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    Thursday, September 26, 2019

    ArcheAge The teleport exploit needs to be addressed before launch [Discussion Rule 5(d)]

    ArcheAge The teleport exploit needs to be addressed before launch [Discussion Rule 5(d)]

    The teleport exploit needs to be addressed before launch [Discussion Rule 5(d)]

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 11:09 AM PDT

    3 Servers per Region likely per Khrolan

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 07:30 AM PDT

    Warship Gear Guide for AA and AAU 6.0

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 02:23 PM PDT

    Hello friends,

    I'm happy to see so many new and returning people for 6.0 and Unchained. Most the game is totally different from years ago, including naval events and ship building. If you're interested in building a warship for the first time, coming back from an early version, or are lost on what to get next for your current warship, I wrote up this guide on my recommendations for improvements and builds. I think this will help out a lot in picking different parts for events, PvP and PvE.

    This is a gearing only guide for the small warship frame, current for 5.5 and so far 6.0, both AA and AAU versions.


    Hit me up if you have questions my dudes. See you on the water.


    submitted by /u/WhiteLightMatteo
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    Nerd's guide for returning players

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 12:58 AM PDT

    I am a player returning to Archeage to try out Archeage Unchained and found myself struggling to find good information for all the aspects of the game that I have missed since I last played. So I started to put together a document with a list of all guides I could find as well as creating guides myself for things I could not find after obtaining the appropriate information. Some of this information is opinion based, some may also be outdated and I tried to cite my sources wherever possible. Please let me know what you think and if you find any incorrect information.

    The guide is set to force you to make a copy, as videos embedded within require edit privileges to watch.

    Nerd's Guide Compilation

    Hope this helps everyone out.

    Edit: If you find any information from you in here that is not cited, please let me know and I'll cite accordingly.

    Also, this is a WIP and is still being filled out.

    submitted by /u/iNerdgasm
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    day 1 mage

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 04:23 AM PDT

    Sea battle classes

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 09:26 AM PDT

    Hi guys I'm really interested which classes are gonna be the best suited for high sea fighting (pirating or defending your cargo on the ship) since I see myself doing that stuff a lot of the time.

    I heard that Soothsayer is probably the best healer since it allows to invis resurrect your allies, but I was wondering what other classes would be the best suited in your opinion, for filling different roles on those ships!

    Thanks everyone for your time.

    submitted by /u/marthanders
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    Unchained packs + Credits questions

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 02:38 PM PDT

    So I'm not sure if they've released any information regarding this I figured I'd ask, I'm considering purchasing the Archaeum pack, but is there any information of what will be available in the Credit-store in terms of Costumes/Mounts?

    Because imo the founder pack costumes are not really my thing, but the Glider is really awesome so if I can get value for the Credits it would be worth it for me

    I know it's said that i will all be cosmetic which is truly amazing, but from what I saw when I checked the retail game a couple of months ago there wasn't a single decent looking costume in the entire Credit store, and in total there were a handful of them? I might be wrong tho, but is there any info on that?

    -Or /and have they said that we'll be able to see the Credit-store when the PTS is released?

    Edit: Throwing in an off-topic question that has been bugging me for a little bit, in 1v1 Arena, is this game fast-paced or slow-paced? Because some youtube videos I've seen people oneshot eachother, and now I'm watching a Russian streamer playing an Arcanist, and they can literally fight eachother for minutes, is it because they're just insanely geared so that they are basically unkillable? Or just the build?

    submitted by /u/waddaba
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    progressing / leveling for new semi hardcore player ?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 02:18 PM PDT

    a week ago i downloaded the f2p version and it took about 9-10 hr to reach lv 30 on my first ever playthrough (elf melee) then i keep making new chars on both east and west sides to find a class that suit me then after some research i see that in 6.0 all races will be leveling in same speed as dwarf/warborn so i bought a kr account to try out new leveling and the game is much more faster at leveling from 1-30 only took 1h or even less for nuia without helper gears from gift boxes i stopped at 34 in middle of bluesalt brotherhood questline bc having hard time understanding korean and lack of inventory space also i lost my scarecrow some how while trying to manage inventory and wasted all my labor opening trash loots i want to do a new character and try again but it will took 7 days to delete them

    so i want to ask veteran players that at each stage of leveling what you will be doing in the game?

    30-35 ,35-40,40-45 and so on just leveling questing farming housing spending labor etc. are there anything i should know?

    submitted by /u/Sn0wbot
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    Necromancer Healer Viability

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 02:05 PM PDT

    I was looking at the Necromancer class as a healer (occultism/witchcraft/vitalism). Using vitalism for healing and occultism/witchcraft for CC (no dps). I've never seen this class as being listed as a good healer build. Sounds good in my head, but wanted other opinions.

    submitted by /u/Orihara_Izaya
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    Do we know what the actual Cash Shop will look like in Unchained?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 02:05 PM PDT

    I just saw some news on Unchained today and it looks like it could be awesome if handled properly but we've been lied to so many times in the past that I have a hard time believing anything Trion says...

