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    Wednesday, November 20, 2019

    ArcheAge I love this game

    ArcheAge I love this game

    I love this game

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 05:09 AM PST

    Gamigo we are burned out

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:08 AM PST

    So my husband & I played legacy when it was released in 2014 and played for a year before the pay to win became too much. So when we heard about a non-p2w version we jumped all in! We quickly realized that the game has changed. It is no longer a sandbox game but feels more like a rat wheel. We stuck it out through the awful launch, but the grind is driving us away. We don't want a full time job, just a game.

    I know this is the part where someone will say "you dont have to be in the top 10%, you can still do what you want! I'm a potato farmer and I'm having a blast!" you know it is true for you and good for you guys, however we play for the pvp. Almost everyone is 5-6k gearscore now. People are actually making fun of our 4k gearscores in game. We have jobs and responsibilities outside this game and it sucks that because there are 5-6 hours of dailies you need to do every day if you want to have good gear, we just cant keep up. Plus it's just not fun, I've grown to hate it. The grind has burned us out and honestly we have found ourselves dreading getting on to play. It feels like a chore and the only reason I make myself is because we spent so much money on this game. I honestly dont expect that to last too much longer.

    submitted by /u/MidniteSerenity
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    Archeage Unchained armor pics

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:15 AM PST

    Gamigo in a nutshell

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 02:44 AM PST

    Regarding ArchePass Compensation - Nov 20

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 03:16 PM PST

    NA maintenance extended with no ETA

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 12:09 PM PST

    NA maintenance extended 1 hour

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 10:56 AM PST

    Why aren't gamigo doing weekly costumes to make tons of cash?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:27 AM PST

    Are there no more costumes to add than the succubus one?

    It's like they don't wanna make money

    submitted by /u/itsnotadonut
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    Loss of FPS

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 12:34 PM PST

    So this is bewildering to me. A few days ago I opened my settings and hit apply. I find that action generally had some positive impact on performance. Yet this time, the settings window was like transparent and when I hit apply, it seemingly reset all my graphics. I was regularly holding a steady 100-144 fps powered by my 2080, now I cannot get over 70, generally 30-60. I've played with every fucking setting and almost every variable but I cannot get the performance I was getting.

    I reinstalled, no luck.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/xriddickx
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    The New Siege system sucks

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 12:28 PM PST

    i just don't get it why the hell do you have a cap on people who can join the siege? isn't the reason why the previous siege system was changed because people are monopolizing the siege? how is that different now? the top geared people are really the only ones who's gonna be able to siege, and its basically impossible for mid geared people to even experience that.

    just remove the cap and let everyone who wants to join the siege join. i don't see what's the problem with that. because its gonna be zerged down by the populated faction? hello? thats why you introduced the mercenary system right?

    just remove the cap. this game is actually designed to be almost impossible to catch up(unless the top geared guys go lazy) because there is no P2W and the progression you can do in a day is capped hence if the top gears are doing what you are doing(lets be real here the "effecient" s/l ratio activities aren't really a secret) the top geared guys will be monopolizing the siege, and will get even further ahead with the rewards they get from it. just do the siege like RF's Chipwar, and let everyone duke it out.

    submitted by /u/Haxxelerator
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    Plushie Pet Accessory Cape +2500hp (Diligence coins)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 05:04 AM PST

    Only few people will think of buying this I suppose and I was one of those people. Don't do it, its a waste of diligence coins. The item adds +2500hp to the non-combat plushie pet instead of the player.

    Since all the other plushie accessories add some kind of bonus to the player I was hoping it would add the 2.5k hp to the player as long as the plushie is alive and it makes no sense to add items for non-combat pets that increase their survivability, so I was being hopeful that it would benefit me.

    submitted by /u/Saabox
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    Sweet compensations but what about the premium Archepass buyers? or the first week compensation?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 02:44 AM PST

    ArcheAge Unchained Pirating - Spellsinger PvP

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 03:48 PM PST

    Where do I get, or get info about, old items/mounts?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 01:16 PM PST

    Personally I'm looking for the Cow mount. It used to be in mirage for gilda stars, but its not there anymore.

    There were a bunch of cool mounts there that evolved at certain level that also are gone/changed.

