• Breaking News

    Tuesday, August 20, 2019

    ArcheAge In case cm's/dev's are looking in this sub for feed back after announcement - ?????? - Questions for Unchained FAQ thread

    ArcheAge In case cm's/dev's are looking in this sub for feed back after announcement - ?????? - Questions for Unchained FAQ thread

    In case cm's/dev's are looking in this sub for feed back after announcement - ?????? - Questions for Unchained FAQ thread

    Posted: 20 Aug 2019 01:46 PM PDT

    Archeage 6.0 Combat changes

    Posted: 20 Aug 2019 12:56 PM PDT

    Does anyone know about the skill and combos change or have any material (vídeo, print, graphic) tô show us?

    submitted by /u/Rogard-Archeage
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    How are builds these days?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2019 07:34 AM PDT

    Hi there,

    Seriously thinking of dipping my toe into Unchained so would like to brush up on how the classes work these days.

    Any advice on differences now or a link to an up to date builder??

    Have classes/abilities changed much? I take it hybrid builds are still a no-no??


    submitted by /u/Wolfhammer69
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    Which game are you planning on playing?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2019 04:10 PM PDT

    Does this game have a pet class/summoner?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2019 05:22 AM PDT

    Hi im thinking about playing this game but wanted to know if theres any classes like a summoner. I did alittle research and heard about a pet called "Fiends knell" and that it got nerfed. Does this mean the summoner playstyle isnt viable? Thanks

    submitted by /u/deezebruh
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    Posted: 20 Aug 2019 09:49 AM PDT

    hi, im looking for any info on this skill tree, if you could share :)

    submitted by /u/LucrativeOne
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    Some questions about Archeage from someone who played a long time ago, and wants to return for Unchained.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2019 01:22 AM PDT

    I started playing when the game first launched, in Naima server. I really liked this game, the ships, the economy, and everything about it. After about a year, I left, and then when I returned I found it had become massively P2W so I left again.

    Anyway, news of this Unchained versions came to me, so here I am, wanting to ask some questions after reading a bit of info about how the game has developed in recent years.

    First, I want to ask if crafting is useless. Back when I played, the best gear you could have, was crafted Delphinad. Now, I've seen a lot of people saying that since Hiram gear was introduced, crafted gear became useless because Hiram gear is better, and since Hiram gear is only accessible via grinding, Archeage stopped being about economy, and started being about the grind, like any generic MMO. Is this true?

    When I played, everything was worth it. Fishing, trade packs (from what I've read, this packs also got modified, because back then you could take them from almost anywhere to almost anywhere), having farms, whatever. Everything got you gold, which in turn got you the best gear. Is this not still the case, thanks to Hiram gear? Is gold useless for gear?

    Anyway, those are my questions. Thanks for reading, and for answering.

    submitted by /u/kiulowithkak
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    OnE LaSt RiDe

    Posted: 19 Aug 2019 09:48 PM PDT

    Archeage SEA Server and Review (2019)

    Posted: 20 Aug 2019 08:58 AM PDT

    I've never played Archeage before so I'm coming here to get your personal reviews instead. I have no doubts that the game itself is pretty good (please correct if I'm wrong, I don't want to waste hours and hours of gameplay just to see if a game is good or not) and that it has taken on a more lenient publisher.

    What I want to ask is the player population, at the current time, how big is the player population and is this a good time to join Archeage?

    Additionally, is there any dedicated SEA server for archeage? Archeage is region blocked in my country and the last time anyone has asked anything similar was from 2017. I'm asking again for updated information

    submitted by /u/blueboy90780
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    Looking for a good Sorcery/Mage Build

    Posted: 20 Aug 2019 03:54 AM PDT

    Hey, I'm a new player and wanted to ask if somebody could recommend me a mage build (I'd assume Sorcery?) that's good for a new player. Hope somebody can help me :)

    submitted by /u/BledCha
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    Returning and need some guidance

    Posted: 19 Aug 2019 08:08 PM PDT

    Returning and need some guidance

    Hi all,

    I'm returning after quite some time, and need a bit of guidance - I'll include an image of my current set-up, and I'd like to know if this is still semi-decent? And what should my next steps/goals be?



    submitted by /u/Oyed
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    I can't understand you people

    Posted: 20 Aug 2019 12:56 AM PDT

    Who promised you that it will be fair? Life is not fair. If someone wants to buy more copies let them be. You can p2w in most of the games like that. Fairness means equal opportunity to progress. You cannot tell people how to spent their own money.

    Please calm your tits.

    See ya in AU with my one and only account.

    PS Instance housing will ruin the game for me.

    submitted by /u/Howdhell
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    Advice for a newcomer

    Posted: 19 Aug 2019 06:29 PM PDT

    Heard about the announcement for Unchained but before I dig into google and youtube, can anyone recommend me some sites/channels to watch for someone like me to learn about the game before starting? Is it worth downloading the F2P version just to learn some basic mechanics?

    Any help is appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/AlCojester
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    Unofficial Archeage Unchained Discord

    Posted: 19 Aug 2019 05:19 PM PDT

    Join us now on the unofficial Archeage Unchained Discord!

    Get a head start on recruitment, news, and meeting the new server community in a friendly environment free of toxicity.

    Make sure to real the Rules channel on join.


    (Slowmode *In certain channels* and word filters enabled to ensure we do not get spam trolling or overly toxic chats.)

    Disclaimer: This is NOT the official Archeage (trion and or gamigo) discord for the game. This is a community run discord meant for players to commune in relevance to the Unchained servers in specific.

    submitted by /u/Estellise-
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