ArcheAge I find it wild that people get to keep the insane quantities of gold they got from archepass. |
- I find it wild that people get to keep the insane quantities of gold they got from archepass.
- We should come together as a community to push for the return of the sandbox
- He said he went to grab a pack of Desert Fire's 15 years ago...
- Guess I'll hide.
- Jergant - Cleavage & Kiidomii drama. Kiidomii's side, incase anyone is curious.
- Archeage community in a nutshell
- To all new players that are lost After archepass git disabled
- Every time my game crashes after being in queue for 5 hours and playing for 10 minutes
- Top 10 photos taken seconds before disaster
- WTF is this? In Mountains of Reedwind/Whalesong Harbour
- Has Hiram gear ruined the crafting economy?
- I feel I am punished after they removed the archpass
- New server unchained ?
- [Suggestion?] Prioritize enemy players over their mounts and battle pets
- Real life 8x8
- Getting ganked in low areas
- This sub needs a weekly Q&A
- Hardest Raid in the game
- Thanks again for this..........
- Bingo! - My favorite activity in AAU.
- AAU: Truth and Consequences of exploits
- Can we make Archeage Great again?
- unchained_irl
- The problem with Wynn.
- Switching classes after 55
I find it wild that people get to keep the insane quantities of gold they got from archepass. Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:39 AM PDT Especially if they are removing gold outright from the pass. Gold and labor are king. If they find a way to even it out for everyone and continue a goldless archepass I'd be okay, but.. damn. [link] [comments] | ||
We should come together as a community to push for the return of the sandbox Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:00 PM PDT It's not a secret that various core features of the game have been gutted over the years. Safe passage cargo ship, trade run changes, hiram, archepass etc. The fact is, the game is almost dead in korea. However, if Gamigo (and XL) can find a non-intrusive method of squeezing more funds out of players, the game may yet be saved. Therefore I honestly believe we should raise our voices for beneficial sandbox driven changes to the gameplay which Gamigo can pressure XL to work on. Let's turn XL's attention to the western audience. Not everything needs to be entirely the same it was, but an update that makes crafting, trade, piracy, castles and other FUN sandbox features great again as well as increasing high risk high reward activites will be beneficial for the game. ArcheAge is not dead yet. Unchained gave this game a second chance, but unless we come together as a community to push for changes with CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK we won't improve the game in a direction we'd like. I'm having a lot of fun playing this game again (Great time doing stupid stuff with friends), but having seen how much more fun some features of the game used to be make me a bit sad. Don't let the flame die out, make posts about this on steam, reddit and forums. Discuss. Brainstorm. Please. [link] [comments] | ||
He said he went to grab a pack of Desert Fire's 15 years ago... Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:42 AM PDT
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Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:18 AM PDT
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Jergant - Cleavage & Kiidomii drama. Kiidomii's side, incase anyone is curious. Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:31 AM PDT
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Archeage community in a nutshell Posted: 26 Oct 2019 02:16 AM PDT
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To all new players that are lost After archepass git disabled Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:26 AM PDT Hello there. Im seeing a lot of posts in here where new players are asking how to make gold. First of all, let me tell you that archepass never existed before and thus there are already existing method to make some gold. I blame gamigo for this archepass design that basicly Lost most of their new player base Whose After 2weeks mostly didnt touch any features this game has to offer to make some gold. So let me make a quick recap for some of you. Labor is an essential factor to make your income, this meaning people will talk about a ratio silver made / labor or s/l. So the more you are spending your labor, the less you Can make money. Everything that rewards gold is related to thoses labor points but with a variations in Their s/l ratio, some will get you less gold for the same amount of labor spent than an other. If you have a farm, never leave it empty, growing stuff will always grant you a low but steady income without putting too much effort into it (except if you are going hardcore on it and plant 1k potatoes). I suggest you scout out the auction house to see what materials would be interesting for you to grow : example, if you just connect two hour per day, you should go for something that could take long to harvest. (Most long timer have more value because of it ). You could also do some trading, you'll start with a donkey at first so i suggest you look into crafting a cart which is more efficient as you Can Do 3travel on a donkey in one go..dont be afraid to INVEST. There are