• Breaking News

    Wednesday, August 21, 2019

    ArcheAge If you’re calling it Unchanged, you’re a whale.

    ArcheAge If you’re calling it Unchanged, you’re a whale.

    If you’re calling it Unchanged, you’re a whale.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2019 09:30 AM PDT

    Downvote me into oblivion because that's about all who plays this game still; whales, botters, and BR's

    Unchained is going to bring fresh blood back into the game and all of you are mad because your 4 year old characters you sunk 10k+ dollars in is going to be worth nada. Or stay and play on your server with other 15k gear score players. But most of you rather gank than have a good fight. So the 17 of you can have fun on your dead ass server

    submitted by /u/Dehyak
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    Gaming Setup for UNCHAINED

    Posted: 21 Aug 2019 12:18 PM PDT

    meta information (korea)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2019 02:13 PM PDT

    It's back online

    Posted: 21 Aug 2019 02:31 PM PDT

    Log on in

    submitted by /u/zintapallooza
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    EU Log-in still offline?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2019 12:11 PM PDT

    Hey Guys, after the update I tried to start the Game but after the Loadingscreen it went black and now when i open the Glyphlauncher it says always "offline" it's the same on the NA server.

    Has anyone the same problem?

    Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/Lasyyy
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    CAS Authentication error trying to log in to ArcheAge forums

    Posted: 21 Aug 2019 10:21 AM PDT

    Is logging in to the forums related to logging in to the games (ArcheAge and Rift are both unavailable)?

    Some people are still able to post. I guess their session persists for a while.

    submitted by /u/LigH-de
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    Whats up with the downtime?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2019 01:23 PM PDT

    We're at almost 9 hours down for maintenance? Whats up Gamigo? Can't even log in to the forums.

    submitted by /u/CookieCutterHealer
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    [News] More info on Archeage: Unchained from a translated gamescom interview!

    Posted: 20 Aug 2019 09:09 PM PDT

    Archeage "Unchanged" ?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2019 06:41 AM PDT

    Archeage Unchained or Unchanged

    What is it? Archeage Unchained is a new server for Archeage with a new monetization model. The new model includes a onetime purchase no monthly fees and "patron status" for all. Patron status refers to the original Archeage monetization model in which you pay a monthly fee and receive increased labor regeneration, access to more in-game features like auction house and the ability to build houses. The ongoing monetization is derived from a "season pass" and cosmetic cash shop items. How much this will cost is unknown but many have said the game will cost around $20.

    When is it? They have not released a specific date, but have stated that it will have all the content of the original and will also be receiving the Fall update (2019) which indicates sometime between now and this fall.

    Benefits? They have stated no apex sales, no monthly fees, no cross-region accounts, no cash shop power-related items including labor. This effectively lessens the hard-core Pay To Win aspect of Archeage that a great many players have had an issue with over the years.

    Drawbacks? The main drawback is that it is still the same game. Removing pay-to-win items from the cash shop does help but doesn't magically fix the core issues of the game. Next, to "pay-to-win" the other issue we have heard most about is a merger of power through nations and guilds allowing the best players to coalesce into one entity denying much of the game's content to other players. The other issue Archeage is known for is "alts", a person who owns more than one account in which they use to feed labor or power to a single account. While I have seen people state that they are only going to allow one account to be logged in at a time, and only one account per IP address, etc, none of these things will completely remove alts. With VPN's, and Virtual Boxes, a person most certainly can, not only log in multiple accounts but at the very least buy many accounts and switch between them as a means to overcome labor insufficiency.

