ArcheAge How is it possible that Explorer/Hiram gear is so badly explained in the game for new players |
- How is it possible that Explorer/Hiram gear is so badly explained in the game for new players
- The usual
- False Advertising. Give us a free dye ticket.
- Mistakes were made
- My guild: "after 55 do hiram dailies, grind aegis, CR, GR, and hit up arenas and gilda dailies as much as you can"
- Everyone Getting 300 Dilligence Worth Of Labor Pots is Healthy For The Game if...
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- Just wanted to share something funny that happened to me and my illegal potato farm
- Without The Archepass, This Game is Finally The Game I Fell in Love With.
- ArcheAge Crafting-Breakdown Calculator
- Reminder: Be friendly and helpful with other players. Some don't know too much about the game.
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- How do I enjoy this game as a casual player?
- *ArchePass will remain disabled for minimum of two weeks, and grace period is still being tested internally. We're also reconsidering the 300 Diligence Coin grant and are in discussions with XLGames based on player feedback.
- When in my Hiram Gearing Should I Start to Gem?
- Queueing for CandleGate
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- Anyone else tracking timers like this?...
- 11526 minutes in prison
- archeage tools
- Over a week has gone by, I still have not received my pre-order pack
How is it possible that Explorer/Hiram gear is so badly explained in the game for new players Posted: 29 Oct 2019 05:02 AM PDT I'm a new player, loving the game, but some things are very badly explained. For example the Explorer gear you get thrown at. I know so many people who lvled the gear to Hiram without knowing you can't get the infusions and scrolls back or that you have to use the Adventurer's Evenstone and not the normal Evenstone, I see so many people in chat everyday with the same exact problem, I'm sadly in the same boat. There should be a big red text saying that going to Hiram will take away the ability to use Adventurer's Evenstones to get back the infusions and scrolls. A big red text when trying to use the normal Evenstone or completely disable it on infused gear. Throwing it out of the bag should also have a warning or should be disabled, same goes for selling. Even using the wrong grade of infusion at the wrong time should not be allowed. Everything about this should be made idiot proof, because problems that occur during the upgrade process just makes people leave the game or slowly lose interest. Here I am with my Hiram gear that has every stat wrong without any rerolls left and instead of focusing on other things I still have to learn and master, I can go grind a new set of gear that is completely RNG to be at least a bit useful in parties/raids or to be able to do the normal quests. Even if there wouldn't be all the crafting and questing and lvling and learning I have to do, it would still take too much time to farm a full set of Hiram gear. It's just upsetting that you literally get everything thrown at you with no explanation. What's even more upsetting is that people give wrong answers and advice wrong things. I've seen a lot of people in chat asking about gear and people say "don't worry about it you can reroll it later with Evenstones". Then people use the wrong Evenstone and destroy the gear or just throw it out of the inventory or lvl to Hiram and have no chance to reset the gear. Not to mention losing the bow and not being able to buy it back, same goes for the instruments. Even people who did everything right, are now stuck with less infusions and can't upgrade all gear pieces. It may be an unpopular opinion but, if they make such a big focus on Hiram gear they should introduce it more, especially for new players. They should give a one time option to destroy our Hiram gear to start over/somehow get infusions and scrolls back. After 2 weeks and hundreds of hours put in the game I'm left with these options: - spend a lot of gold and time to try and upgrade my Hiram gear to get a few rerolls to try my luck - farm random Hiram drops without having time for anything else - delete my character (and wait 7 days) and start over which would also delete all my progress I've made so far - none of the above and be completely useless I'm a mage, using cloth, and cloth being cloth is already like paper + all the wrong stats result in no defense and way less damage, which is a big problem especially for new players without knowing combos and how to deal with 3 skill trees at once. I'm ancestral 2 and struggle to kill mobs in DS to farm for Hiram without dying at every mob. I have yet to get a random Hiram drop. Not to mentions how I get 1 shot during war times. Yes, I know, you get loot boxes the first time you complete Hiram quests where you can choose which Hiram gear you want, but guess what, I used it to feed my Hiram gear. I know that there will be a lot of people reading this and thinking "how can people be that stupid", true, it may be stupid but as a new player that has never played Archeage it's just too much at once, and when you realize that you f* up and can't fix it, it just makes you want to quit. After 2 weeks I already feel like it's impossible to catch up to the players that know a bit more than us newbies not to mention people who were able to obtain a large amount of gold. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 29 Oct 2019 06:31 AM PDT
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False Advertising. Give us a free dye ticket. Posted: 29 Oct 2019 05:45 AM PDT
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Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:54 AM PDT
