• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 13, 2019

    ArcheAge Finished my house setup :3

    ArcheAge Finished my house setup :3

    Finished my house setup :3

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 09:58 AM PST

    People grinding for that 6k+ gs, meanwhile we have finally finished our Guild house!

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 02:26 AM PST

    Alexander Castle siege right now

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 12:59 PM PST

    Me everytime

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 01:54 PM PST

    Me trying to do green and Blue salt brotherhood quests while getting one shot in the area close to the other faction under War.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 12:42 PM PST

    Alexander TRUE

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 01:34 PM PST

    These massive issues need more attention and immediate action.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 01:42 PM PST

    I see a lot of "please fix this tiny inconvenience or unbalance". While I feel your pain I don't see any major posts about our gamebreaking issues.

    Outlining them here:

    1: Commerce is effectively broken.
    It is A LOT of players favorite major content mechanic and it's essentially broken.

    Larders are not profitable. Even on legacy where players have max farming, royal seeds are too expensive/rare and larders are not worth making. This prompted a patch which we are likely not getting for months.

    I could go into why this affects all commerce but the TLDR is that packs are getting less and less value for turn in and were seeing 0 reduction in overseas pack purchase price as a result.


    If we don't see a correction from Gamigo/XL soon, we will continue to not see any commerce done at all.

    This is also keeping ALL land profits in the toilet. Commerce typically uses TONS of materials. Farming, gathering and husbandry. Refined and unrefined. It effectly converts these material to packs and these packs convert to gold. This brings up the farm labor value.

    We are seeing 0 demand for almost all harvested products because commerce is dead. This has far reaching effects and needs to addressed IMMEDIATELY. Easiest fix? Remove Royal seed from the larder recipe.

    (Worth mentioning as well is the larder disappearing problem.. But that has attention already and honestly is no where near as important as the underlying larder problem as a whole)

    2: Fix crime!!!

    First off, points are far too high and we were told a fix was coming, where's that at? And why even have crime at all if it is MEANINGLESS. Players are glitching out of jail in SECONDS. There is effectively 0 point to crime points atm and players can purple up literally 24/7 without consequences.

    As a result trials have become far less iconic and entertaining. It's basically just Nation chat 2 at this point, as it is constantly active.

    3: Heroes, castles, and auroria land when? Apparently due to a known legacy glitch that was being ignored we now don't have land in the south east auroria where we are all meant to compete for castles.

    Once we have castles, land grab happens there and the daily constant fight over logs and water begins. This is a huge piece of content that players love, and it's not here. It is further preventing crafting gear from being viable as we won't have a steady flow of regrade materials. Not to mention starlight and moonlight archeum prices are skyrocketing because the only way we're getting them is by running the glitchy ass terrible dungeons.

    While were at it, why the hell are our DS fortressess seeing 0 progress?? Your telling me wynn and tyrenos haven't progressed enough to level our fortresses? We have turned in far more packs than necessary. Something doesn't seem right here..

    At least due to that bug we don't have to worry about the 0 supply of starlight dust due to the first bug.

    Don't need to worry about a bugged mechanic if the mechanic to obtain to mats is also bugged. :points to head:

    4: disable library. (This one isn't necessarily destroying sections of the game, but the lag is obnoxious and the content blows anyways)

    There are COUNTLESS other smaller problems we have with this game atm but these ones are massive. The fact that these bugs are here and effectively ruining entire sections of the game are mindblowing. This really is Alpha quality gameplay.

    Please Gamigo, you are getting plenty of money and your product is not sufficient. We don't even have half the functioning sandbox content the last FS had. It's appauling.

    submitted by /u/Nazori
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    Can we get GM's in the game to check the mining spots like once a day to ban bots?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 07:46 AM PST

    So today we managed to finnish the mansion!

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 09:45 AM PST

    What about the people who received Zero compensation from 2 weeks ago?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 12:27 PM PST

    So getting this new compensation is great, and I'm happy to have labor to play the game again. But what about the 7 labor pots, and 45 diligence from 2 weeks ago that only half the player-base got?

    Seems a bit unfair when some players were able to use an extra 14k labor compared to others. There has been no mention of us getting it, and still nothing after the new compensation today.

    submitted by /u/LPQ_Master
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    How the actual siege looks like

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 01:20 PM PST

    Are you one of those who are trying to login as fast as possible when the server comes online to obtain the compensation in fear of disabling it again ?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 04:01 AM PST

    Found gopnik in cinderstone

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 04:36 AM PST

    Did we get compensation packs? Where do we get important info?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 01:30 PM PST

    Pretty new to archeage, every time something goes down with unchained, people seem to know what's going on, I've asked around a few times in reddit but no one seems to give links about info thats going around?