    So they are not having a Pay-to-Win cash shop? They are only having a buy-to-play model instead of monthly patron subscriptions?

    It all sounds too good to be true. What's the catch? Do we already know what the cash shop will have on it?

    I've tried reading over the FAQs but it doesn't really tell us much aside from its initial cost is 26 bucks and it will have a "limited" cash shop.

    submitted by /u/RickDripps
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    Will swiftblade be an expensive class?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 11:31 AM PDT

    Seeing as it dual wields and thus you will need two weapons instead of one.. will it be a really expensive class to gear?

    Thinking about running it in unchained as a casual.

    submitted by /u/beaterx
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    Error: Device removed / Archeage crashing, freezing

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 01:38 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm new here and wanted to give unchained a shot. In the last weeks I did some testing and leveling on the legacy servers to get a feel of the game but I'm struggling with crashes.

    At the beginning I could barely play the game without crashing every 10 minutes to "Error: Device removed. Please restart the game". In the case of this error the game basically just crashes and only leaves this error window. I could make this better by limiting the frame rate to 60 but I still sometimes get this error at (I feel) random times like every other hour.

    Another problem that's happened only 2 or 3 times for me is that archage managed to freeze my entire PC, sound is gone, screens are frozen and I can't do anything, not even move the cursor.

    My spec is pretty decent, running a GTX 980 TI, 7700k, 32GB of DDR4 and using 3 monitors (might this be a problem somehow?)

    I don't have any problems in any other game I play. Do you have any tips for me / did you encounter these problems as well? Looking at launch and server queues I don't want to deal with crashes on top of being a noob.

    Edit: formatting, typos

    submitted by /u/DatPikko
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    Client Download?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 01:20 PM PDT

    So I preordered the game, does anyone know where the game client download will be on october 1st?

    submitted by /u/NINJAxBOMBER
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    How to upgrade library gear

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 09:29 AM PDT

    Hi guys , new here waiting for archeage unchained , how do you upgrade library gear from arcane to heroic etc....? is there any guide i can give a look?

    submitted by /u/Kingsta07
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    Bloodreaver to Nightcloak Question. Can I swing both/

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 10:47 AM PDT

    I'm going Bloodreaver (aura/occ/battle) + picking up witchcraft to also play Nightcloak (aura/occ/witch) when my guild needs it for RvR. I am inclined to gear up like a typical tank/nightcloak (full stam and then reduced damage on underwear) but am concerned that when I DO play Bloodreaver I'll do next to no damage.

    Would I want a different weapon for each so I have "some" dps with bloodreaver? Or should I split str/stam and just accept I won't be as tanky when I play Nightcloak? (I'm thinking plate + Mdef shield btw)

    submitted by /u/GeekofGames
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    Question about HUD and Icons

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 03:52 PM PDT

    Hello there !

    First of all, sorry if this is an dumb or already answered question, but I can't seem to find and answer to it.
    I was wondering by the youtube.com when I've stepped in the Archeage Kooncoon channel. I've noticed that the KR version as some different icons and I was wondering if we have an option to turn the symbols in the lower right corner (I've placed a red square surrounding them) to be just like those.

    Refference Image

    Is there any way to convert my HUD icons to look like those? Or it's related to version and in 6.0 AA:U launch will have those?

    Thanks for your time !

    PS: Oh and yeah, step by the Kooncoon stream he seems to be a positive guy ! (:

    submitted by /u/Kyznotic
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    Problems of changing continent?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 11:43 AM PDT

    HI, I ask because I'll be joining the unchained train and right now I'm leaning toward starting in the east since I like the aesthetic better. BUT I'm as sure as I can be that when Fairies and Vampires come out I'll play a Fairy on the west. Would I be screwing myself by changing continent ways in the future? Should I start on the west right now to future proof the account?

    submitted by /u/Nazoko
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    How does siege work?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 03:01 PM PDT

    I have read some guides on how siege works, but have there been any changes to it since siege came out on regular ArcheAge? Any videos or up to date guides on siege would also be helpful. Thank you

    The two guides I have read: https://www.ign.com/wikis/archeage/Castles and https://www.trionworlds.com/archeage/en/2014/11/20/under-siege-attacking-and-defending-castles/

    submitted by /u/Matrix_Adonis
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    New to Archeage, class suggestions for AAU?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 10:53 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I am new to Archeage and would like to play AAU!

