• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 16, 2019

    ArcheAge Wanted to know base materials of the fishing boat and made this, thought some of you might find it useful

    ArcheAge Wanted to know base materials of the fishing boat and made this, thought some of you might find it useful

    Wanted to know base materials of the fishing boat and made this, thought some of you might find it useful

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 02:33 PM PST

    Taking the bot problem into my own hands

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:27 AM PST

    Archeage Unchained is a bad game for midcore players

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:12 PM PST

    Archeage is designed around scarcity. World conflict like Luscas and Abyssal Attack have a winner. Bosses get tagged. Land is a finite and valuable resource. Down to the individual, labor gates activities. Getting more out of limited resources drive the conflict in this game.

    Power gain in most games, this one being no exception, is a positive feedback loop – The more powerful you are, the easier it is to continue gaining power. In Archeage, this translates into controlling those limited resources. If you can muscle other players out of content, you command the limited, valuable resources: If you can own the saltwater fishing spots instead of sticking to the safe freshwater spots, you have about three times the income. If you can kill to steal people's packs and fish, it's control over someone else's labor pool.

    There are three types of people who play Archeage. The first I'll refer to as Group 1. This group primarily consists of Archeage veterans. They look to sink their time and effort into being the most powerful. Archeage fulfills a power curve fantasy that rewards a small, dedicated and hardcore player base with ultimate domination. In a game all about PvP'ing for control of resources, this progression feeds back into itself for continued GS growth, ensuring all fights are never taken on even grounds. For some, the power growth fantasy of this game could be incredibly alluring - Having your investment of time, knowledge and efficiency result in winning more and more fights might be just the kind of game some people are looking for.

    Group 3 consists of the pacifists. There is a lot to do in Archeage besides fighting other players. The housing system is ridiculously complex, and most proficiencies don't require you to ever interact with another player. These people don't care about PvP activities and are ok with getting deleted by Group 1's whenever they meet. Let's be clear here: there is no sliding scale between Group 1 and Group 3, they are not playing the same game.

    Group 2 is the left out midcore players. These players are interested in engaging between many facets of the game, but lack the time/knowledge/schedule/effort/team/etc. to be in Group 1. Unless you did extensive research, most new players to Archeage fall into Group 2. They cannot join Group 1 because of power acceleration, and they are forced out of resources by Group 1, simply leading to a wider gap. Any time you hear of people purpling up to steal packs and fish is an example of the strong directly cannibalizing the weak.

    Any argument which starts with "It's a sandbox, do what you want" can only be targeted at Group 3 players. All the people getting annihilated with no recourse in open world PvP want to be out in the world, but getting 1-shot isn't allowing them to. They want to experience all the content and fight on even enough terms to have a chance. It's fine that some people are stronger, but the raw disparity is forcing people to give up on many things and exclusively stick to peace zones and hope you don't get dominated, ensuring the gap widens.

    The problem is multifaceted, but part of it is in the gearing. Gear upgrades are strictly numeric, without any mechanical changes. Power is a linear arms race without decision making. There is very little building around your opponents or gearing for specific choices, it's pretty much strict upgrades through and through.

    Archeage has a lot of cool ideas, but from the ground up there was a decision to make. He power curve acceleration fantasy really allows a P2W game to flourish, because whales are rewarded in a very tangible way: Total and continued domination over other players. A non P2W game needs to strike some kind of balance there, because this game no longer has a catch-up mechanic in the form of a credit card, outside of buying alts. Finding a balance which keeps midcore players engaged without turning off hardcore players is incredibly difficult, and I don't have the answer to that. I'm not sure it's even possible to satisfy everyone.

    Some parts of this game just feel unpolished, and it makes it difficult to hope improvements. I've personally found three instances of things untranslated from Korean – The first stat line on the 20g pet armor, the text on the Solis Community Center resident board, and the action bar while opening Noryette boxes. NA didn't have instances until this week, and even then the event timings are a little questionable at best. If it took them weeks to change the candle quest timing, there's no way we're seeing any bigger changes.

    I can see vestiges of that sandbox game that people remember fondly, but things like Hiram have all but deleted many elements of this game. I think there is a beautiful game buried somewhere in the shell of AAU, but I don't have faith in XL and Gamigo making sweeping changes and polishing it to that point.

    For anyone having fun, you do you. I am not saying anybody isn't allowed to have fun in Archeage, there is plenty to do for a variety of people. I just wanted to start some discussion on the struggling and dwindling "middle-class" of Archeage players. How do you feel about progression and resource control in the current state of Archeage? Are you happy with how it's gone so far?

    submitted by /u/boundlesssummer
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    Tip for Achievement hunters. Don't upgrade your 8x farm into an improved farm until you've crafted a farmers workstation. The improved farm doesn't count towards the achievement "Farmers Best Friend" and you cant downgrade back into an 8x.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:11 PM PST

    I'm rich!