    My Thoughts? My thoughts evolve completely around the way Archeage was designed; this has little to do with the publishers although for sure a publisher can find ways to exploit the design to a higher degree than others. The issue is with the developer XL. The game from its original concept was designed to be a cash grab. You can easily come up with your guidelines as what you find all these cash grab games to have in common and find Archeage checks many of these boxes. The first being artificial limitations on the play. Games like Candy Crush do this buy only allowing you 5 lives which take 30 minutes to regenerate, puzzles that are made near impossible without power-ups, and continually forcing you to look at the "cash shop" even when you don't want to buy something. I'm not trying to compare Candy Crush to Archeage here, but I am trying to point out a popular cash grab game to show the similarities in design to another. Archeage's labor point system is the same concept as Candy Crushes limited lives. By design, you are only granted a certain amount of labor in which you much choose from a myriad of things to do which can be mutually exclusive to different play styles. If your goal is to be a PvP god, you'll have to focus all your labor to building, opening, merging gear while forgoing some basic gameplay things like building and decorating a house, opening coin purses for some gold, or gathering resources.

    I have seen many well-articulated posts about how great Archeage's labor system is, and how important it is to the actual gameplay. To which I always say that is the point. That is the way the game was made, it was made to be an artificial limitation in which you are forced into a situation where you feel like A, you must log in daily to prevent your character from wasting labor simply by not using yours, or B be forced to find alternative means of acquiring it like from the cash shop, or quest, and I would bet rewards from the soon to be "season pass". More on the season pass in a moment.

    What I say about labor and Archeage is this, yes, we all agree to a large degree that labor is one of your greatest resources in Archeage. Therefore, with little imagination, I think we all can see why there will be incentives for anybody who is willing to set up VPN's and Multiboxing to skirt it. Other games in which were out long before Archeage, there was never a limitation based on an artificial labor system to thwart your progress, it was always based on your time and skill. Games like Everquest, World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy, Lineage II were all about how much time you spent mastering something, and the friends you made to help you in dungeons and progress through questlines. Archeage and the original vision XL had was a polar opposite, they purposely coded limitations into the game in a specific effort to guide you back to the cash shop. Until they address that, this announcement of Archeage "Unchained" is just another effort to force you to willingly start over with a slightly different rule set.

    I don't think I need to remind anybody who has followed Archeage since release that this same hope has been sold to us before, in fact, 3 times in North America and EU with the advent of the "Fresh Start" servers which have 3 times turned out to be the lowest populated servers in the game. But for those who haven't followed Archeage for the last 5 years, each time Archeage has found itself on the brink of collapse the PR people go into full spin mode, offer a new experience for latecomers or newcomers to start "fresh" on a new server with some minor tweaks to the existing monetization methods. All of which ultimately turn out to be bust within 6 months or so of the release. Some will blame the publishers for being greedy, but I have and still will argue it is simply because that is the way the game was made. You have to give credit to XL games and these publishers because I don't know of any other game out there that has managed to sell you the same game this many multiple times on the same platform in this short of time, quite an evil genius they turned out to be. Imagine if Archeage was a T-shirt that kept failing, how many times would you buy a new T-shirt that always ended up having the same problems?

    Finally, I want to talk about the Season Pass; my Spidey sense was off the charts on this one. Does anybody else find it odd that a game with the history of Archeage for reselling you the same content and which has seemingly been modeled after a mobile cash grab, is once again chasing an online game trend of the "Season Pass"? For those who don't care about cosmetics, what do you think they can put into this "Season Pass" to get you to buy it? Perhaps mounts? Perhaps gliders? Perhaps labor? Perhaps Hiram infusions, or regrade tokens, or…? You get my point items simply not available through the cash shop doesn't preclude them from being included in the "Season Pass". Coupled with the fact they have not mentioned any such way to get the existing wide variety of Mounts, Gliders, Magethopoters, and Battle Pets that already existing in the world of Archeage, it seems painfully obvious that they will be included in the "Season Pass". And if we take what we know about how "Season Passes" work in other games, you'll be required to spend a significant amount of your time doing things you normally don't want to do to complete the progress towards gaining one of these advantages. What is more worrying is that you may be forced to spend your labor on these things, I can see objectives like deliver a trade pack to X, or chop 10 pine trees, or get 10 pvp kills in X region. A lot of things that force you to do or play the game in a way you may or may not currently enjoy doing. Thus creating frustration that wasn't there, so you, in turn, don't feel like you wasted whatever you spent on the "Season Pass". For those that currently play Archeage you can immediately see this reality by looking at your daily quest, for me I quit doing any of the ones I found boring or frustrating a long time ago, but imagine now that being the "ONLY" way to obtain a certain mount or glider that you really like, and that if you don't do it this "Season" there is no guarantee that you'll ever get the opportunity to do it again.