    I prefer to play Melee classes, whether its being a Tank or DPS

    Whats the best for these two categories?

    submitted by /u/Boosta2k
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    Are we getting the October 10 Update?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 10:53 AM PDT

    Yet another Multibox question (sorry)

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 05:36 AM PDT

    Question is regarding this statement from the last official stream: https://clips.twitch.tv/MiniatureDullNightingaleTTours?tt_medium=redt

    Does this mean:

    A) As long as you are using separate hardware (a different computer), you can run separate accounts simultaneously as long as you are not using automation/scripts.

    B) Because it is too hard/impossible to track people who use separate computers, you run multiple clients on one computer, as long as you are not using automation/scripts?

    C) Something else entirely because I'm retarded.

    My confusion stems from the definition of the word "Multibox". I thought that meant multiple windows (box?) on one computer. However another person stated "box" refers to another machine.

    Sorry if this has been discussed directly already! I tried searching for the term "multibox" but found no posts recently.

    submitted by /u/Unity00
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    Let's Talk Expansion Scrolls, Since They're Not In The Cash Shop

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 04:33 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: I don't think they should sell them for real-money

    So at the moment the plan seems to be we'll start with 50 inventory slots and 50 warehouse slots, and expansion scrolls will only be available for diligence coins.

    We don't know how many coins we'll get per month, only that they're finite, and we don't know how much expansion scrolls will cost.

    It's common for MMOs, and other games, to use inventory space as a way to make extra money. Or they totally leave it alone, and it's baked into the game (i.e. everyone has the same inventory size, or you can buy/craft bigger backpacks or whatever).

    But Gamigo is neither monetising inventory space, nor allowing us to directly earn it via gameplay (i.e. gold or crafting).

    Additionally, given what's meant to be in the diligence shop (gliders/mounts/labour pots/power items), choosing between expansion scrolls or other items will seem a terrible choice, for your limited coins. Inventory space is far closer to "convenience" than it is to "power".

    So basically, I think the current plan of just moving expansion scrolls from real-money to diligence coins is not a good solution. It seems out of place as a choice next to "power" items, and also depending on the price it may take an unreasonable amount of time to max your inventory.

    I have a couple of alternative suggestions (not saying these are "the best" solutions, just alternative ideas):

    Option A:

    • Give expansion scrolls through the free season pass rewards, separately from diligence coins (i.e. the pass gives you things like potions as well, per X-amount of levels, so give scrolls through that system). They can also be unbound to create a market for them, as this is from the free track and requires playing the game to get (so can't be farmed easily with alt accounts)

    Option B1:

    • Change the system to cost gold. So when you click the expansion button in your inventory it just prompts you to pay a gold cost instead of an expansion scroll. This is how it used to be in the past, and also how it is in Korea right now

    Option B2:

    • Same principle, in that it's gold, but given they have put expansion scrolls in the pre-order packs it may be an overly complex change to make it gold directly. Instead they could have the general merchant sell expansion scrolls for something like 5g-20g (price depending how much of a gold sink they want to introduce)

    Option C:

    • Just give everyone max inventory and warehouse space immediately. Given that we're paying for the game upfront, and they've decided not to monetise inventory space, and expanding inventory space is not directly tied to gameplay/professions, what's the logic of gating it at all? It seems the choice was made to not monetise scrolls as a goodwill gesture, to strongly reinforce no P2W in this version, but then no further thought was put in beyond that.

    TL;DR I don't think the current plan of expansion scrolls solely coming from the diligence shop makes sense, and I think they should consider an alternative source.

    Making space directly/indirectly cost gold, or giving scrolls as rewards separately from diligence coins seem like reasonable alternatives.

    Extra Note: Inventory and Warehouse both start at 50 slots, with a max cap of 150, and each expansion scroll adds 10. So you need 20 expansion scrolls in total to max-out both.

    UPDATE: Found proof Korea only has to pay gold (and start very cheap) directly in their interface: https://youtu.be/7Ynb8fMZd3o?t=2962

    submitted by /u/Tech_AllBodies
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    Returning mage looking for a few tips

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 08:55 AM PDT

    Going to try out AAU and was wondering if Revenant is still good and if I could get any tips on a build.

    Also if I could get any tips on how to lvl very quick starting as a Dwarf Revenant. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Nalf27
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    Bans for gold buyers are possibly prone to abuse

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 08:20 AM PDT

    During last stream Khrolan stated that they will be taking an aggressive stance against gold sellers which is a great thing to hear. However, he also stated that in the past gold buyers were treated lightly but this time around both gold sellers and buyers will be banned. While this sounds great on paper it brings one serious concern. How prone to abuse this will be? Let's say I have a grudge against another player. Can I just purchase some gold on 3rd party website under his character name, get it sent to him and get him banned? Is there going to be any safeguard against this? How can Gamigo tell who is actually buying gold and who is getting griefed?

    submitted by /u/Inquisitio
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    Looking for resources

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    Going to be getting into AAU and wanted to know if there are any resources/websites that can give me guides/information in regards to game mechanics, gear info, enhancement system, etc. Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Just__A__Tad
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