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Posted: 29 Oct 2019 07:30 AM PDT | ||
Everyone Getting 300 Dilligence Worth Of Labor Pots is Healthy For The Game if... Posted: 28 Oct 2019 10:59 PM PDT ... they are very actively monitoring new accounts being made, as to avoid people from buying more than the allowed 3 accounts per person for more dilligence. Edit: TL:DR is that anyone asking for a cap to how much labor you can buy with the 300 dilligence is actively calling for exploiters to keep their advantages over the average player. That being said, people are complaining about everyone getting 300 dilligence and assuming everyone will dump them into labor pots. Not only is that not going to be the case, but even if it was it's very healthy for the game overall and closing the gap between the exploiters sitting on 27 recharges from the last archepass exploit. "But even the exploiters will be getting the dilligence coins too meaning they're still ahead, how is that healthy?!?!?!?" Glad you asked. Right now the difference between a legit player and someone who did the level 30 archepass exploit is 27k in labor, implying they activate one a day. So Sally has 27 labor recharges, and Joe has 1. Sally has 2600% more labor than Joe. Now each get 300 dilligence and buy 60 labor recharges. Sally has 87,000 labor, and Joe has 61,000 labor. Now Sally only has 42% more labor than Joe. Not to mention the type of person sally is, she probably dumped all her labor into gear since the type of people to exploit is the type looking for short term gains and dumped it all into their gear instead of setting themselves up for the long haul, but that's anecdotal at best. The more labor everyone has, the less of a gap we will see between the average players, and the scumbags who abuse everything they can find to abuse after crying for years they wanted an unruined archeage, just to try and ruin it. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 29 Oct 2019 10:29 AM PDT
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Just wanted to share something funny that happened to me and my illegal potato farm Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:43 AM PDT So last night around midnight, I finally got around to spending some time farming. I had let my labor regen all day and I was ready to rock i Falcorth Plains. So I fill my 8x8 and my house's yard to the brim and I think, what the heck, I will just plant some 10 minute potatoes here between my house and farm. Its late no one will care, right? I drop 50 plants and as soon as I get the last one in the ground, 4 reds in the guild <The Order> appear out of nowhere and trample all over my taters. They summon their animals. They dance. They give me shame emotes. They wait. Then they harvest the potatoes, bow to me and fly off. I know unprotected farms near your house is super lazy but it was quite hilarious. The order must be kept. [link] [comments] | ||
Without The Archepass, This Game is Finally The Game I Fell in Love With. Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:11 AM PDT In the days since the Archepass was removed I have felt a genuine weight lifted off my chest. I think the current amount of dailies to do is perfectly fine, it's enough to guide me to do content, but not enough to be overwhelming. I genuinely think Gamigo should reconsider the pass overall as a business model. Right now the goal of the archepass is to keep people paying 1500 credits a month to progress the pass to keep people putting money into the game to keep the game profitable. My proposal is just using a daily login tracker with 21 days of rewards a month so people could miss 9-10 days a month and still be rewarded. It could have the normal free path, and then a premium path with cosmetics and such. I'd pay 2000 credits a month for something like that just to not have to feel the pressure of the archepass. I will admit that I was also one of those people who were like "you need to earn your archepass levels, and grind them out for rewards, that's the whole point" but it was so poorly implemented into the game that it felt overwhelming and on rails. I think the general population of the game thinks the archepass made the game feel too much like a "theme park" than a "sand park" and without the archepass every single person I've talked to so far is enjoying the game more without, except the exploiters of it lul [link] [comments] | ||
ArcheAge Crafting-Breakdown Calculator Posted: 29 Oct 2019 11:23 AM PDT Back in the day, there was a tool where you could enter what you want to build (for example, Clipper) and it would bring up an entire breakdown of what you need to build it PLUS the lowest tier of mats required. So for a clipper it would return and say you need 600 logs, 300 fabric, 300 iron. This was incredibly useful when you got into things like making a fishing boat that includes various higher tier items like sturdy ingots. Does anyone else remember this? Does it still exist? I used to have it bookmarked, but unfortunately I deleted all of my old ArcheAge bookmarks at the beginning of this year actually lol. [link] [comments] | ||
