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    Monday, September 9, 2019

    ArcheAge ArcheAge:Unchained Outstanding Questions Mega-thread

    ArcheAge ArcheAge:Unchained Outstanding Questions Mega-thread

    ArcheAge:Unchained Outstanding Questions Mega-thread

    Posted: 09 Sep 2019 04:35 AM PDT

    Hi, I see all these important questions popping up in the official discord, the unofficial discord, on the forums and here on reddit, but I'm beginning to fear we'll be penalised by not having a comprehensive list of all questions that we require an answer to from Gamigo/XL before Unchained launches. Both answers upfront to satisfy those still on the fence whether AAU will be non-p2w as promised, but also provide all answers needed for those who already opted in and want to plan ahead for their time in AAU to make the most of it.

    So, without further ado, here's a first version of the list broken down in separate categories. I will continuously update it if people post more questions below, and hopefully we can direct Gamigo's attention here so they can address these on stream.

    To Reddit mods; if you think this is a good idea, please sticky so we can all work together on getting all important questions addressed as soon as possible.

    Steam client

    • How will it work & when will it be available, needs confirmation.
    • Will it be available on Steam in all countries/regions? (e.g. South America too?)

    Founder packs

    • Will pre-order bonuses be account wide or locked to 1 character per account?

    Character creation and name reservation

    • Gamigo need to confirm details on when this will become available.

    Public Test Realm ("PTS" - test servers to log on and test new update)

    • Gamigo are planning to release PTS with 6.0, but no details as per now. Needs confirmation.

    Alt accounts

    • The restriction is 3 accounts per player. How will the process be for households where there might be 3-6-9 accounts on the same IP - seeing as it's allowed - but will they all have to expect Gamigo investigating the accounts to ensure they are operated within restrictions or not?
    • If you have 1 account you will play on 2 different computers (different IPs) at different times, will that be a problem?
    • Is it ok to control 2 accounts - belonging to 1 person - simultaneously on 2 different computers. Or does this also count as multi-clienting/multi-boxing by Gamigo's definition?
    • Will there be an AFK kick mechanism in place, and will there be repercussions for attempting to bypass this?

    Moderators/GM activity

    • A non-p2w and fair AAU launch means heavy monitoring and swift repercussion for cheaters. Does Gamigo have the required people designated to monitor in-game activity to catch any hackers and cheaters to avoid this game having a poor launch like the original game? This includes detection and dealing with:
      • Dupe exploits - if still applicable
      • Teleport hacks
      • Multiclienting and/or bypassing multiple account restriction
      • Gold sellers - what will be done to stop this most efficiently?

    Korean labor change

    • Gamigo have said they would like to implement the Korean labor change, needs confirmation.
    • If the Korean labor change is in place for Unchained, is the 3 accounts per player/household simply then to allow for several physical people playing in a household, or is there any benefit to having alts even in the Korean labor system?

    Race normalization

    • Gamigo must confirm that all races leveling speed will be normalized. Korean version has normalized leveling speed for all races, but needs certainty.


    • Will crafting request completion tickets be available in Unchained?
    • Gamigo awaiting info from XL regarding disappearing larders. Will this be patched/fixed in Unchained at launch? Needs confirmation.

    Land lock end time - currently scheduled October 5th

    • What will be the exact time on October 5th that land lock ends. Will it end after a special maintenance/server restart, or be released at a specific time while servers are up?
    • If the servers are full due to player queues when land lock ends, how will Gamigo ensure fairness in land availability if players cannot logon?


    • Where can you craft tax certs in the game version Unchained will launch with?
    • If tax certs can ONLY be crafted at built properties, can you craft at other players' properties?
    • Aside from the limit of 2 unbuilt properties at any one time, will there be a max limit on housing properties? (or uncapped only limited by how much you can afford tax cert-wise)

    ArchePasses and rewards

    • What is the complete list of items that will be in the Diligence Shop?
    • What is the cost/quantity of each item?
    • How many Diligence Coins can we earn and in what period of time?
    • Can we get a list of reward items that will be available on the Premium Rewards for the Premium ArchePasses?