    What about gliders? There are so many but I honestly have no idea where to get any of them except the one in dilligence shop and the kraken/twt ones. What happened to all other ones?

    submitted by /u/pls-answer
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    The Adventures of Jackssparrow - Part 3 - Joining The Fishing Vibe!

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 09:19 PM PST

    The Adventures of Jackssparrow - Part 3 - Joining The Fishing Vibe!

    Hello, boiiss and girls, long time no see!

    Jackssparrow of Wynn here. It's been a long time since the last Post because LIFE couldn't let me play my beloved Archeage. But anyway, I managed to find some time to play it at weekends, and OH BOY, I'm glad I could advance some of my goals.

    Sooo... about 3 weeks ago I've heard about some rumours of people joining fishing raids in order to get a fishing boat design. As I didn't have that much time to play and as I was afraid of missing an opportunnity to get a 500G design, I've joined the black fishing parade. (MCR is back, yey, i mean, Aye!)

    Despite the fact some ppl on Nuia didn't want my presence at the fishing party ("I thought you were a Pirate, Jack, not a fisherman!" ; "I don't trust you, Jack." ; "You're giving the reds our position") LIKE, WTF PEOPLE, I don't even have TIME to play the game and when I play it I just want to have some fun, c'mon, LET-ME-IN, they eventually realized I was not an enemy of Nuia (not right now, but maybe later, gotta get that pirate achievment) and let me join the raid.

    And it was REALLY, REALLY fun experience. You see, one of the reasons I wanted to roleplay as Jack Sparrow was because in 2014 I was astonished about the SEA OF ARCHEAGE. It is one, I mean, it is THE MAJOR FEATURE of the game. What other MMO has this kind of NAVAL ONLINE interactivity / sea battles and BEAUTIFUL OCEAN SCENARY ???

    Archeage Ocean.

    A flight to eternal oblivion.

    So, let's go to the fishing spots!

    Really need that pirate faction \"boost\".

    To sum it up, I think I got the achievment in 3 days by joining random raids at Solzreed and Sandeep. People were really helpful and they even let me get some fish that were left at sea due to overfilled fishing boats.

    As I had no skill at all at fishing, it was a pain in the ass for me to get a single fish, and usually I was the only one left havin that Top 10 Anime Battles against fish to end up empty handed and pissing everyone in the boat that were waiting for me to get it.

    Besides the frustrating fishing skills, I got a lof of funny moments, from humping someone's galleon mast to laughing a lot of some guys bullying an innocent dwarf for having a puffer fish the double his size at his back!

    Humpty Humpty!

    \"I can see my house from here.\"


    Watch your back, son.

    \"To infinity and beyond!\"

    \"You may park here, Alfred.\"

    And since we are playing a PVP enforced game, some of our delivering trips back to land started like this:

    \"Dance boiiiss, we're about to get rich!\" \"Yeyy, party!\" \"Awesome!\"

    And ended up like this:

    \"Hello, darkness, my old friend...\"

    Some reds using invibility just spawned and destroyed everyone in the ship! But the worst, THEY STOLE OUR FISH! Monsters!!! 0 fucks given! It was fun! The jokes, the chat, the tension of PvP and losing everything! I was glad I could complete my achievment and also have fun while doing it!

    We should play the game our way! Choose a path, choose a goal! Just DO IT! And when you're done with it, try something else! This game offers a lot of liberty. Even if your gear is still trash or if you don't have time to play the game at all, in the long run it does not really matter. Because when you remember the best moments you had playing AA, I can guarantee 90% of those will be of havin fun with friends or even ramdom people of your Nation.

    Next post I think I'll talk about the long process of building my 2 houses at two different Islands, one of them, the Stormraw Sound, the Pirate Island!

    Take care yall! And always remember kids, crime does not pay, unless it's a cargo full of rum!

