• Breaking News

    Saturday, September 7, 2019

    ArcheAge Guild Recruitment Thread

    ArcheAge Guild Recruitment Thread

    Guild Recruitment Thread

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 10:22 AM PDT

    Please keep all of your recruiting to this megathread. You may repost your advertisement in this thread once every 24 hours (per guild and/or user).

    • Recruitment messages should begin with some format of [Legacy/Unchained][NA/EU][Server][Nation] followed by your recruitment ad.
    • All other rules apply to recruitment messages, and impersonating guilds or people will result in punishment.
    submitted by /u/Blaylocke
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    Asmongold talks about Archeage

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 08:58 AM PDT

    Never Forget those who didn't make it til Unchained.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 03:33 PM PDT

    Enough of the poll posts

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 09:58 AM PDT

    Literally there are like 10 of these posted a day for the same damn thing. Just search up an old one to see results of who already voted..

    Now then, someone make a poll to see if poll posts should be removed 🦀🦀

    submitted by /u/Rusty_Pirate_Hook
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    Did gamigo adress server issues and queues for AAU yet?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 02:32 PM PDT

    The 2 day forum outage is making me think that launch day is gonna have those awful 8 hour queues again

    submitted by /u/Pm_Me_Cute_Stories
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    Poll: What Server & Nation are you going for Unchained?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 09:21 AM PDT

    Has any viable magic melee combo weapons been added to the game?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 12:49 PM PDT

    Basically want to know are there any good weapons that has good magic and melee stats.

    submitted by /u/TotalTC
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    So happy to come here and see the sub alive

    Posted: 06 Sep 2019 05:28 PM PDT

    Cant wait for release and all questions and dumb shit people come up with, myself included.

    Mods brace yourselves.

    submitted by /u/OvidiuHiei
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    Archeage PTS

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 04:02 PM PDT

    Do I need the main game installed in order to get the PTS?

    submitted by /u/huoyuanjiaa
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    Once bitten, twice shy - Questions from an old alpha player about AA:U

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 12:06 PM PDT

    So thanks to a friend seeing a youtube video about AA:U this has come up again on my radar. I want to believe the hype but I have been shit on by this game before and am remaining skeptical until I'm convinced this new publisher wont do the same bait and switch trion did from alpha to live. I have done a bit of poking around to find my own answers but I'm getting different views from all over the spectrum regarding this. That said I have some questions that might put my mind at ease a bit so any help would be appreciated.

    1. Are they really gutting all the P2W? I'm hearing they are but from my experience it will cause a lot of weird side effects unless they add things to compensate. The main being, from my experience, the majority of the primary gear crafting material (arcium? something like that) came from trees, loot box things and other cash store products. I'f you tried to craft from just the stuff dropped by loot bags you had a terrible time. I don't get how they can do this without wrecking the games play-ability. How will they do tractor upgrades? From what i recall the tractor had 4 slots and you could buy an upgrade to 6.

    2. Battle pass? is the business model basically fortnite with skins in the store and "guaranteed" loot from a battle pass proving you just play? Any info on that so far?

    3. What guarantees do we have they wont bait and switch like trion a few months down the line? I have done a bit of checking up on another re-released trion game by the name of Defiance 2050 and it looks "mostly" none P2W. It has a few raised eyebrows but nothing I could point to as straight advantage for $.

    4. Hackers and cheaters used to be rampant. Losing to an offline player not at the farm was the straw that broke the camels back for me. Basically, what are they doing to stop this from being a thing again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-E9HOwUi8k

    5. Is land still useful? I mean obviously it is to a point but my old set up for the cross continent trading appears to have been changed with new mechanics. Is it purely for growing your own supply of pack/alchemy mats and the like? Or is it more for just having houses on?

    6. I till remember the proficiency system for crafting. Is Crafting still a good way to spend labor in this new version or is it all loot pouches and making packs?

    7. I'm going to guess its a hard nope due to the change in publisher but anything for OG founders?

    8. I'm trying my hardest to not give into the hype i once felt because of the utter disaster it was last time. Why are YOU hyped for this and why should I be?

    I understand we don't have all the answers yet but considering the games reputation and the fact we are about 3 weeks from launch I'm kinda expecting a lot more communication on some of this stuff. Thanks again for your hot take on all of this and hopefully this will entice me and a few other old alpha players to give it another go.

    submitted by /u/real_foz
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    Tips for new beginners on unchained release?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 03:28 PM PDT

    What tips does everyone have for returning players?

    Any advise on good resources for builds?


    submitted by /u/culaoh
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    Info for someone considering Unchained.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 03:26 PM PDT

    So I've never played the game. I'm currently playin WoW classic on a pvp server. I'm also very interested in pve. I've tried to find some info on the pve in archeage but not much of it out there.

    So basically I turn to you all to give me a break down on pve in this game. How are the dungeons? Are they actively ran? Are there end game dungeons? Are there raids/world bosses? Any info would be helpful. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Stubanger
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    Cargo packs

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 07:38 AM PDT

    Hi! I played the game before the new trading system and im trying to catch up to the new system. I learned everything except cargo system, couldn't find a good guide or a video. Can you guys tell me do i have to buy the cargo or craft it. Where can i buy/craft the cargo and where to sell it and how many dragon essence or onyx archeum(charcoal i believe ?) does it give ?

    submitted by /u/Kyuraht
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    So just wondering is it worth playing EU or NA?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 02:53 PM PDT

    I have been playing AA ever since closed alpha on and off during fresh starts since now. I currently live in Poland , so it would make the most sense for me to play on EU do to ping reasons. But I feel like that the EU server will not last as long as the NA server. I would love to know what you guys have experienced playing on the EU servers during fresh start. I have always went NA do to the majority of streamers etc playing on NA.

    submitted by /u/markey15
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    i cant get on the archeage forums ?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 02:48 PM PDT

    anyone else with this problem it just tells me the page is not working, i tried on internet explorer google chrome and microsoft edge

    submitted by /u/nemeinn
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    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 10:50 AM PDT

    Was thinking about running this build with swift being mainly used for movement. The teleport ability could be used really well when gap closed by melee to juke and waste one of their cooldowns. Not entirely sure how well it will synergize though.

    submitted by /u/Zaginex
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    Region lock for AAU

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 05:41 AM PDT

    Hi there!