differents routes, i suggest you get used to some of them and what mats you need to craft, that way you could track their ratio (there is an option for that in game) and you'll be able to determine which one has a higher profit ( profits are not stable as it depends on how many people are doing them and how much the mats cost you). Also dont make the mistake of thinking that because you grow your own mats to Craft your pack you'll get a higher profit. This is wrong as your mats still have gold value whether you farmed yourself or not, so take the mats cost off your profit made tout actually see how much you earned If you are lazy and dont have Time, i suggest you go to farm coinpurse, they are not very s/l efficient but its still decent and an easy way to burst your labor. Also the more you open them you increase your larceny which decrease the cost of the action. Same thing goes for any other skill/job. You could also go for sport fishings where it kinda worksz like traderunning except you dont know where fish banks are. This seems to have been buffed on this patch. And i could go on and on, the rule you have to take is ; ALWAYS USE YOUR LABOR. There is no Bad way of using them, its more about the efficiency on how to use them that matters. Grow your assets ( cart/boat/farm) and dont hesitate to vary your activities. And yes archepass did delivered easy gold compared to how gold are supposed to be made but you feel greatz after seeing how your little buisness grew over the days/months/years. And dont discourage yourself over hearing that someone is earning 10 Times more than you as there are several parameters to take into account :his playtime/his knowledge of the game/if he is using alts or not/ if he has Friends to make more profits...yada yada. Dont try to imitate someone else that is better than you as you dont know how he is playing the game and how much experience...some have 5years of experience into Building waysz to make money... just go at your pace. [link] [comments] | ||
Every time my game crashes after being in queue for 5 hours and playing for 10 minutes Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:37 AM PDT
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Top 10 photos taken seconds before disaster Posted: 26 Oct 2019 04:49 AM PDT
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WTF is this? In Mountains of Reedwind/Whalesong Harbour Posted: 26 Oct 2019 02:44 AM PDT
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Has Hiram gear ruined the crafting economy? Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:43 AM PDT Is player-crafted gear irrelevent due to Hiram gear? I want to play as a farmer/crafter but I'm concerned about the long term health of the player economy of which craft gear was an important pillar. [link] [comments] | ||
I feel I am punished after they removed the archpass Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:48 AM PDT Sure, removing the archpass is a great thing for the game overall but still I can't help feeling being punished because I did not get to do as much with the archpass compare to some others. It isn't a matter of being ahead of me, I am absolutely alright with that. It is simply a matter that we were all walking on the same progression path and one day, the god decided to block off that path for the rest. The god did not put everyone back to the same progression path either. While they are fighting like heroes with their glittering gears, my hands are full of blisters from chopping, mining and farming. At times, I have to get in conflict with fellow merchants over pricing. Why is my life so different? God, why I can't walk the same path as them? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 26 Oct 2019 02:33 PM PDT Hey there, I think that a lot of people are ok to say that the AAU start is a total bullshit, killed by all that exploits. "The amount of gold will be nothing in some months", ok but those guys will just make money faster than normal players, and actually just make the pvp a joke. And we are a lot to think that Gamigo fucked up by not punishing those players, and just saying "ok guys, just keep going". Actually, as an exemple, the guy with the best gear spent more than 30 000 labor points just to apply Lunagems and Tempers, so imagine the amount needed just to upgrade the gear. (we actually win 10 labor x5min, so 2880/day -> 31 680 labor generated since day 1. Of course this guy made all the labor needed for 4 radiant piece of gear divine, and a full red armor with legal archepass usage) If someone could prouve me wrong, and show that he did it legally, i would chill out. Until then i will remain salty :) Wouldn't it be a solution to have new dedicated servers, with shop credits back, and no possibility to tranfert a character from an other server in ? We would just have a good start, loosing 2 weeks to win more playability, fun and balance ? Cordialy, Isilua [link] [comments] | ||
[Suggestion?] Prioritize enemy players over their mounts and battle pets Posted: 26 Oct 2019 02:08 AM PDT I'm really struggling with randoms attacking me because I can't get my target off their pets. I'm currently looking through the options to fix this but if this isn't a thing, GOSH DANG MAKE IT ONE. walking back and forth or side to side trying to spam tab isn't fun. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 25 Oct 2019 05:19 PM PDT
