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    Monday, November 18, 2019

    ArcheAge nation chat at 5am

    ArcheAge nation chat at 5am

    nation chat at 5am

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 07:02 AM PST

    AA:U Crafting Spreadsheet

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 01:47 PM PST

    Originally I was planning to only release this when it is 100% complete, but decided to get this out for you now! Feel free to save this as a copy and make any changes you would like, but if you are to share this anywhere its not required but giving me the credit would be highly appreciated.

    I will still be making changes to this through out the week and updating it more as I go. Any major changes will be posted in this reddit thread. Also any suggestions are very welcome!

    AA:U Google Sheet

    submitted by /u/-senos
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    Ok you were right Reddit, free fishing boats were the best thing to happen to Unchained

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 07:16 AM PST

    A couple weeks ago I was complaining about AA handing out fishing boats via achievements, because I felt like it got rid of the gilda value. However given that gilda stars are no longer a challenge(but are just a daily grind), I now see how that point is moot.

    Given that the cargo system killed trade runs(which I was very upset about), fishing was what it took to revive the ocean. Just had a blast yesterday sailing around in my friend's merchant ship with legendary sails, finding fishing raids and securing tons of enemy fish.

    trade runs may be dead(besides the daily, which 90% of people do on safe boat anyways), but fishing is alive and well and has the same pirating value.

    submitted by /u/skilliard7
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    Daily Gilda Farming.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 11:03 AM PST

    Haven't seen this posted anywhere so here goes.

    Currently there are several ways to earn gilda starry stars. Most cost money and labor. I am mainly going to focus on the solo ones here as that is what most people care about.

    35 Can be soloed and 6 more can be easily earned with mentor/mentee.

    5 Daily Blue salt quests.

    East go to yny or austera and find the blue salt guys. West go to marionople and find the blue salt guys just outside the town square.

    Raise 2 wild animals - Have plenty of vita root and water on hand.
    Craft fragrance - Currently 30 ground grain is cheapest.
    Guerilla Marketing - Place vase at random spots on map. Follow map markers.
    Pick up bad gun powder. (Quest west has dunno if east has same quest) Follow map markers.

    (Needs alt/friend's alt) Mentor/Mentee quests. Hadir Farm and Burnt Castle armory. Get yourself an alt to 30 and have a friend get an alt to 30. Go to the dungeons and get the mentor/mentee quests. Kill MB of dungeon and get your quests done. Should get 3 for each quest.

    Enemies of sea trade - Kill 15 sea bugs. Easy but annoying.

    (Not Solo-able) Ghost ships - Kill a ghost ship. Requires a cutter/junk with AT LEAST celestial cannons. Don't do this one for daily gilda.

    (Guild event) Delphinad ghost ships - Its like a world boss but in boat sized fun. You wont be doing this unless you kill DGS with your guild daily.

    Diamond shores - Should be 2-3 quests where you make a pack and rebuild the bridge and base. This also completes your guild daily.

    Conflict zone "Hunting Request" Cost 1 gold and are easy to do. Go inside the community center and talk to the NPC on the left hand side. (not the general merchant)

    1 Yny
    2 Cinderstone
    2 Halcy
    3 Hellswamp
    2 Sanddeep
    2 Rookborn Basin
    5 Windscour savanah
    1 Perinoor Ruine
    6 Hasla
    5 Karkasse Ridgelands - I forgot how many there are think 5.

    Each world boss will give you a quest when you get close. Some are worth 3 and some are worth just 1. Reset raid sometimes does these so you can get the quests done then.

    There are other quests, but they are currently not really worth your time and money. Those quests will take roughly 2 hours to do and will leave you with barely enough time for anything else.

    submitted by /u/TheLightningCount1
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    Unexpectedly Strong Harpoon

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 12:33 PM PST

    Gotta make that fish gold

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 01:04 PM PST

    A non-p2w version of AA must include cracking down on RMT

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 09:54 AM PST

    They did (in my opinion) a great job of stripping out all the baked-in p2w elements for this version of the game. However, unless Gamigo takes a firm stance, and actually follows through with enforcement, then 3rd party RMT will absolutely wreck this game - again. Everyone knows it's already happening, there are listings for AAU at all the usual places.

    It's already past time for Gamigo to come out with a statement that RMT will not be tolerated, period. That they are actively monitoring the exchanges of gold between accounts and through the AH, and that anyone suspected of gold selling or gold buying will quickly have action taken against their account. And then they need to fucking do it. It won't take very many man hours to address the biggest abusers, and that should put the fear of God into the rest of the players.

