• Breaking News

    Saturday, March 23, 2019

    ArcheAge Steam Pack went to the wrong account. Any chance of being able to transfer it?

    ArcheAge Steam Pack went to the wrong account. Any chance of being able to transfer it?

    Steam Pack went to the wrong account. Any chance of being able to transfer it?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 03:46 PM PDT

    I've filed a ticket on Thursday regarding the issue on the Trion Support site, got no response on Friday (I didn't expect to, there's even an "alert? that says the processing times for tickets are long on top of the site when you file one.) No response today and tomorrow I assume, as it's the weekend, but the real question, if the support does read the ticket, will they be able to transfer the pack onto the right account?

    I have provided them with screenshots of the receipt of the pack that I got through email on Steam, as well as the email my old account is registered on, where the pack went, as well as the new email, where my current account is situated. I assume I must've linked my steam to the other account thus that's why the pack is there.

    I've also provided screenshots of me having the pack on my old account, sitting unused (still is) and the new account, which doesn't have the pack. Is that enough to get the pack transferred onto the right account, and if not, what will I have to provide them more with? Is it even possible? Has anyone done it before? Thanks in advance for any info you can provide me :D

    Sorry about formatting, typed it on a phone. edit, question mark instead of a full stop.

    submitted by /u/GraksO
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    Where can I get glossy feathers?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 01:13 AM PDT

    I'm doing the quest "a dragon for your faction" and I need glossy feathers for this, but I never came across them before. Can anybody help me and tell me where I can find those in Nuia?

    submitted by /u/NameMyIsAnna
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    Need advice organizing my farms

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 01:36 AM PDT

    Hey guys, so I'm back to AA after few years break. So I need some advice on how to organize my farms for best profit. I had some apexes left on my account so I bough patron for my main and my alt account + I created 2 more accounts just to be online and accumulate some extra labor + I have C200 on my main so it will be better to drive packs with 4 chars than 2 :D ( want to mention that I don't have hauler but I will invest into it later ).

    Okay let's go to the main question. I need advice how to organize my farms because I'm planning to make fertilizer packs. What I have now:

    two 24x24 farms;

    two 16x16 farms;

    a Harvester's farmhouse.

    Also I found on my accounts that I have 32k rice :D , so ground grain won't be a problem for me at least for some time.. So how should I organize my characters + labor and farms to farm chopped produce, dried flowers and trimmed meat ? I'm thinking of buying trimmed meat cause it's always cheaper than others materials and I probably won't lose much buying it.. Anyway waiting for advice.

    submitted by /u/tomas850
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