• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 24, 2019

    ArcheAge AA Streamers in 2019

    ArcheAge AA Streamers in 2019

    AA Streamers in 2019

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 12:23 PM PST

    Hi - who is streaming these days? Preferably not the guy who uses the chaulk board in his videos and talks in 3rd person. Paradox or whatever.

    Thanks friends!

    submitted by /u/archagefyi
    [link] [comments]

    Archeage 101 - 2019 Edition [Series Reboot]

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 07:36 AM PST

    Returning Player Lost In All The Changes

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 02:36 PM PST

    Firstly i want to say i dislike the new city in solzreed. Eww..

    I'm a returning player and there are so many changes i have no idea what to do. There does not seem to be much content online which i could research from and a lot of people that i have spoken to in game are also new so i assume hardcore players do not exist or i have just been unlucky..

    tips would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/I_Skix
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 02:06 PM PST

    ive chosing this game to kill my time with

    Posted: 24 Jan 2019 03:12 AM PST

    hey guys ..

    i just graduated Uni, and the gov is currently looking for a job for me and STATED That They want me to work for them,

    and they've told me it will take some time, and they've given me a salary for basically sitting on my gaming chair and wait for the job <<

    IM NEW TO THIS GAME, i played it like once and i reached a low level, and I stopped playing because ppl started leaving it so I left,

    and since this game is the only game i like regarding the only surviving MMORPG games these days.>

    i decided to come back,

    SO PLEASE! Guide me to the NEWEST EU server and, a newbie Friendly Guild to join!

    Thank you in advance !.

    submitted by /u/ksa4ever
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    thinking about coming back.. aria.. plz

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 05:46 PM PST

    thinking of comin back.. whats this server like? i got on for like 5 mins and i saw ppl talking even in trail. i have not seen that in a long time.. pretty populated? are the nations balanced? any good drama? let em no!!!

    submitted by /u/mg58
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    Archeage 5.0 Aria Melee #4

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 09:26 PM PST

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