArcheAge Meme I experienced yesterday

    ArcheAge Meme I experienced yesterday

    Meme I experienced yesterday

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 09:02 AM PST

    Thunderstruck the I.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:39 AM PST

    Yesterday, I f*cked up.


    Let me explain. I'm a returning player from the original ArcheAge but I never got into farming. I had never ever seen a Thunderstruck tree or farmed before playing Unchained.

    So I was planting Cedar in my small Scarecrow Farm and somehow, by sheer, unbelievable luck, got a Thunderstruck Tree.

    At first I didn't even know what that was and looked it up, I then found out the logs are worth quite a bit of money.

    I was so damn excited. I watched that tree for hours, barely leaving its side.

    My neighbours danced around the tree, strangers congratulated me and I was happy. I started thinking about what I would do with the money, perhaps learn Nuian, which is my top goal ingame. Or perhaps learn composition, which I enjoy.

    I started planning ahead and was getting so very excited, patiently waiting for my baby tree to grow.

    And that's exactly what f*cked me over. I did not know that Thunderstruck trees don't mature, I had no idea that the timer on them was not the countdown until they are harvestable, but the countdown until they perish.

    I watched and celebrated, I waited for over 2 days thinking I was waiting to chop down my precious baby, only to see it rot right before my eyes.

    As the timer hit 0 I was ready to get those logs, but the tree disappeared.

    I will honestly never forget the feeling of dread as I realised what just happened and the feeling of regret that washed over me just after and still hangs above me like a heavy cloud of self hatred.

    I wasted this 0,1% chance, because I was an idiot.

    Any of the people on Tinnereph that were there or heard of this, thank you for the F in chat. I appreciate it :) Although this really isn't what I wanted to be remembered for but at least I might save someone else's butt.

    Don't be like me.

    I'm sorry Thunderstruck the I. I will never forget you.

    submitted by /u/JessyNyan
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    A new player's adventure at pirate island.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:46 AM PST

    I'm a new player, ancestral 1 and until last night I had no idea the pirates were a whole faction.

    Last night I finally finished my caernord sea serpent propeller for my harpoon clipper. I decided that I wanted to attach it right then but the boat said I need to go to ezis light,I am currently at Aegis island. So I went to the only place I knew of which was the ezis light at pirate island. Well I went there and found out I couldn't use it, I decided that I would get off the boat, go to the mailbox it says is on the island and buy some hereafter stones to teleport to two crows harbor.

    Well I had no idea that the NPCs instantly grab and kill you on sight, I figured they were just some high level 55 mobs. I was very wrong. I was killed and thrown in the growlgate jail cell and I sat there for about half an hour until I finally figured out how to escape. Note that I only have one hereafter stone so porting out wasn't an option.

    I get out of the jail cell and summon my boat and get out, I took the boat all the way down to nuia and went too close to this area that was still under development, I tried to portal out and I wasn't close enough then I saw a message come up saying all my trade packs (I didn't have any thankfully) have been stolen and I will be teleported out.

    Well it teleported me not only out but all the way back to pirate island without despawning my clipper. I then realized I need to be near it to despawn it. Turns out I was stranded, I found a small town on the pirate island and jumped on some buildings to get above it. I get up to the top of a broken down building and there's a mirage portal below with one guard walking around. I wait for the guard to walk away, I drop down, hit f as fast as I can. Dead. This is the point I found out players can be pirates too.

    They camped the only place I could spawn which is the jail cell, I couldn't leave for another 30 minutes until a nuia alliance member shows up leaving on a row boat, the pirate players immediately gun it for him I message him to row faster and warm him and he stops to reply to me, they kill him. I managed to get into the water and use my elf swim speed buff and swim as fast as I can out to the middle of the ocean. I fought off sharks and golden jellyfish until I swim back to solzreed. I finally use my one hereafter stone to go to two crowns harbor, I relog and I am able to spawn my boat back and I equip the propeller I had finished.

    Thanks for reading :) I just wanted to share this crazy adventure I had. Last night.

    submitted by /u/coachbearly
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    Home goals do come true! With time, we found land for both our 16x16 and 8x8 farms, and houses!

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:53 AM PST

    Fishing raids for design best thing to happen to AAU

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 01:20 PM PST

    It's going to be sad when these stop and we go back to daily hiram and arena age. We have huge community events, doing something fun that doesn't cost a million gold or labor to participate in, there is spontaneous naval PvP, a lot of turns in freedich that ALWAYS has PvP with people trying to steal/turn in packs between each pool.

    It's almost like having good rewards for something that ties into the sandbox part of the game that isnt a giant drain on resources instead of dailies makes the game fun. Who would of thought!

    submitted by /u/Yikers233
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    Trying to gain mana back before each solo pvp fight... & going into battle.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 09:36 AM PST


    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 08:53 AM PST

    I'm not a smart man.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:04 AM PST

    Major event times in NA NEED TO CHANGE!!