    Trade system

    • Will AAU revert to older trade system?

    Cash shop

    • Will all the STAT costumes be Bind on Pickup to prevent trading them on marketplace? Gamigo seeking confirmation from XL, but needs confirmation. Image costumes are already bound on purchase, so that's fine.
    • Will EVERYTHING bought in the cash shop be Bind on Pickup to prevent trading for credits?
    • Will loyalty points still be in the game, or will these be replaced with diligence coins?

    Servers (region locks, stability/maintenance)

    • Currently 4 servers confirmed, 2 for NA and 2 for EU. Needs confirmation if this will increase.
    • Will there be any region locks in place? E.g. can players play on any server irrespective of country they live in?
    • Will server population have caps?
    • Currently the forums have been down for 5 days, the NA servers had a lengthy down-time during physical server hardware relocation. What insurance can Gamigo give us that both NA/EU servers are on sufficient hardware/network capabilities to provide a satisfactory game experience?
    • Can we get IP of servers/physical location to work on getting the best possible ping individually?
    • Will there be any PvE servers?

    Faction balance

    • Will there be faction caps? Gamigo mentioned on stream (05.09.2019) that nothing is planned wrt. faction cap, but is subject to change if necessary to ensure faction balance. As per Paradox Gaming's recap video, there is concern that if left unchanged, the servers may end up with one faction dominating each due to imbalanced population. Needs confirmation before launch whether faction cap will be implemented or left open.


    • Current guild cap is 50, Gamigo need to confirm if anything is done about guild size cap before launch.
    submitted by /u/northerner-
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    ArcheAge Unchained 6.0 Meta Classes (KR Info)

    Posted: 09 Sep 2019 01:56 PM PDT

    Currently making an information sheet to help my group of friends decide what they want to go using KR info, figured some of you would like make use of the same information so I'm posting it here.

    -- DISCLAIMER --

    Gearscore doesn't always mean viability, a lot of this information is from the Korean site armoury and Koreans seem to like switching their builds around and testing new things. There may also be some incorrect kr class names/armoury links due to kr to english or human error.

    Info Sheet

    "KS GS" refers to the GearScore of its highest users, 17=17,000 so higher number the "better". GS is rounded up/down to its nearest thousand.

    If there is anything wrong/info you think should be added let me know, I may do something about it.

    submitted by /u/exboyfriendd
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    Character creation video (Recent update)

    Posted: 09 Sep 2019 11:55 AM PDT

    Is it me or is the info on what unchained actually is hard to find

    Posted: 09 Sep 2019 04:18 AM PDT

    Google it and you get to a load of pages or some which don't even load (official website lol) the non p2w I get but what is it, hiram level of gear and content or is this like a classic wow situation??

    I quit back when the rng boxes came into the 2016 wipe and would happily play a non p2w version where cash shop doesnt rule the competitive guild scene.

    Anyone got a website or youtube video that actually breaks this new wipe down?

    submitted by /u/Mista117
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    I've never played Arch Age

    Posted: 09 Sep 2019 11:04 AM PDT

    What's the appeal and the draw to the game? Seems like they're fixing long-standing problems with this new update? Just wanted to know why people like it so much and the hype

    submitted by /u/JazzCard
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    Any good hybrid classes now?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2019 02:22 PM PDT

    When I played before there were alot of classes but only a few viable, is that still the case or are there good hybrid classes now?

    submitted by /u/TotalTC
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    Is archery really as gear dependent as they say? (AAU)

    Posted: 09 Sep 2019 10:30 AM PDT

    I'm getting back into the game for AAU and played on an off for years on legacy.

    I've always loved the play style of archer, but, aside from a handful of people saying ebonsong is good, everyone is spamming PLATE META ARCHER BAD on the forums/here.