    I recognize that it's impossible to stop RMT completely, but Gamigo has to at least take actions to deter it. Otherwise the power imbalance between gold buyers and straight players will be just as bad here as it is on legacy within a month.

    submitted by /u/mmanders6
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    TFW a friendly fishing ship drives off with your 10% health marlin stuck in the hull

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 10:18 AM PST

    Am I the only one who enjoys Freshwater Fishing?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 03:11 PM PST

    I get it, its not the best gold. I did it one day because I know eventually i'd have to for the ultimate fishing rod so I figured why not just get a head start when I had spare labor but not alot of time.

    After the first time, I realized how tranquil it can be. How nice it was to hear the hawks rather than those damnable seagulls. Its less gold, but damn if it isn't nicer fishing on your boat without a care in the world.

    submitted by /u/Malthuras
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    After 'bout 2 years of procrastination, I finally finished my crocheted AA character

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 11:38 AM PST

    After 'bout 2 years of procrastination, I finally finished my crocheted AA character

    A wild mini-Amineka appeared!

    I was originally inspired by one of my former guildmates (in Undecided, Kadum NA) who was drawing chibi characters. I made the character herself really quick (I used a pattern from CarmenRent for the body shape), but go zero motivation when came the time to make the outfit. My original objective was the Flutterdance Robe. Now I have a flutterdance-inspired outfit, it's something.

    My character in game.

    Also, for those interested, back in time, I made some yata and other plushies from the game, also in crochet. They are on my blog (in French tho): https://olisushi.blogspot.com/search/label/ArcheAge

    submitted by /u/Olisushi
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    Unpopular Perspective on Dailies

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 01:58 PM PST

    I understand the amount of dailies are overwhelming and impossible unless you have a full day to play, that being said I don't think we were ever intended to complete all of them every day.

    In a strange way, I think the dailies actually are intended to make us choose what sort of thing we care enough about. For example, you want gilda stars; go do gilda dailies, look for bosses when it's convenient. You care about your gear desperately? Find a hiram group. Gold or exp? There are dailies for that. Focus on what your next objective is.

    Clearly people are struggling to maintain all of the dailies, but while you're focusing on one thing the next person may be focused on another. Consider the fact that there's even a cap on how many dailies you can have active.

    Yes you might be able to do them all, but it's not realistic to expect most players to have the time to do that.

    I know we live in an era where optimizing and 100% completing everything is made to be important "lest you fall behind" but if you're not actually enjoying the activities you're doing in the game, then what exactly is the point?

    submitted by /u/Scindo
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    When you are bored but you have an epic harpoon

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 12:35 AM PST

    How to Climb Up The Cargo Ship Ladder(s) Blocked By Jerks

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 03:22 PM PST

    Have you been blocked by some jerks who intentionally hanging low on the cargo boat ladders so others cannot climb up? Do this:

    Dive downwards to near end of the ladder, make sure you are facing downwards/end of the ladder, then hit F (or whatever your interact button is) to climb. Tips from a friend and it worked for me. If you couldn't get on in time, just go back onto port, log out for half an hour, and catch it the next round. Yes, your cargo will still be on your back if you log out or dced.

    Edit: whoever that downvoted the post without leaving a comment is one of them jerks.

    submitted by /u/ShabuJei
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    If we Crash in Golden Plains LET US REJOIN IT!!

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 08:32 AM PST

    If we Crash in Golden Plains LET US REJOIN IT!! OR not make it deduct from our attempts, and if its an auto lose give me my rewards for losing! just do something about it

    submitted by /u/selivaria
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    Evenbard book quests

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 10:59 AM PST

    Hey there!

    I've been looking into the evenbard questlines for the title, and I came across the following link:


    I managed to complete the basic quest one, the Friend of Giants title was awarded through it(as a Nuian, I got this one with the A Wish Come True book, while a Haranyan would be using the Hero of Austera book and getting Plainsracer as a reward). Now, I finished the entire questline, but still had the Historic Sites of Ynystere and The Two Crowns of Illion books left. According to the link above, they should also have a corresponding quest to them, but I can't find where they start from. The link also mentioned something about traveling with a Talking Chicken. I brought it to the Kooper the Rooster in Watermist, Rookborne, which gave me a quest giving me a bit of exploration prof. I obtained the Bloody Bhiskia manuscript after finishing the questline given after completing the Friend of Giants title quest.

    Are these last two things the story/book specific quests, that can only be done with these books in your inventory? It doesn't feel like it should be like this, or that it at least has something that should come after it. The books mention that a librarian might be interested in them, but I didn't take any of these books to a librarian to get the Bloody Bhiskia or the Rooster quests. Is there anything I'm missing?

    If someone figured these things out, please let me know where I should head off towards for the rest of the quests for these books!