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:08 PM PST

    Discuss this please. Abyssal Attack at 2:30/3:30pm PST? Castle Sieges at 1pm? Luscas at 3pm? Who is making it to these events? Don't answer because I know, it's the people who don't work. Good for them, for the rest of the players, these end game and very profitable events need to change to a more conservative time frame so the majority of NA can participate. Just quit your job 4Head.

    submitted by /u/pigglyjigglesplits
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    Belstrom Update

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 09:56 AM PST

    Gamigo CM Interviewed About Exploits

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 03:16 PM PST

    Wholesome AA Unchained

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 08:46 PM PST

    Wholesome AA Unchained

    So me and my husband were farming carrots when someone in /nation said "Come to candle! We'll protect you while you get it!" At first I thought it was a trick- hundreds of people have been trying to get that cancerous quest done, but I decided why not, we've been trying to get it for 2 weeks now. Surprisingly enough, there were a group of 5 greens guarding the house just like they said, making sure everyone who showed up got their quest done. When I asked the leader if he got his done, he said he had but he shows up after work every day to make sure other players can get it done too. This is literally the nicest, self-sacrificing thing I've see on this server. I covered up the names so people won't troll them, but they're extremely humble regardless. I asked him if he'd run for hero, he said he wouldn't. Real Hero's of the West!


    submitted by /u/HotSinglesNearU
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    Swiftblade fun #3 swiftblade mage!??

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 12:08 PM PST

    I feel like there's nothing to work towards except gear nowadays

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 08:36 AM PST

    So Archeage hands you everything for free nowadays, except gear:

    • Free farm cart and farm wagon via quest

    • free fishing boat via achievement

    • free dawnsdrop gear via quest

    • 16x16 quest has a safe boat now

    • Car that doesn't require gilda.

    • tons of gilda for no effort via achievements/dailies

    Meanwhile gear is 100x more painful than before. Whereas before you could just do whatever you felt like and buy gear(trade runs, farming, etc), or just do dungeon/raid gear, now you gotta dump tons of labor into gear to the point where you need a second account to do anything like farm, and you have to do tons of dailies for infusions and honor every single day.

    Other veteran players may argue that the old crafted gear system was worse in terms of RNG, but the difference then was you could get hasla/obsidian/serpentis gear which was "good enough", and it didn't take a ton of labor/rng to get. Additionally, there were other goals to work towards.

    Nowadays, I don't even know what's left to work for other than continuing to throw labor and gold at my gear to stay competitive. Merchant ship seems pointless because trade runs suck atm. Galleon seems pointless because crime system sucks and no one does trade runs outside of the safe ship.

    Basically it seems like the same thing every day. Get home from work, gather farm on alt, do hiram dailies, do CR/GR/Aegis for honor, do gilda dailies, do arena dailies, throw all labor and gold into gear, repeat. It's not the sandbox I remember.

    My best memories on Archeage were working together to get people things that the whole guild benefits from. Doing trade runs to get merchant boats, fishing boats, etc. Also the huge player-ran events that happen like 5-10 guilds getting together to go to freedich and fighting purple and red guilds. Nowadays it feels like no one wants to do anything fun, because people are too busy trying to get their dailies in to stay competitive. Nowadays "group content" is 100 player raids running the same scripted content every day. If you're lucky maybe one of the reset raid zones are at war and you fight reds, but it's such a lagfest that it's not interesting.

    Can't even find people in nation willing to PVP reds for fish packs because everyone is busy with dailies.

    submitted by /u/skilliard7
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    I can hear them screaming from my fishing boat

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 03:41 PM PST

    EU-Belstrom Downtime

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 01:38 AM PST

    EU-Belstrom has now been down for over 14 hours without any updates since taking down the server.

    This is getting beyond frustrating.

    submitted by /u/Barraxx
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    How it be sometimes on Jergant

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 10:33 PM PST

    Feedback on my Reaper build? Particularly on Ancestral skill choices...

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 01:39 PM PST


    So I'm currently working on leveling Occultism to 55 (was originally Fanatic) and am pretty set on playing Reaper long-term. Was just looking for some feedback on my skill choices from more experienced players, as I'm a pretty new player.

    In particular, I have difficulty choosing between all the different Ancestral skills. The ones I have selected in my build I'm fairly confident on (although please leave feedback if you disagree with any of my choices), but a bunch of these I just have no idea on.

    If it matters, I'm running cloth with a scepter + phys shield for my gear.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/zandm7
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    Max Health vs Damage Reduction

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 12:05 PM PST

    For a pvp build in general or if you want more precise for a leather/melee build like deathwish.

    I heard that Max Health doesn't scale so well end game, so after getting your main stats + resilience in your chest what should you get?

    submitted by /u/Ironmillos
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    Now that AAU is more progressed...what accessories should people aim for?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 09:52 AM PST

    I see a ton of different accessories with different unlock req from separate dailies/locations so I'm lost being 3.7k gear score with 2 druid accessories...so basically what I'm asking is what should people who are more progressed be focusing on for accessories? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Roboticfish658
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    Current Belstorm [NSFW]

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:23 PM PST

    An interesting mage weapon problem.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:18 PM PST

    So here is the situation: I decided to r8eroll from melee to fanatic. I managed to change my upgraded hiram armor to Int but my weapon might be an issue.

    I rolled my Nodachi to int but my question is do staves and scepters have some sort of innate magic damage base that the spells use? Do I basically have to farm up a staff or are the weapons just stat sticks?

    I already used up my free extra cloaked tokens from the achievement.

    submitted by /u/scapego4t
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    Me Explaining to the Jury, that I only Stole the Wood for my Archeage GF...

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 04:04 PM PST

    It’s been two weeks. When can we claim preorder/retail bonuses again?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:04 AM PST

    As noted in the Twitch stream two weeks ago, Khrolan mentioned we'd have the option to claim preorder bonuses and purchase bonuses on a second character due to new servers and characters being made.

    Any update on this happening?

    submitted by /u/realwords
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    Pros and Cons Archers, Mages and DPS melee?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 01:32 PM PST

    Im interested with archery class but want to know how looks other classes at PvE and PvP when i an mean Ebonsong, Fanatic or dark runner

    submitted by /u/tigerforces
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