    Is it as bad as people are making it seem or is this another case of hyperbole that the community is addicted to spreading?

    submitted by /u/theemattv3
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    Pirates in Unchained?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2019 08:16 AM PDT

    As a returning player who haven't played since 3.0, I can't find any sources on what have changed.

    I know becoming/leaving pirate have changed and is now a quest. There's also a cap on the amount of pirates on the server.

    What are some other things that have changed? Is the negatives and "benefits" of being a pirate still the same?

    submitted by /u/Todde_
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    Gamigo. Please, you have to get these servers sorted by the 30th.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2019 06:56 PM PDT

    I've been spending part of the recent server downtime rewatching NerdSlayer's excellent video Death of a Game: ArcheAge. I'm grateful that Gamigo is finally listening to the many criticisms of ArcheAge players over the years. AA is a gem of an MMO that hasn't flourished due to previous poor management. In addition to bad monetization decisions, there has been a history of disappointing launches as well.

    I don't envy Gamigo with their upcoming decisions they'll have to make regarding the number of servers provided in each area. Provide too few servers and we'll all have to deal with Queueage all over again. Provide too many and they will be empty servers after the launch hype wears off. With the ownership of real in-game property, combining empty servers is problematic. Hopefully enough people will pre-order a package so you can anticipate some population numbers up front.

    If you all can eliminate P2W items on your end (I know we'll all have to deal with gold sellers and their ilk) and offer a smooth launch with great server-side service, in my opinion, you will have pulled off a very great accomplishment. With WoW Classic hype diminishing and little else being offered as competition, this is an excellent time to capture a dedicated fan base. I'm really rooting for you all to pull it off.

    submitted by /u/PurplePoloPlayer
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    How do I change my Glyph account region? Can't buy archeage unchained because paypal and acc regions dont match

    Posted: 09 Sep 2019 09:29 AM PDT

    i'm trying to get a founders pack but every time I go to pay it gives me an error saying that my Paypal region and account region are not the same. It tells me to change my account region but I cant seem to find out where to do it exactly. Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/SalehSaluchi
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    Looking for class suggestion

    Posted: 09 Sep 2019 09:39 AM PDT

    I want to keep it pretty simple and am looking for a class that doesn't rely on too many different attacks to output its damage. Do not need anything top tier just viable.

    Want to use something like 2-3 or maybe 4 offensive abilities and then focus everything else on buffs and defensive skills.

    Ranges/melee doesn't matter and I am not looking to be a healer tho some self healing wouldn't be out of place.

    submitted by /u/FirstWorldScapegoat
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    Leveling as a(an) Blighter/Doomlord/Abolisher

    Posted: 09 Sep 2019 01:03 PM PDT

    Which of the 3 is the best leveling class. I plan on playing all 3 extensively at end game(as they all interest me).

    I am also messing around with various skill calculators(since I don't have much AA experience) I can't really figure out what skills in any of the tress are good. Battlerage seems like Tiger Strike/Sunder Earth/Whirlwind/Behind Enemy Lines are good.

    For Doomlords I heard Crows/Impale/Drain life are a must. Defense as a whole feels very tricky.

    In general I would like to PvP end game(Solo and Small scale)

    Any help/advice would help!

    submitted by /u/Varom
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    AAU: Inquisitor Plate - 2H GreatClub VS Outrider Plate - 2H GreatSword

    Posted: 09 Sep 2019 04:26 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    I'm wondering about my next build for AA:U. I basically narrowed it down to going full plate + full strength + 2H - and the only question is either I heavy invest into battlerage-shadowplay or should I try to utilize the 3rd tree a little more.

    My options are for now:- Outrider with 2 points into archery (for combos and +8% move speed pasive) - basically a glasscanon monster


    - Inquisitor with GreatClub which would benefit my self-healings. Little less DPS, little less attack speed but a bit on healing... Is this a good/bad/ridiculous idea?