    Are there any info about region blocking for AAU?

    I'm from Russia and i really want to play non P2W version

    submitted by /u/SlimWee
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    Just a heads up

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 05:14 AM PDT

    If you google something like "Archeage Unchained pre order", the pre-order page does not show up at all at least on the first page of results, only articles about it. Idk if this may hurt the game at all but felt like it may be important to bring up.

    submitted by /u/emforay216
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    Community Opinion On Request Completion Tickets In Unchained?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2019 09:03 PM PDT

    Hello people of r/ArcheAge!

    I wanted to make this post in order to get a feel for what the community opinion of request completion tickets is in ArcheAge Unchained. I am a player who hasn't played since around the time of 2.0 and upon coming back to the game and researching all that has changed since I have last played, I was interested to learn about request completion tickets.

    Crafting Request Recap

    I will do my best here to explain my understanding of request completion tickets for those that may be in my position as a returning player. In essence, when 4.5 released there was a new feature added to the game called the crafting request workbench. One of these workbenches could be found at the community centers dotted across the continents. These workbenches allowed people to provide the materials necessary for a crafted item along with a crafter's fee and make a request for someone to craft the item. If a crafter was interested in making this item and had the required proficiency, they would make the item and collect the fee. All of this would happen without materials ever exchanging hands. This allowed for a safe transaction for people who had the expensive materials necessary to craft an item, but lacked the required proficiency. However, with the inclusion of the crafting request board, there was also an item added to the cash shop called the request completion ticket. These tickets allow people to complete requests even if they lacked the required proficiency. So, this essentially means that proficiency is no longer required for high tier items. This is the current system to the best of my knowledge. If I have made any mistakes in my summary, I would love to know such that I can correct my own understanding.

    Now that I have hopefully summarized the crafting request mechanics and the purpose of the request completion ticket, I would like to know the general opinion of the community in regards to including request completion tickets on Unchained. I have been surprised that I have not seen much public discussion as to this item in regards to Unchained. The reason why I am so surprised is that this item has a tremendous impact on the overall state of the game. If request completion tickets are present in unchained, it nearly eliminates the need for player crafted content. Not only does it make it unnecessary for players to craft items for one another, thus having a large impact on the game economy, but it also means that the overall proficiency system is pointless for higher tier items. With the inclusion of request completion tickets, there is no need to specialize in a proficiency, because if you want to make a higher tier item, you can simply buy the required tickets. Personally, I believe that request completion tickets kill off a large portion of what I loved about ArcheAge. The entire proficiency system was really neat in the sense that if you wanted a powerful high tier item, you either had to have the proficiency yourself, or you had to rely on other players in order to obtain that item. This resulted in a strong player driven economy as it meant that players had to interact with one another. Another facet of the proficiency system that I loved was the fact that you couldn't be the best at everything; you had to pick your specialties. This meant that you would, eventually, have to rely on the skills of another player in order to make some items. In my opinion, the request completion ticket system completely undermines the entire player driven crafting economy, and as such I am very eager to hear all opinions on people's feelings towards this item in Unchained.

    I primarily wanted to make this thread in order to generate some discussion on this item and to get a general idea of how the community feels in regards to such an impactful item potentially being implemented into Unchained. My goal for this tread is to both inform returning players as to this items existence and to gather opinions as to this item in regards to Unchained.

    For those of you who want to give their opinions in a quick and data driven form, I have created this strawpoll: https://www.strawpoll.me/18603875

    Edit: Formatting

    submitted by /u/Alithnul
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    What is the pros and cons of East vs West?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 02:38 AM PDT

    i've played a little bit as West at Nuian, but i never reached far

    1)what has better trade run routes? i'll probably just do traderuns mainly to burn my labor. and i like how chill it is while watching netflix while doing it.

    2)what has better zone in terms of scenery? my 2 favorite zones are Gweonid and WhiteArden, but i have never set foot in East though. i absolutely love foresty region like gweonid, and my favorite place is something like WhiteArden the fog, the cherry trees, and the music. is there a region in East that will be able to beat WhiteArden in beauty?

    submitted by /u/Haxxelerator
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    Good resources for new folks

    Posted: 07 Sep 2019 04:27 AM PDT

    I didn't play Archeage back in the day though I heard it was excellent before it went p2w. I just saw the announcement for Unchained and now I'm interested but I'm coming into the community with basically zero background other than general MMO experience. What are some good resources for folks like me? I looked at a couple wikis but I'm not sure if those were up to date with current content or if they'll even be correct after the Unchained changes. Guides, videos, or even cool lore stuff would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/roninafro
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    Archeage Unchained 101 - 6 Sep Livestream Recap

    Posted: 06 Sep 2019 08:32 PM PDT

    When is name reservation starting?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2019 10:17 PM PDT

    One more question too, I quit when rumbling archeum trees came out, so I'm missing a ton of basic information, is there a place to absorb it all?

    submitted by /u/SuperHighVoltagez
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