    I hate to be all pessimistic about these things, and I hope that I am so wrong but setting terminology aside, we have been down this road before, in fact, 3 times before. Changing the way they get into your wallet doesn't change the fact that there only goal is to get into your wallet. That isn't saying that making money or even a lot of money is a bad thing, I'm all for that. But the primary goal should be how do we give our players the best damn game possible, not how do we give our players just enough so they want to spend more.

    Prove me wrong, PLEASE!

    submitted by /u/Aired_
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    statues and their buffs

    Posted: 21 Aug 2019 04:01 PM PDT

    I am still newbie at this game. But somebody told me they are som eother statues than in Marianopole (nuia) so when the main statue in marinapole is down there are some other in sungoild and etc.

    But each gives diferent buff. Can you give me some simple guide to statues? Where to find them and which gives what buff.

    submitted by /u/Aretazz1
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    Recruiting for: Redmane Trading Company [East][Unchained]

    Posted: 21 Aug 2019 03:57 PM PDT

    New for ArcheAge: Unchained, the Redmane Trading Company is a loose alliance of merchants, free-traders, and privateer mercenaries dedicated to seeking adventure and maximizing profit! Crafting and trading is our love and our goal, though woe to any Westerners or pirates who stand in the way of glorious Haranyan capitalism. Whether you play on land or at sea, casual weekends or hardcore all-day, the RTC has a place for you!


    So if you're ready to make some coin on your own terms, sign up via joining our discord today!



    Rules and stuff:  

    1. RTC is an 18+ guild and all members must be 18-or-over. We say some frickin' grown-up words.
    2. No harassing or insulting guildies (or nonguildies), especially not based on gender/sexuality/race/etc. Generally, don't be a jerk.
    3. No frickin' real-world politics. Save it for your local elections, seriously.
    4. We're not a dedicated RP guild, but be nice to roleplayers, will ya?
    5. Have fun!
    submitted by /u/KirinNight
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    Do you guys this feeling

    Posted: 21 Aug 2019 03:43 PM PDT

    I want to play this game so bad, and I'm really hyped for Unchained, but then I remember what they did the last 3 times they promised a fresh restart and lose all my hyped

    submitted by /u/iqmopy
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    New Server Faction Poll

    Posted: 21 Aug 2019 09:38 AM PDT


    As stated above trying to gauge interest in the new server(s) coming out and where we all intend to play.

    If so inclined, state your reasoning in the comments. 😁

    submitted by /u/Malicus03
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    Okay fuck me, already too excited despite having many times being let down.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2019 05:44 PM PDT

    I mean I am already willing to preorder Unchained although not even the release date has been confirmed. Just the minor probability Archage will actually Not suck this time is keeping me all excited. Can't wait.

    submitted by /u/Wettis13
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    Any idea what will happen to systems that relied on cash shop items?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2019 07:25 AM PDT

    For example:

    • Certificates required to sell your land

    • Farm hauler upgrade in cash shop

    • inventory/warehouse expansions and other convenience items

    • upgrades like chests(hopefully these are scrapped in favor of crafted counterparts)

    Will they be available in game through gold, through loyalty, or what?

    submitted by /u/skilliard7
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    Rare Classes

    Posted: 21 Aug 2019 12:28 PM PDT

    Heya guys.

    Servers are down so maybe ill get an answer D:

    What is the most uncommon/rare seen class in Archeage?

    submitted by /u/deadstorm564
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    If Hiram gear came to solve the problem with P2W...

    Posted: 21 Aug 2019 05:56 AM PDT

    So, I made a thread yesterday asking some things about the game, as a returning player that played this game in the beginning. The thing people told me the most, was that Hiram gear was good because it countered the P2W aspect of the game.