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 11:44 AM PST

    Stuck in Golden Plains Battle team.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 12:14 PM PST

    I queued up as a team for yesterday's battle. My team was unable to have the slots fill up so I tried leaving the team but couldn't. I get a message that says "The team doesn't exist." I'm also unable to join any instance through the menu. I've tried restarting my client and even reinstalled the game but I'm still stuck in my team. A quick google search only showed one post about this problem but no solution. Anyone in the same situation and found a way to leave?

    submitted by /u/Tom-Cruise_Control
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    Swiftblade fun #5! Edgeripper

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 03:45 AM PST

    Coin purse farm

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 08:55 AM PST

    Currently ancestral 2 dark runner, I'm a fairly casual player but I enjoy grinding mobs for coin purses, what's a good location for my level and gear? All my armor is the first step purple Hiram and my weapon is almost celestial grade.

    submitted by /u/TheoneRagecakes
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    Is there anyway to MAKE/Collect Worm Compost?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 09:43 AM PST

    Or are they only Available through Vocation? This seems to be the major Bottleneck for a lot of Items.
    I know Bundles drop a FEW, but they barely make up for the total cost.

    submitted by /u/TheRealOsamaru
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    As an F2P player, is this playable?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 09:24 AM PST

    I can stand Aion, which is pretty heavy in P2W.
    I have a few questions.
    1. Does Archeage still use the labour system? As in, F2P basically is heavily limited?
    2. Can I still build a house or are all plots filled?
    3. How do people store all their materials? When I first played Archeage, I wanted to build a galleon, but that needs a ton of wood plus a bunch of other stuff. Can I even do that as F2P?


    submitted by /u/PositiveIndependent
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    About housing on islands

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:01 PM PST

    Can you place farm terrains there?

    Do you pay more taxes?

    Lastly, if i put a single 16x16 in two crowns, and rest of camps and house on Island, can i still make larders on two?

    submitted by /u/Drektol
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    Error #1005 when isntalling.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 10:47 AM PST


    I've been trying to install Archeage Unchained over the pasts couple of days without any luck. Everytime I try to finish the installation I get error #1005. After I've gotten the error and try to hit Update again the client tells me my drive is out of storage (it tries to redownload all of the files, although the files can still be found in my game directory). I've googled a lot and tried all of the things listed in previous threads, but it feels like im sort of out of options. Anyone have any recommendations / tips? Anything is appreciated, I'd love to play the game!

    Things I've tried:
    Running everything as admin.
    Reinstalling the game.
    Reinstalling Glyph + the game.
    Deleting all files associated with the game and client, and reinstalling it all.
    Installing both Glyph and the game on my main harddrive.
    Installing the Glyph on main harddrive and game on external drive.
    Installing both Glyph and game on external drive.
    Rebooting after error #1005 and hitting update again.
    Deleting game_pak,
    Allowing the client in my firewall.
    Disabling my firewall before clean install
    Contact support, told me to reinstall
    Scream at the computer
    Ask strangers why God hates me

    submitted by /u/jhrlund
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    How can i make gold as little time playing?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 04:14 AM PST

    I can only play 3 hrs a day at night after work and Sunday, i own a cottage and 16x16 farm so is there a good way to make more than 300g a week on Nuia? I prefer Commerce>Gathering>Larceny.

    submitted by /u/nguyenduylan
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    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 12:16 PM PST

    Tried the fix of changing history version. This does not work. I still get the same error. Ive tried deleting eveyrthing archeage and glyph then reinstalling. I still get the same error. ANy ideas?

    submitted by /u/Breaumanced
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    Mistsong Leather Set on a Male?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 03:20 PM PST

    Anyone got a picture of the Mistsong Leather armor on a male maybe?

    submitted by /u/xDrac
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    Still no regrets.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 04:25 PM PST

    Best way to earn vocation points?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 03:10 PM PST

    Some trees and animals I wanna put on my farm but I only have like 300 vocation points is there a good way to earn these? Thanks guys

    submitted by /u/The_b0ogeyman
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    Where do I get 590887 DO NOT TRANSLATE - Net Cafe?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 03:08 PM PST

    I need them to craft something

    submitted by /u/skilliard7
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    How come my charge does no damage to enemies that constantly kite? Is there a delay?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 03:05 PM PST

    Pretty annoying when they can literally back peddle you as charge never procs

    submitted by /u/Kofdi9
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    Playing archer w/ 200ms

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 09:03 AM PST

    Is archer unplayable with 200ms even with an10 flame endless arrow?

    submitted by /u/Sunfiire
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    Does Archeage run on Microsoft Surface Go?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 02:53 PM PST

    Using it for my alt to do basic movement stuffs only. Can it run on the Microsoft Surface Go? Planning on buying either that or iPad but if it works, I will just choose Surface Go.

    Specs: Going with 8GB version. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/surface-go/8v9dp4lnknsz?activetab=pivot:techspecstab

    submitted by /u/iuthnj34
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    The beauty of archeage and friends!

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 02:18 PM PST

    Weapon Skins

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 02:07 PM PST

    Do weapon skins stay on the weapon when I upgrade it or even upgrade to another Tier?

    submitted by /u/Siqo
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    Which house?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 07:45 AM PST

    I'm planning to upgrade my 16x16 to a larger house but I can't decide what. I have 300 Gilda to spend, I'm not particularly bothered about getting a bigger house than that because I simply won't use all the space and I don't think it's worth the extra tax. The main options are obviously farmhouse, townhouse, or save 100 Gilda and go manor.

    I'm mostly thinking about their upgrade possibilities. Farmhouse has the harvester, rancher or miner. And townhouse (can the manor be upgraded too?) has apothecary, traders or armorers.

    I'm leaning slightly more towards farmhouse as it seems a bit better for solo players (particularly if you like farming) but I've no idea which one to go with. The other houses seem like they'd be a great addition to a guild but It feels like a bit much for a predominantly solo player and don't feel like I play enough to be that guy in the guild.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/S7ewie
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