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Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:27 PM PDT As a fresh level 32 I was wondering why there's level 55+ running around in my zone? Are they just doing it for fun? Is there nothing better to do at max level? I love wpvp especially against other level 30's but it can be a little annoying when there's stealthed 50's around two shotting me while questing. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:01 PM PDT On other mmo's subs there's a weekly Q&A, where new players can ask questions and veterans can answer. I see a lot of questions on the main Q&A sticky, but a lot are bot getting answered. Having a weekly Q&A will allow the old ones to be achieved and will help new players find the info easier. Also a weekly role or class discussion would be handy too. A sticky where people can discuss roles and abilities aswell aa aak for suggestions on builds. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:01 AM PDT
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Thanks again for this.......... Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:42 PM PDT
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Bingo! - My favorite activity in AAU. Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:25 AM PDT
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AAU: Truth and Consequences of exploits Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:46 AM PDT Hello fellow gamers and redditors, many things you might like to know about what is going on with the ArchePass is in the text bellow. For the CM's please do not delete this, people need to know what happened and get at least some clarification as to how. As you may know ArchePass has been taken down(its interface at least) for the time being.I have information i would like to talk about and it is related to:
Most of us are aware of unfortunate circumstances Archeage: Unchained went through first with the World Boss ArchePass design glitch locking onto same quest repeatedly where even if you re-rolled some missions they would remain. Players simply killing world bosses in this way and getting rewards by doing so was not an exploit but a game mechanic. There were also bugs at 17/17 where it locks down your ArchePass, bugs where some quests showed missions from wrong regions and bugs where rerolls did not work. ***First exploit occured when players figured out that swapping one archepass for the other gave extra rerolls.Example Vocation>Equipment allowed them to receive new rerolls which they at a gilda cost later used to receive more world boss quests per day. Doing this repeadetely effectively game players the potential of earning 16x50gold a day.This part was not gamebreaking, even though amount of gold entering the economy was of concern, competetive players could in ways keep up with exploiters.*** 2.Next Exploit is achieved by creating a new character, unlocking ArchePass on it and never leaving the first zone effectively making ArchePass only give you killquests in that single zone. Players formed raids to exploit this one and farm monsters in for example dwarf Airain zone and upon completing single ArchePass they would simply swap onto the next one untill they finish them all. Keep in mind gold reward is not relevant but the ArchePass rewards.***By doing this on a single account you could have Vocation/Combat/Equipment entire track rewards picked up.(Basic pass for gilda not included) We focus on these 3 as they grant you Vocation + Honor + Items + Diligence + Labor***Since we can use Vocation, honor and diligence shops to buy unbound items like vocation seeds and sapplings, honor gems, diligence wagon upgrades and temper charms - just an example, you can either sell everything or send to your main character ! This is also not limited to a single character, as you can by the rules do it with 5 characters where after any number of them have finished the ArchePass, you could simply delete it after sending all those unbound items to your main character (Deletion time is very low on characters lvl 0-10, and 24hours on characters around lvl 30 ).So we are now talkin about 3 ArchePasses x 2 characters x3 Accounts PER DAY, given how many days exploits existed, it goes on up exponentially only limited by players stamina/hours abusing the exploit. Even though i empathize how this must had been very interesting and filled with adrenaline for the abusers of exploits, their friends and guilds, given the fair complexity they were very aware of what they were doing, and potential consequences it might induce and they abused it repeatedly.This would all not be relevant if mechanic i am describing is part of the normal gameplay, and available to all players.But as this exploit is no longer available, only the players which abused it prior to ArchePass screen being taken down, reaped the rewards. So Gamigo acknowledged this was not something intended, and that they needed to remove it as it was seriously damaging both the economy and player progression. 