    I intend to focus on PvE, Dungeons and farming so most of the time I will be running around with frenzy so better max out my DPS by 2H weapon rather then DW. No PvP planned - I will be a feeder, doesnt matter what class/gear I will be running :)

    And my roll back plan if anything other fails: Plate Blighter with MagDef Shield


    Any comment is welcome.


    submitted by /u/ZusTempest
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    Unofficial Tyrenos Discord

    Posted: 08 Sep 2019 05:39 PM PDT

    Best PvE class

    Posted: 09 Sep 2019 08:07 AM PDT

    This is mostly for new players, I think the best class PvE - wise is the Primeval (Archery, Shadowplay, Auramancy).

    Archery + Shadowplay is a perfect duo for dps meanwhile Auramancy gives sustain (through Meditation) and a lot of utility.

    I will run through the content using a Primeval, then switching into healer/tank. What will you do? Do you disagree with me? I am happy to start a conversation if it can help a lot people, both new or returning

    submitted by /u/easyTaba
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    Stat Costume Question(s)

    Posted: 09 Sep 2019 11:05 AM PDT

    Newly returned and finally getting around to making my stat costume/under garment. I know there is a good post with a guide on the game forums... but the forums have been down for going on a week now and can't get to it.

    My questions are Def vs DPS

    I "bought" a basic and started leveling it up. I can see the list of available stats in the synth window. They are all def type stats. I've seen some folks link ones with nice dps type stats.

    Do more stats become available in the list as you level it up?

    Is the list random on each basic of fixed?

    Does your class skill trees affect the list?

    Thanks! Cheers !!

    submitted by /u/ZedRunner
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    is ArcheAge a dailies simulator ?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2019 12:09 AM PDT

    I wanted to give ArcheAge a try but I've heard that to be compeititive you have to do a lot of dailies and there are even some with time restrictions. It doesnt sound like a fun way to play to me so how much this is true ?

    submitted by /u/clownvoter
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    Are Oceanic servers for Unchained really that hard to do?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2019 11:53 PM PDT

    I understand that it's cheaper and easier to cater to the largest player-base, but is it really that hard to add an oceanic server?

    I'm 23 years old now, and between all of the friends I know who still play games, everyone is equally as disappointed as I am that there will be no option for us. Six of us played the original game before it was even released in english. Some of my greatest memories are running around in the russian version with literally 0 idea how to play and learning as we go.

    Don't give me that "Just play with a little more ping" excuse either. I get ~180-200ms on a good day to NA servers, 150-160 with a tunnelling network if I'm lucky. There's no point playing if we can't exercise the competitive side of the game.

    I really wish that the developers would realise how much success they'd have over here. Between us Australians, and south-east asia, there's a huge opportunity left untouched...

    I've never played an MMO better than this. Ever. It really hurts to see that the OG version of the game we all know and love is coming back, and yet again, we are all going to miss out on it.

    submitted by /u/Plutonsvea
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    Mage with swiftblade skillset

    Posted: 09 Sep 2019 03:37 AM PDT

    Can a sorcerer skillsetncombo with swiftblade for gain more movility? Or is a bad idea? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Furies993
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    Is there still upgrade RNG?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2019 03:21 AM PDT

    This was a big deal breaker for me and would affect my decision to play again. Do they still use that shitty RNG gear upgrade system in Unchained?

    submitted by /u/ekanite
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    Can't find the name of this costume / armor. Does anyone know what it is ?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2019 11:14 PM PDT

    Now that we have activity again i want to ask.Is Destroyer[Battlerage/Sorcery/Archery] that bad?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2019 12:14 AM PDT

    Is it?

    submitted by /u/KinkyAmra
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    As someone who quit AA during early 3.1 - this trading system is an atrocity and completely counter intuitive to the success of AA: Unchained.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2019 04:31 PM PDT

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