Reminder: Be friendly and helpful with other players. Some don't know too much about the game. Posted: 28 Oct 2019 09:47 PM PDT Since release, i've encountered a number of stories that have me realize there's a lot of players that still don't know some core mechanics in the game. I hope the following short stories touch your heart as they did with mine. - 5 days into the game, a player followed me around in Halcyona and we did some quests together. I saw his gear and noticed he was playing with the starter explorer set (armor/weapon) and some random earrings. I told him about gear upgrade and he had no clue about it. He was getting very frustrated because of constant deads and general difficulty fighting mobs. He was very happy with his new dps and new outfit. - While i was running packs to Cinderstone Moor, there was a player with his cart stuck in the stairs. He was running around and didn't know what to do. I decided to stop and tell him about Rider's Escapee to unstuck the cart. He was inmensenly happy as he had been 15minutes running around without knowing what to do. - In other trade run, another player told me how nice my wagon was. He only had a farm cart so i decided to ask why he didn't got the wagon upgrade. He told me "no money" (weird?). I told him it was free. After a while talking i discovered he created his Farm Cart from scratch and didn't have any farm or whatsoever. I added him on discord (I've never imagined i would meet an Indonesian player!) and gave him some steps to obtain the wagon and farms to plant. He later thanked me and even asked for my real name. It was a cute moment. These three stories happened to me. They didn't take more than an hour of my gameplay combined. Maybe you have experienced something too. The point is that we should always be open to help someone and spend some minutes to (maybe) turn someone's game experience completely. ps: sorry for my bad english, not my first language. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:19 AM PDT
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How do I get to freedich island? Posted: 29 Oct 2019 10:44 AM PDT I tried swimming, got killed by seabugs. I sailed in my own boat, got killed by seabugs. I tried googling "How to get to Freedich Island" but as I've found it seems that people are hesitant to talk about this game... [link] [comments] | ||
How do I enjoy this game as a casual player? Posted: 29 Oct 2019 01:32 PM PDT I've made some silly decisions which have caused me to fall behind on gearscore anyway so most of the pvp related things I can't enjoy, I've moved from healer to dps and can't find any groups to do dungeons with, my two friends want to just grind forever, and two of my weapons have got stuck on t1 celestial, and can't seem to get any honour, (not 4k gs for the golden plains), the one time I was on today to do cr I crash and get kicked from the raid. I wish I had stayed as a healer, but I got rid of my gear because I couldn't defend myself and swapped to a melee, I've had fun with it but now cant find any groups. So what do I do as someone that can play for two to 5 hours a day do to enjoy this game? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 29 Oct 2019 04:23 PM PDT | ||
When in my Hiram Gearing Should I Start to Gem? Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:33 PM PDT From what I've Googled, the gems I'll be wanting come from the Honor Shop--as well as the Decrystalization Scrolls, so that specific resource will be split between the two. Is there a generally accepted "gem at X point" of the synthesis and gearing process? Do I try and burn towards T2, T3 Hiram and then gem? Do I want to gem immediately, and then focus on tiering up? Most of what I've found about the game via videos and wiki are of a good age, and as someone who never played the game before, I don't have a frame of reference between what's still relevant, and what's not. I'd appreciate any advice. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:15 AM PDT
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Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:50 AM PDT
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Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:49 PM PDT Just want to know what keybinds players generally use. With so many skills and combos available, my fingers trip all over themselves just trying to push them as fast as possible, and clicking with mouse is way too slow and distracting. [link] [comments] | ||
Swept Roof Manor. Upgradeable? Posted: 29 Oct 2019 04:16 PM PDT Simple question, is the 200 gilda 24x24 swept roof manor upgradable? I was going for a tradesman house and I don't know if this type of house can be upgraded. I would hate to waste all the materials to never use it. Thanks in advance! [link] [comments] | ||
Anyone else tracking timers like this?... Posted: 29 Oct 2019 04:07 PM PDT
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Posted: 28 Oct 2019 10:45 PM PDT
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Posted: 29 Oct 2019 03:41 PM PDT I'm 100% sure I've seen a website that could keep track of your dailies. I can't find it anymore. Do you have any website to advise for archeage? (I already know about skill/gear calculators) [link] [comments] | ||
Over a week has gone by, I still have not received my pre-order pack Posted: 29 Oct 2019 10:43 AM PDT As the title says, I still have yet to receive my Archeum Pack ($80 USD). So far I have:
I do not want to request a refund or do a chargeback because I actually like the game and want to keep playing, I just want my items I paid for. It's been over a week now and haven't so much as heard a peep from anyone running this game. This is not acceptable. I love AAU but this is seriously leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I had guild mates who had the same issue and took the chargeback option and already quit the game, calling it a scam. I'm just leaving a post here in hopes that it will pick up some traction and will force Gamingo to really do something about this. If a fellow redditor has a solution that I just don't know about, then please let me know. [link] [comments] |
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