3.Players which used World Boss farm in their advantage to earn 50g rewards were using game mechanics that were intended and were unbanned later on - perfectly understandable.Players which used constant ArchePass swap to get more rerolls for WB quests abused game and ArchePass mechanics by finding weakness in the number of re-rolls they could replenish to be able to only complete WB quests.From what i heard their bans were permanent. Even though deleting their characters would do the trick, i am guessing more accounts will be bought this way. I never heard if Gamigo took action upon "BANK ACCOUNTS" where players stored this exploited gold, as in most part, it never left the economy and it will leave permanent consequences.Bank Accounts are used for purposes of washing the money, by losing its trace through mails and auction, and spreading it through the entire economy making it untracable.So players will in most part get their exploited gold by simply purchasing another account and transfering the funds back to their new one. Last AAU Stream mentioned these issues and Khrolan apologised to the community adressing these issues, even though it is not only his burden to bear. This was very noble of him and most commend the honesty in his words and determination in solving the issues. By saying it is a fault in the design he redeemed the players which used second exploit and from what i understood no action will be taken upon exploiters, meaning no bans, no seized funds, as if nothing, ever , happened. It is still unclear to me how these players are not banned as this exploit had more, much more consequences than the first one. >In terms of gains, players got around 8x45=360 diligence coins per pass x 3 total of = 1080 Diligence coinsThat is a ton of many unbound items you can sell on auction.>But not only that, as there are rewards as honor which amount from 3 tracks is considerable, doing it on 5 characters should grant you the opportunity to socket your entire gear.Simply buying gems and mailing them to your main would do the trick.>Vocation - really amasing rewards and vocation track awards the potions which give them >Various other items like temper charms and potions across all tracks >Most importantly SERVER WIDE LABOR POTIONSThese are a thing most players are worried about as exploiters randomly accumulated from 20 to 200 of these depending on how long they used the exploit. We are talking about tens of thousands of labor. This is in the range of reaching 230k proficiency aka "Famed" in short notice and doing advanced crafts this early in the fresh start is immensely gamebreaking. Selling all those items and earning thousands, maybe tens of thousands of gold, getting your gear socketed and proficiencies leveled in just a few days, is certainly nothing to be TAKEN LIGHTLY. Not to speak of ripple effects.By not taking any actions against either players or their gains, Gamigo is therefore allowing game economy destabilisation, gold inflation, unfair pvp advantages, and simply allowing players to beat the game by exploiting. Majority of server might one day again be competetive with exploiters, maybe in several months if they work very hard, maybe never as exploiters funds will go up exponentially. But the point is, instead of enjoying the gameplay, fresh start of this wonderfull game and playing with friends, tackling the content, we will have to keep an eye on literal gods of this server - the exploiters which will run around and 1hit anyone unfortunate enough to be in pvp zones. And PVP ZONES ARE IMPORTANT ! You can not do blue salt hunting gilda quests in peace zones, you can not earn honor in peace zones, nor anything relevant for that matter, travel the sea with your friends, do sea events, do Hiram events, and it goes on and on. Meanwhile the ArchePass is off and progression is in ways halted. Gamigo solution to this is sending fixed amounts of DILIGENCE COINS to players, potentially distributed daily/weekly while archepass is being fixed. And here lies another issue - if they simply send Diligence coins to ALL players, exploiters will, on top of their potential 1k diligence receive even more coins, meaning - they will be REWARDED for exploits they did, which is simply outrageous and disrespectfull to fair players. 4. There has to be a solution where one of these scenarios happen: >Exploiters funds are seized and or characters deleted >Exploiters are banned like Gamigo officials i quote said " ZERO TOLERANCE FOR EXPLOITS " >Everyone BUT the exploiters receive compensation packs containing diligence/labor/honor/vocation they need to make up for not abusing exploits and to make up for lost access to the ArchePass >Everyone gets the opportunity to start on the NEW FRESH START SERVERS after ArchePass and other issues are solved.This would only function if transfers of packs were to be enabled. ArchePass for me was interesting and the system of tracks was very well laid out, it needed improvement in connecting with the very game as it was a mini-game of grind on its own, and it needed exploits fixed, but that was all doable, and it still is. I would very much like to hear your thoughts related to:> Privileged Treatment of exploiters > Solutions for implementation of ArchePass into all player types of gameplay GENERALISED so that players actions in the game INEVITABLY lead to completion of these quests by being active WHILE doing their own content free of restrains - UNCHAINED from the ArchePass. :) Sincerily, Ryuzaki AkA [link] [comments] | ||