    Now, let's believe the publishers for a second, and let's assume that NO P2W will be involved in Unchained. If no P2W is involved, wouldn't it be better to make most crafted gear (not just one set) better than grinded gear? Isn't doing varied activities to get gold, with which in turn get gear, better than grinding like a bitch?

    Considering I last played in 2015, I may be building castles in the air, but from the answers people gave me, that's the hypothesis I arrived at.

    submitted by /u/kiulowithkak
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    Ranger dps class?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2019 10:12 AM PDT

    Can someone help me with a ranger dps build and what other classes should i pick?

    submitted by /u/Heclono
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    Unchained: What cash shop items would you personally find acceptable.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2019 06:21 AM PDT

    This is a general question to the active community, what would you find acceptable for unchained cash shop?

    Archeage has always had a large number of 'semi' P2W items, such as then buyable 10% exp buff and character bound 12 hour cooldown 1000 Labour potions. Using these examples, some people religiously consider both items to be P2W and shouldn't be in unchained, other people believe the labour potion shouldn't be included, but minor buff potions are fine.

    Where do you personally stand?

    submitted by /u/MrAbishi
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    Trying to build a guild. Need some help.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2019 09:37 AM PDT

    Hello, i always loved archeage in terms of features, but never could get fully into it cause it seemed mostly dead.

    But with the unchained announcement, i thought there may be more in the same situation. Who are fairly new and are looking for a place where they are welcome to join and (re)discover the game together.

    I dont know if the game will have seperate na and eu servers but I'll probably stick with the NA version of the game, even though im from EU

    I really want to create a guild in the game but without much knowledge of the game itself, I'll need some help.

    I do however have experience with maintaining a guild as i have ran a successful guild on Lord of the rings online and albion online.

    If anyone wants to help me or maybe even invite me to help with their idea of a guild. Hit me up!

    submitted by /u/ReGiiT
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    Archeage & Navi?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2019 07:38 AM PDT

    Does anyone playing Archeage have a AMD RX 5700 or 5700xt? I remember someone telling me there were some Vega issues at launch. Would like to know if there are problems with navi architecture as well, as im about to buy one.


    submitted by /u/Natsuh
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    What's a good hybrid dps healer build?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2019 11:50 PM PDT

    If anyone would mind helping, what is a good hybrid dps healer build?

    submitted by /u/Sneekpiik
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    Im really new, why cant i go on "legacy" servers?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2019 12:49 AM PDT

    I can only create a character on fresh start server and everyone is saying those servers are dead.
    I want to be able to play with people.

    submitted by /u/WishIWasBig
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    Getting a fishing boat in unchained

    Posted: 21 Aug 2019 03:22 AM PDT

    Hey, I will most likely start playing again once AA unchained is released. I had a great time fishing and that's what I am planning to also do in unchained.

    I know it isn't that great anymore, but I don't care. It's fun for me, so all I really want to achieve in unchained is getting a fishing boat and my own fish stand in diamond shores or maybe sanddeep.

    The problem is, I remember when I started AA when it launched. I always knew I wanted to fish, but I couldn't afford a fishing boat. I only had my clipper... To buy a fishing boat was completely out of range.

    I had a guy in my guild with the same problem, so what we did was that we both went fishing with the "big guys" who already had fishing boats and we just fished on our clippers and brought back each fish... one by one with our clippers (I am still having nightmares) until he was able to buy a fishing boat. Once he had his boat we shared the spaces and eventually I was able to buy my boat.

    This whole process was HORRIBLE and extremely time intensive, although it provided me with a lot proficiency for fishing, which was nice.

    So my question is, how would I avoid this "rememberable" experience and get my fishing boat as soon as possible? I don't care about lvls, gear or anything else, I just want the fishing boat as soon as possible. Could anyone recommend a good way of doing it? I am glad for any advice, thanks :)

    submitted by /u/KeyGee
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