    Cheers! :D

    Previous Adventures:

    Part 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/archeage/comments/dpc3qt/true_story_the_adventures_of_jackssparrow_part_1/

    Part 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/archeage/comments/dr3cns/the_adventures_of_jackssparrow_part_2_the_trial/

    submitted by /u/EuronFuckingGreyjoy
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    Tactics for boarding enemy ships

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 10:58 AM PST

    So, I've been trying my hand at pirating reds / ganking boats at sea but I'm struggling to find a reliable way to board enemy ships. Some things I've tried:


    1) Lasso the driver: Nothing seems to happen? The driver won't move off the wheel

    2) Tigerstrike: Sometimes it jumps to the driver but the other time it simply flung me in some weird direction and I ended up in the water

    3) Grabbing onto the clipper rope: I've managed to get a hold of the rope as the clipper went over me but then I'm not sure what to do as when I get to the top it make you 'pop' up which almost always results in you being flung off

    4) Backdrop/frontflip: Works sometime but hard to time it well, also difficult with ping

    5) Gliders: Only works if you get lucky and sea winds don't just immediately slam you into the water

    6) Harpooning: Can be a good idea but hard to do solo, I have to immediately rotate the boat so the clipper at the back of my boat is aligned and ready to fire. Maybe this works a lot better with two people.


    Does anyone have good methods or advice for getting onto boats reliably?

    submitted by /u/sGvDaemon
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    Is Avatar worth doing ?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:03 AM PST

    I didn't fully understand how Avatar works, since apparently you need to use melee skills combined to archery. Has anyone mastered this class ? Do you need to keep meleeing your opponent to get the Instinct Marks to be effective ? Is the Final Breath skill stronger than having Bloody Chantey with Startling Strain ? I am looking for some alternatives, whenever I am bored of playing Ebosong, and it seems like I can't do much against melees as Ebosong anyway.

    submitted by /u/hikimaru_
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    Dear idiots in Halcy....

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:53 PM PST

    Every time you kick somebody because the game is bugged and won't let them pass lead, not only do you fuck your own team(those people won't be replaced) but you fuck the players who get stuck with a lead they didn't ask for it(counts as an entry). Stop being whiny babies, its a fucking bug and it's annoying as shit but there is literally nothing they can do about it. Seriously watching the west go through 10 people because they can't handle having to deal with bugs and then bitching when we lose(hint its because you kicked everybody you could and we were down 20 people) is getting beyond annoying.

    submitted by /u/Frebu
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    Expanded Otherworld storage chest how is it different? cost 5 expansion packs and 1 otherworld chest to create this "expanded" one

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 03:58 PM PST

    Gamebreaking issues And Possible fixes

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 03:57 PM PST

    1. Library bosses - Temporaly close it until you fix the servers. It makes the game unplayable for 20 minutes every 4 hours.
    2. Halcyona war- Still lags. Songcraft "double time" skill still last around 4-5 seconds (should be 2s).
      Kills and assist not registering. I am cearly killing the target and don't get assits or kills
      Afk votekick is more anoying than useful. Remove it until you fix Halcy completely. (or just remove it completely if you kick someone you won't gain anything just -1 player who could come back possibly) btw he/she can join next day anyways. Or rework the kick system give different penalty.
      Random crashes, or the isntance just won't start and kicks you.
    3. Castle claims lags the entire server and the game is just unplayable at that time.

    4. Designs in shop and folio are not the same hence can't craft the item
      for example: Speedboat Design, Mad Steambike. (And God knows how many items having the same issue)
      Timber Coupe design cost 2000 Gilda in Mirage Isle, but 1500 Gilda in capital cities.

    5. Larders, beehives dissapearing after maintenance. (possible fix is to rotate when you place them, but i haven't tested)

    6. High tax property counting after it is demolished. You have 3 farms. you destroy 1. it still counts as you have 3 and when you want to put down your third farm elsewhere, it tax you more because the system thinks you have 3 farms down already.( I didn't test this personaly, because i am too scared demolishing and getting the bug)

    7. Achivements gives legacy items which can't be used. Achivements give you "Loyalty Tokens", "Gift coins", "Golden Tokens" This is a massive oversight.

    8. Trade system.
      Everyone knowns it is trash, Atleast it is acceptable right know, but make royal seeds drop from single seeds TOO. If it has a chance drop from single seeds it could fix the entire trade system for atleast now. Drop chance for only seed bundles is not enough.

    9. Dailyage, Gearing problem
      I don't have much problem with the daily quest, but i get why people hate them. I just simply don't do them if I don't want to.
      (possible fix to it: Intruduce and identical gear to hiram but is achived by crafting, you craft the items you craft the infusions, scrolls with basics materials.(with realistic crafting costs) (this has nothing to do with erenor, erenor stays best, and the recipe stays the same)
      This way people who like farming more can achieve high gearscore aswell and they are not forced on hiram daily.
      Also there would be higher demand on basics mats so the price would rise making professions worth doing again.