    Edit: https://archeagecodex.com/us/quest/5496/ I found that I should be able to continue the quest after getting the manuscript, but when I go to the NPC after crafting the book, I don't get any quest pop up or anything like how it was with the other quests. Any idea why this might be?

    submitted by /u/JoJoDeath
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    AFK Content

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 10:48 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I am a new player and am loving Archeage so far. Unfortunately with work and courses I can only play so many hours, so I was wondering if there are some activities during which I can be half-afk and read a textbook or watch a lecture for example.

    Ideally I would do said stuff during the week and play normally on weekends.


    submitted by /u/LoliMister
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    If i go the pirate faction farm the "Desert Fox" Title and return to my former faction(Nuia) will i be able keep the title in the current version of archeage ?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 08:58 AM PST

    Unchained: Trade pack values doesnt go back up with time?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 12:34 PM PST

    Do you guys know why the pack values doesnt go back up to %130 or just go up at all? Including the farmhouse packs, i have been watching the ratios and none of them seem to go back up like they used to do. Is this a bug that i am not aware of?

    submitted by /u/Myrault_
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    Gearscore and pvp

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 03:52 PM PST

    Hello everyone

    I have a question for you all. I can play 5 hours per day (more during the weekend), I have 3 accounts (still trying to figure out how use them properly). atm, I have 5k7 gs and I'm building an improved farmhouse and an apothecary's house for income with alchemy and cooking. Do you think that I can eventually be competitive against the top geared players? Do you think that they will slow down when they reach the hard cap and eventually the "mid-core" players will close the gap, not totally catch up, but enough to be competitive in pvp against them if we have a good gameplay/knowledge with our classes? Or it's over, if I don't play 12+ hours per day I'll stay weak?

    I have a really competitive mindset, I don't care being beat by someone more skilled and I don't care to grind months for a competitive gear, I did it on BDO before. But I don't want to be destroy only by gear because I can't reach a descent gear in a reasonable time. My playtime is not what it was, but I think 5 hours per day is still great, but I don't know Archeage enough and when I see the top geared players I'm wondering if they'll will slow down or they will be a lot more geared than me forever.

    In short, with my playtime, can I be competitive in pvp when the top geared will be blocked by the hardcap. If you say that I can reach easily 12 000 gs and still able to kill players with 14 000 if I'm more skilled, it's fine for me, but if it's impossible without playing way more I'll consider to stop playing.

    I did my best with my english, be indulgent please, it's not perfect or even good, but I'm improving myself slowly

    submitted by /u/Aeffrost
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    Farming proficiency

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 03:07 AM PST

    Hello people, have a question, maybe discussion. So is there any high proficiency goals for farming? This fresh start I decided to go for farming as never done it before. Now as my proficiency increases, I do not see any like high prof benefits. For husbandry I know it is those cages for animals, mining has special veins, other proficiency also has benefits, but what about farming? Is my best benefit is faster bundle time and bigger chance for royal seed? :D I know there are different bundles that unlock on higher proficiency but those cost vocation and after calculations it looks like I get more gold if I just sell something from vocations store directly then by buying growing and harvesting those higher proficiency bundles at my farm.

    I do not ask some secret ways how people make money, it is just a question for discussion, maybe I should quit farming :D

    submitted by /u/Swolach
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    Luminous Migration Talisman Question

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 03:03 PM PST

    Can i revert a Luminous Migration Talisman, because i can't substract

    submitted by /u/WhatSawp
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    Guys they are getting support tickets churned out!

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 02:33 PM PST

    What am I missing?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 10:31 AM PST

    I don't want this to be a whiny thread, I'm just looking for some clarifications to help me understand how are people already at 8k gearscore and many of them 7k+.

    I'm a casual player enjoying my game at 3.8GS, rerolled twice already so that handicapped me but i don't really care about the GS i like the trading and housing aspect more. What I don't understand is how is it possible to get so much gearscore in a month, it cost me more than 4k labor and 100 gold just to get right stats on quest gear. then it cost me another 500 or so and 5k labor to upgrade my weapon to T2. from what ive read it costs hundreds of gold later on to push an upgrade and socket gems etc. between all the gold needed from my maths is around 10k gold to get weapons that some people have. I get it some poeple are probably doing a lot of gold with their secret methos, but what about labor? u would need tens of thousands of labor to MAKE GOLD and UPGRADE GEAR. How can people do both at the same time??

    This is what bothers me the most. It just seems impossible for me even if u would play 14h a day, but tht would mean u have no job and no life how can you even sustain that, but hey let's not get into that..

    submitted by /u/OvidiuHiei
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    Inquisitor or any battlerage+vitalism class

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 02:01 PM PST

    Hello is inquisitor viable for small scale fights(pvp and pve) ?

    I saw some korean chart and inquisitor was right there in the top.

    Are any other battlerage + vitalism classes viable ?

    I kinda feel all melees are either Exe, Dr, Blighters or abolishers

    submitted by /u/MortasX
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