Can we make Archeage Great again? Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:43 AM PDT First of all. I've been playing Unchained for just over a week now,Its been fun, But not as fun as I remember. It has some serious flaws. Let me point out that I'm an OG legacy player from the Pre-55/Ancestral days. Now I'm not here to bash on the game, Or its Devs too hard. I genuinely Love Archeage. But I'm completely confused on where some of these decisions come from. What I remember back in the day was Massive and Small Scale PVP raids at see or on the Coasts. Hanging out with friends while doing Cross Sea Trade runs. In fact most of what I remember about Archeage that made it enjoyable happened oceanside. And it was glorious- some of the most fun I've had in MMO's in a long time. Archeage still kinda remains True to that at its core. But.. What happened? They took away any reason to do Cross Sea's trade runs- By Adding a timer and Removing Guilda and Viable amounts of gold, That which originally inspired Planning, Pirating and Grouping together for protection, People even made guilds around the concepts of Merchant and Fishing Protection. I miss seeing the crazy and creative stuff- Like port blockades that always ended up in some massive PVP battle. Fights and Raids over at Freeditch. The game was Organic in that sense. Like it was designed with the aspects of the Ocean in mind? (I mean of course it was, the 3rd faction is a pirate faction after all). So.. My question is. What happened? Is this something they plan on returning to in the future? I personally hope so. I feel like the best parts of Archeage has been ripped out and replaced by Dailies. And yes even with the Archepass currently being taken out and retooled. Has eased away some of it. But really? Why do we even have boats at all at at this point. I kinda understand that they wanted to take some power from massive guilds owning all the of economy. But that was part of the fun of old Archeage- Fighting the man, So to speak. there where winners and losers. Just like and life. And yeah, everyone gets alittle butthurt when they get their Merch ship ripped off by a bunch of Reds on a cutters. But that was part of the Charm. I feel like the Game now is just a shell of its former self. I'm beyond happy we moved away from pay2win and the Heavy Micro-Trans economy with Unchained. But why these changes? I feel like we are taking one step forward and two steps backwards. And I feel like I'm not the only one that feels this way. And I really hope they put what made Archeage- Archeage back in. Or if not, maybe I'm completely crazy, if that's the case Some one please- At least help me see reason. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 26 Oct 2019 04:51 AM PDT
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Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:41 AM PDT So a few issues with the Wynn server I have noticed recently. Note this is not entirely an issue with archepass, but archepass is the main reason for this. Archepass abusers have 5-6k gear score. I want everyone to understand what that means. 5-6k gear score 1 week in is something that could only previously be accomplished by dual wielding credit cards.They have such a large leg up on the competition that you will have to slog through an unfun 4-6 months to catch up. The east has a massive fleet. Took my clipper out to Kraken because I had seen the notification popup a few times so I wanted to see who was killing it. To my dismay I saw 5 Lutesong Junk's out there. Going off he color of cannon balls, they were shooting epic to mythic cannons. I stayed as long as I could before someone summoned a clipper, with mythic sails mind you, and killed me. One week in and Kraken already on farm. The west lost most of he people coordinating any kind of nation response to big events like lusca or abyssal. The east are actively blocking the west from playing in certain areas. I have been told that at certain times, aegis island, and WHM have massive east raids camping the nui and bases to prevent west characters from playing when its not peace time. Simply put the west on that server have a huge issue. You are outclassed and outgunned by a margin too large to matter. Kadum, Anthalon, Morpheus, Dahuta, Dragons, and anything else I can guarantee you that the west will not be clearing for a LONG time. The good news is that you only have 1 week of progress in so far. On top of this they did state that your passes will be refunded at a later date. So moving to a server that did not have much world boss abuse may be beneficial. Runert had 1 day of world boss 50 gold abuse before it got squashed. This means that the max anyone made off of it, assuming 3 characters, is 2550. Or a 1-2 week head start. Jergan had even less time to abuse it. Ill put it another way. The way my friend put it to me. "Would you rather play on a server where you are several months behind the reds, or 1 week behind the reds?" [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 26 Oct 2019 02:53 PM PDT So I'm an ancestral 2 ebonsong and want to switch to healer. Problem is, I've already awakened hiram and have t2 bow that I've sank over 200g into. How screwed am I? Should I just stick to ebonsong at this point? [link] [comments] |
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