    10. Naval Arena still has bunch of Korean texts in it. It is pretty much not translated.

    11. West Hiram, East Hiram. Few mobs have korean text on skill casts and buffs.

    12. Hiram questline cutscenes are not translated, voice missing, subtitle not showing up or just show white squares.(You can't experience the lore at all, but i doubt anyone even cares lol) You literally don't know what is happening in the cutscenes)

    13. Drill camp arena you are put up againts premade groups when you go in solo. You have no chance to win. Rework the whole system queue.
      FFA arena not balanced and badly designed. Needs a complete rework. You need high burst to ks mobs and ks from other people. (Suggestion: Make it that you have to hold a point, intead of killstealing mobs? Hold blue red and green points and get points on how many seconds you were at that point. Something like this would be much better in my opinion) Also you can easily get stuck in the textures. It is extremely frustrating.

    14. Compensation on the website
      So I claimed the package for 1 time.
      But in legacy like 3 years ago I claimed packs for multiple times not even intentionaly. The website was just so slow i clicked twiced and got double mails. So this issue has been for such a long time ago. It is a shame it is still not fixed.

    15. Compensation ingame
      To give a one click claimable pack to every single account is just bad. Even lvl1 characters can claim it. Meaning buy more accounts and you get rewards = pay to win. Seriously 14k labor points and 90 diligence. Well you can double it if you have 2 account or even triple it if you have 3 accounts :) and guess whose not enforcing if you have more account ;) btw it is impossible to enforce it in the first place. Sure it sounds good that there are no $2 labor potions in the game, but if you can just buy accounts with 14k labor on it how is it any different. (I bough a second account because of this compensation, shame on me). And they even gave another 7k labor+45 diligence this week. So in total you could buy $26x2account 21k labor x2 and you get 42k labor for $52, and even more because you start to generate labor on those accounts too for a lifetime. So you dont need Vocation stipen labor Stipend for 1250credits you have it with more accounts ;) ( I know the labor rechargers have diminishing returns but still it is a lot of labor)

    16. Communication
      Skipping livestream, because they have more important thing to do. What exactly? As a community manager this should be the Number 1 priority. Fixes takes months and the CM-s don't do the fixes. Well XL do the fixes, but the game is not even translated properly see on points 7-9. Thats the localization teams fault but it is not fixed either for God knows how long.

    17. Archepass
      Great idea, but badly executed. Not enough quest options, remove premium option. Make more quest available. For example: Get X honor you get ArchXP, Kill enemy factions you get X ArchXP. You should have around 7-8 Different vocational or combat quest depending on your path. And the quests should have little requirement like 1 Player kill gets the quest done but gives little xp. I go even further remove the quest fully.(I doubt they do this, but iI wish) You go little by little, not with 20-50 mob kills. Specific mob kills should be removed( teleporting to kill mobs is stupid, rather give archpass xp for every mob that gives you xp or in general when you get xp you get ArchXP too, In a dream world you should get ArchXP with almost every single activity you do ingame . Make it that you play the game how you want like a sandbox should be and earning cool rewards in the progress. Put more bound cosmetic stuff in the premium line(furnitures, more costumes etc). And ofcourse completely remove gold rewards from the archepass or put them in the milestones, when you get to lvl 10 Pass you get 10 gold at Lvl 20 you get 20 gold etc etc.

    18. Take a look at the diligence marketplace
      There are bunch of useless items listed there, Not organized and feels like who made it never played the game. XP restoration scroll for diligence? You wont even loose xp on ancestral lvl-s. put more items there make an overhaul and after that dont touch it, if you put updates there, you will eventually put something gramebreaking there intentionally or not.