    So did we get our compensation? I've checked website but no clue as to claiming compensation? as a noob, could you guys pretty please shed some light where the news comes from, I am clueless how people know so much?

    submitted by /u/xans_324
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    Delusions of Abyssal Attack

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 08:43 AM PST

    First off, I want to say I had a lot of fun with my guild fighting people. We took out several galleons and were having a lot of fun. But I expected more from both sides. I didn't realize, but should have realized, that the highest GS guilds were a bunch of carebears.

    We got to the abyssal attack and I really expected some epic raid vs raid ship battles amongst the top of the server but it seemed we only saw lesser guilds or pug groups. None of the elite guilds of either side showed up to fight. Towards the end, we finally spotted 2 of the biggest alliances roleplaying mermaids under the sea with underwater breathing potions and realized they had been there for quite some time not fighting anyone. Before then we had one leader of one of the 'elite' guilds saying in nation let them channel let them channel and we're all thinking...but why?? The truth became clear towards the end when the leaders of each side figured out we weren't letting them take the point so they let us finish it. When we finally 'win' the abyssal attack one of our heroes declares world peace and the island is flooding with the most elite guilds of both sides as they grow some legs (but still without balls) and show up. This means that there isn't abyssal packs for everyone that showed up but hey the carebear elites can get their GS up.

    submitted by /u/OtoanSkye
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    OPTIMUM cottage placement

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 07:46 AM PST

    9 hours until maintenance - someone's going to be very salty

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 11:45 PM PST

    Grace Period added?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 10:28 AM PST

    Just crashed right now in peak time ArcheAge Alexander EU, but i got right back in? Did they add something or what?

    submitted by /u/iceyelf1
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    Fix Explorers bows please?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 08:20 AM PST

    Currently any explorers bows roll stats from the instruments pool of stats rather than the 1hand weapon pool of stats. This is an issue because when you upgrade to hiram it fixes itself and rolls from the 1 hand pool but it completely randomizes the stats.

    All other 1 hand weapons can be rolled to have guaranteed 2 perfect stats before upgrading to hiram but bows are screwed to have random stats at hiram. Is there any plans to fix this it is extremely annoying as an archer to upgrade to hiram and have crap stats on your bow.

    submitted by /u/sushisage
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    Best way to obtain Honor

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 12:14 PM PST

    Hello my weapon has crystallized for the third time already and I'm out of honor.

    What are the daily honor reward quests?


    submitted by /u/Armandhino
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    Frames/Canvas in diligence shop

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 11:00 AM PST

    I feel like these would be more suited as an untradeable item in the credit shop. I'd totally buy like a dozen to put all over my house with custom images (more incentive to buy crest brainstorms). This would probably get a little more income for the developers. Any reason why it's a diligence thing?

    submitted by /u/IrateObeseGamer
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    Alternative to Hiram pieces

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 04:27 PM PST

    So I unknowingly used my Hiram bracers as a synthesis mat today, and now am out my Hiram bracers. I know I can try and farm for a grand piece on DS abyssal mobs but after an hour of that today I got nothing except 2 two handed drops. It seems the odds of getting leather bracers is slim to none. So I'm wondering what my best option is to replace my now destroyed Hiram bracers. Any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/Idunaz
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    Gilda Dailies for Pirates?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 04:25 PM PST

    Hey I was wondering if there's a list of Gilda dailies that can be done by pirates. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/MrGravelock
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    Anyone playing a 2h melee class thats not DR (pref BD) help me out?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 04:22 PM PST

    I leveled to ans 11 with DR and I really feel like I'm wasting my auramancy tree and I would rather a more aggressive or "active" approach. I'm really interested in BD but I can 't seem to find any guides on trees/combos/even pve and so I'm just winging it but I'm curious whats the more "Efficient" way to play it is. What are the other 2h melee classes out there? I'm rocking a 2h greataxe and plate armor if that matters. I'm a pvp player that loves high skillcap/high reward when you really dive into it. Thank you sorry for this mess of a question!

    submitted by /u/Roboticfish658
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    is there a bug connected to repair cost?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 08:02 AM PST

    i did not alter anything on my gear, yet since yesterday evening (EU time / aprox 15 hours ago) my repair cost suddenly is overall 5 to 7 times as high as it was befor.

    usually one PVE death was around 1,4 gold to repair. It is now 7,5 gold.

    grinding mobs used to be a weapon repair of roughly 40 silver every 30minutes (i think? not sure about the time) it is now around 1,5 to 2 gold

    submitted by /u/Melonchop
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