    People sitting on a speedboat design for like a month and they can't to anything to it they invested everything to it, well XL is fixing it, yeah but Do you realize that how many people will be here when it is fixed? People waiting 1 month on a design to craft is unrealistic enough.
    As a game with a box price this is unacceptable, and just sad.
    The only reason I am writing this is because I love the game and I want it to be succesful and honestly seeing all the work that Khrolan and the team did was so genuine and good to see finally for Archeage. But XL ignoring and taking their time and disgusting people ripping off content creators just making the whole thing worse. I wonder if they will ever fix this truly great game. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/revolutionhun
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    What are the benefits of each upgraded farmhouse?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 01:15 AM PST

    I can upgrade my thatched farmhouse to Miners, Harvesters or Ranchers. I was thinking about ranchers but does that pen give you fertilizer? What are the benefits of the others?

    submitted by /u/emree1
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    Casual - point of view

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 03:55 PM PST

    So there was a topic to which i wanted to reply but then decided to write my own.

    I keep reading about dailies and people disliking them and I'm 100% with you, in fact I didn't do any at all for weeks, yet I'm still burned out almost, why ?

    I never played old AA but since the beginning I realised what huge benefits another account would give, without a subscription with only 1 time payment "buying new account" it would be tremendous help which will only snowball, so as an ex EVE player I went for it, actually I got not one but two more accounts.

    And it makes you feel miserable, the game is not meant to be played like this, you quickly realise the limit on housing for example make sense … You get a house and a farm, then another farm, first one ideally should become a workstation, the house can become a bigger house, and the farm a gazebo, then eventually the house becomes an upgraded one, there is a certain path one is forced to follow with one account, with 3 that's not true you can rush anything upgraded tradesman houses or thatched are easily done alone.

    I thought I would use my alts only to keep some land so I can make a bigger house later eventually, but then I just realised how wasteful was doing chores on my main, cutting wood gathering plants etc, so without planning this beforehand I started to play my alts more and more to keep my main labor intact, but its really a lot of time, even doing absolutely minimum. I thought I'm gona be doing tax certs 24/7, but there is always something more useful to do, and you end up doing that.

    Now with labor packs rolling its 3k labor per day + halcyona 1k + 1k from diligence pack, its 5k labor per day, now imagine 2 alts 10k labor fishing in lakes not even sea that's 600 gold to your main for gear and regrades, but it takes a LOT of time. I often end up doing chores after chores to finally enjoy playing my main, and I do love it, but I need to suffer for 4-5 hours to enjoy 1-2 hours, and I wish I didnt need to do that, and you could say well don't, and that was the plan, but once it's there its difficult now to make use of them.

    You know which is next step in try harding at this game? NA – EU labor trading, you find a partner on the other server, and you do the same shit for him, with 3 characters there, so instead of doing chores on 2 you do it with 5! And boy does it pay off have 3 more characters working for you, but it also makes you feel even worse.

    And that's without any of the perks game can offer, library + dungeons + hiram dailies + gilda + whatever else you can do to increase your profit further.

    So, it's impossible they can change it, people bought 3 accounts, I wouldn't mind having 2 of mine banned, but others would disagree. I wish I knew how awful it is having 3 accounts, I would never ever even start playing this. I think each day of stopping, but I got many many many spots in best region in game, I got an apothecary, a bungaloo and two hatched houses, and all the effort I put in it is keeping me playing, the spots + the housing, otherwise I would've stopped long ago.

    So yea, this game is really not thought trough imho, for normal people, before you complaining about dailies, and sandbox gameplay, keep in mind multi accounting is the worst thing ever which sadly cannot be fixed. No matter how good you are how amazing silver per labor you are making, the dude with 3 accounts mining/fishing/processing will still makes 2X or 3X times of what you make.

    submitted by /u/denisgsv
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    T3 epic +0 xp to T4 hiram?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 03:48 PM PST

    So from my understanding things drop down 2 grades from their base, or 1 grade if you max XP first.

    Right now to fill up my XP bar on epic its 145k xp, so im assuming that if i just upgrade to t4 now it will drop to celestial with 145k xp to go for divine? Or am i going to be shooting myself in the foot by not fullying upping the XP and going from celestial to divine is going to take more than 145k xp?

    submitted by /u/Yikers233
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    No Tolerance Policy

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 03:47 PM PST

    No Tolerance Policy submitted by /u/Pwhobbit
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    Add more items to prestige shop?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 12:00 AM PST

    I find myself having 1000+ prestige and nothing to spend it on (yet). Got my cloak.

    Most people in the guild are not even bothering with the guild quests anymore.

    I'd love to be able to convert them to kyrios badges!

    submitted by /u/MysticWizard1981
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